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eBay: all of the tiki menus you have ever wanted

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tikicleen posted on 02/15/2005

wow, all i can say is this is the ultimate auction in tiki menus! seriously, if you were to be a high bidder of this auction, you could make some serious moolah just posting the unwanted menus of this auction one at a time. a TOTAL once in a lifetime offer! :)


Monkeyman posted on 02/15/2005

Damn. What a lot.

docwoods posted on 02/15/2005

Well,I'm stunned.I had a wild thought about bidding,but I think I'll see where this goes-pretty reasonable right now-duosonic is quite the menu collector-wonder if Kohalacharms will get these,or Calypsogirl.Heavy hitters,those.

martiki posted on 02/15/2005

Wow- that sold really low. Good score for someone.

Swanky posted on 02/15/2005

Yeah, I wish I had the money. That's half what it's worth.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/15/2005

Yeah...the winner must have had good karma, haha.

But this proves that the number of high bidders is not as large as one might suspect. I was thinking that this is sort of a clichee collection of all the best menus (x-ept the Kahiki...and the Aku Aku...and..) and that all the hardcore collectors probably already own most of these. So they would not get into a bidding war over the one or two they didn't have, expecting a much higher winning bid.

But 27.- bucks per menu, what a steal, that would have been worth it just for trading purposes. The seller would certainly have made a couple times that amount if they would have been offered one by one.

Mimi, Jeff, what's your take on this?

Jeff Central posted on 02/23/2005

Hi Bigbro,

Yeah, Mimi and I already have these. I'm sure Kohalacharms does as well. Still, at $27 each it is quite a bargain. Sometimes when I view a menu on eBay, I actually hope that I have it already. The price on really obscure ones can really skyrocket. Hopefully our book, when completed, will give everyone a chance to view these tiki works of art for everybody at a much cheaper cost. Back in the hey day it was not that uncommon for menus to fetch hundreds of dollars each!!

docwoods posted on 02/23/2005

Jeff-you just let me know when your book comes out-I'll be first in line to buy one-can't wait to enjoy all your hard work.

Jeff Central posted on 02/24/2005

Hi Doc,
Thanks for the kind words. Still looking for a decent publisher who doesn't want to turn this coffee book into a recipe book.
Cheers and Mahalo,

On 2005-02-23 13:28, docwoods wrote:
Jeff-you just let me know when your book comes out-I'll be first in line to buy one-can't wait to enjoy all your hard work.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/48fdc1ceb7588dc8d019dc2017bbdc0f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kailuageoff posted on 02/24/2005

Jeff Central,
I've long thought a nice coffe table book of menus would be terrific. Glad to hear someone is pursuing the idea. It seems like the perfect way to add context to tiki mug collections for curious friends and visitors (aside from showing them the BoT and Tiki Quest which require much more than a casual look).
Good luck with your project.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2005-03-02 06:57 ]

Pages: 1 9 replies