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Mount Gay Sugar Cane Rum

Pages: 1 5 replies

Rum Balls posted on 02/25/2005

Ran across it as a "new item" at the liquor store this afternoon. Apparently also known as "Sugar Cane Brandy" in some states. Anyone tasted it? Reviews?
Sign me, "Curious"

Doctor Z posted on 02/26/2005

By far and away my favorite 'all-around' rum - I've sung it's praises many times on many threads and I cannot recommend it highly enough! I'm fortunate that there's a place just down the street from me that carries it, 'cause I go through it at an alarming rate! I actually prefer it over Rhum St. James in a Mai Tai - it's light and slightly sweeter, but still full of rich flavor (and if you've ever had one of my Mai Tais, you know what I mean!)

(Not to be confused with the Mount Gay "Eclipse", which is about on par with Bacardi Gold, IMHO.)

Rum Balls posted on 02/26/2005

Well, dang, sounds like the Doctor's prescribing a return visit to the liquor store!

KuKuAhu posted on 02/28/2005

I am also a fan of this rum. Though I have always known it as Sugar Cane Brandy, they made the switch some time ago in the US to appease some law that dictates what one can and cannot call a "brandy".

I always stock up on it when I'm in the Caribbean due to the fact that it is around $3-5 a fifth down there. Last year I brought home 6 bottles. Suffice to say that it is a fine rum, and if you have found it locally for a good price, then I advise you to stock up.


Kill Devil posted on 06/17/2011

Just picked up a bottle of Mt. Gay Sugar Cane Rum on clearance. First, any recommendations on appropriate cocktails? Strikes me as similar to a agricole, but I've heard it's made with molasses. Perhaps comparable to Barbancourt?

tiknician posted on 06/17/2011

I like it in a Corn 'n' Oil. I also tried it in a Mai Tai but it was with Myers's as the other rum, and I think it would be better with Appleton Extra or maybe a Demerara... more research needs to be done.

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