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our first witco....

Pages: 1 7 replies

KAHAKA posted on 03/01/2005

The wife and I spotted this in an atomic/modern furniture store in the Mission in SF a couple weeks ago, but she thought it was ugly, so we didn't inquire about it (we got the bullet planter in the 2nd pic instead)! Well... on our last visit to the place over the weekend, she took what was to be her 2nd look and decided the Witco was cool... apparently my Jedi mind tricks were at their best. For some reason this time, she liked it. I guessed that the thing would be around $400 due to the prices on all of the furniture in similar shops up and down Valencia St., but upon learning that they wanted $90 for it, we jumped on it. It barely fit in my wife's Jetta.

Did anyone else in the Bay Area see this thing and pass it up? I think it's pretty cool. Any info. on this piece or ones like it bigbro? Late 50s, early 60s?

bigbrotiki posted on 03/01/2005

It's a GIRL! Congratulations!
And ye shall name her LUANA! And in 3 months, a white 1960 Buick LeSabre will pull up in front of your house, and a grey-haired man will come out and ask to take care of her, and you will gladly bestow...

Well, can't blame me for trying.

OK, 2nd try:

Name: Luana
Sex: Female
Age: Born in 1964, since then a staple in the Witco family, into the 70s
Has many sisters all over, like at the Hala Kahiki in Chicago.

chisel slinger posted on 03/01/2005

and julians in daytona.

KAHAKA posted on 03/01/2005

IF the grey haired man leaves his '60 Buick behind, he shall keep Luana forever!

Thanks for the info. bigbro!

Kailuageoff posted on 03/01/2005

On 2005-02-28 19:56, chisel slinger wrote:
and julians in daytona.

Correction: The Hawaiian Inn in Daytona.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/01/2005

bigbrotiki wrote:
Name: Luana
Sex: Female
Age: Born in 1964, since then a staple in the Witco family, into the 70s
Has many sisters all over, like at the Hala Kahiki in Chicago.

Kailuageoff wrote:

chisel slinger wrote:
and julians in daytona.

Correction: The Hawaiian Inn in Daytona.

And SugarCaddyDaddy's in Huntington Beach :wink: :wink:

boutiki posted on 03/02/2005

...and at the Tabu Tiki Lounge in Chicago. :)

KAHAKA posted on 03/02/2005

dang, daddy planted his seed everywhere!

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