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Boomerang Table (preferably Tiki style)

Pages: 1 8 replies

liabungalo posted on 03/01/2005

I'm looking to buy, or have built, a boomerang coffee table. I was wondering if anyone could suggest where I should look. I'm a little lost on this one.

tikigreg posted on 03/01/2005

If you're looking for vintage, try ebay of course. But I have bought 3 boomerang tables from Tim at Retiro Modern Design. He's a nice guy, although he's a little slow in getting the goods out. But he does get it to you. He was also great when one table arrived damaged. He got FedEx to pick it up and he replaced it no charge. Here's the webpage with the tables: http://www.retiro1.com/tables.html

(Tell him Greg from CT sent you!)

liabungalo posted on 03/01/2005

I like his stuff, but I want something a little more boomerang shaped, not kidney.



boutiki posted on 03/01/2005

Nice vintage table here:

Tiki Central members get a discount on stuff at Pegboard Modern.

We also have a freeform table with a glass top and a wood base that has a built-in planter. It's not on the site yet, but we can email you a photo if you're interested.


tikijackalope posted on 03/01/2005

About two years ago I ran across some new formica googie-inspired tables in a Wichita, KS flea market. They were nice, but I was really looking for boomerang (Formica Skylark) pattern tables, which I eventually found http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=5588&forum=6&vpost=78151 .

If you don't find a more local source or established dealer, let me know and I'll see if I can track down the builder. I think the price was $350 for a set of one amoeba and one boomerang shaped coffee table in a plain off-white formica. They were of slighty different heights so that they could overlap. I loved the shapes, but couldn't justify that price for something new.

If I were you, I'd find a local craftsman, draw up exactly what you want (shapes are so subjective), and have it made.

I have occasionally run across the amoeba or kidney shaped bamboo-sided tables, some of which are roughly boomerang-shaped, but unfortunately, even here in the middle of nowhere, they are pricey. I hope the public at large gloms onto some other style soon. Maybe someone is working on a chrome and glass furniture book that'll throw people off the tiki/googie path...one can hope.

Tiki Matt posted on 03/02/2005

This one is in Chicago...

This one is really nice....

I love Danish Modern, so I'm a sucker for this one...

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[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-03-01 17:22 ]

boutiki posted on 03/02/2005

On 2005-03-01 17:18, Tiki Matt wrote:
This one is in Chicago...

Too funny! We sold that one a few months ago. It's a nice table. The legs unscrew and the top is not very heavy (the edge is like a skirt– thicker on the edges than the middle) so it would be inexpensive to ship. Classic shape and blond '50s color. Good price for a vintage piece too. While many folks don't care one way or the other, we always say "go vintage"!

liabungalo posted on 03/02/2005

I just found this site with some custom work. Anyone know anything about them?



SON OF MOTHRA posted on 03/02/2005

I've got the perfect source for you. I know a guy that makes repros of exactly what you're looking for. He specializes in restoring and remaking authentic atomic 50's stuff. Email him and tell him Brad sent you. His name is Darin Kuna. His email address is magicmoments1950@msn.com.

He's pretty cheap and he's the best source I know of that deals with that kind of stuff. He's knows just about everything there is to know about the 50's modern look.

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