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Christmas tiki...

Pages: 1 6 replies

TikiManiac posted on 11/21/2002

Doesn't everyone want a tiki stocking to hang by the fire?!?
It's a shame that the picture doesn't show up...

A few minutes later, I am writing just to say that I can see the picture now and I would't exactly consider this Tiki...sort of retro, but not Tiki...now who wants to make some real Tiki Christmas stockings?!?

[ Edited by: TikiManiac on 2002-11-21 09:45 ]

SullTiki posted on 11/21/2002

The picture shows up for me, but I wouldn't exactly call this Tiki.

It does however give me another project. A Tiki stocking would accompany my Aluminum tree very nicely methinks.

SullTiki posted on 11/21/2002

Hey Tikifish any plans for more Christmas Tiki this year? Loved what you had up on ebay last year.

tikifish posted on 11/21/2002

Yes, I will be doing the Xmas tiki ornaments again this year! I just bought the materials the other day - now all I need is a free weekend to do some. Which won't be this weekend, or the next (Im going to Detroit for US thanksgiving). Wow, that doesn't leave much time! I'll have to work on them weeknights.... where does the time go? Aieeeee!!!!!

Should I throw a puppy eared penis one into the mix?

tikifish posted on 11/21/2002

Yes, I will be doing the Xmas tiki ornaments again this year! I just bought the materials the other day - now all I need is a free weekend to do some. Which won't be this weekend, or the next (Im going to Detroit for US thanksgiving). Wow, that doesn't leave much time! I'll have to work on them weeknights.... where does the time go? Aieeeee!!!!!

Should I throw a puppy eared penis one into the mix?

divychic posted on 11/22/2002

I was wondering if anyone did ornaments or anything. I know I would love to see them and buy some tikifish. Also what about stockings made out of old shirts-like the purse idea?

cheeky half posted on 11/22/2002

Pages: 1 6 replies