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Custom swizzles?

Pages: 1 7 replies

finkdaddy posted on 03/03/2005

Where would the best place to have custom swizzle sticks made be? I was thinking of molded plastic ones like the ones Trader Vics has, except with my own figure and bar name on them.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/03/2005

you could probably pm boutiki or swanky, i know for a fact they have had them made...

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/03/2005

Like this?



[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2005-03-03 08:03 ]

finkdaddy posted on 03/03/2005

Wow! Thanks a bunch!

Swanky posted on 03/03/2005

We used Label Industries for the custom Hukilau swizzles. They got us a minimum ordere of 10,000. Thee place that does TV swizzles does a better job, but require an order of 100,000. Hale Tiki used them and the stick looks great. But 100,000 swizzles would fill a palette about 4-5 feet tall.

That site is great. They have a good one or two you can get at just 2,500 per order. A good choice.

Also, after your first order of a custom swizzle, the price goes down. The molding cost isn't there. That should be considered as well.

finkdaddy posted on 03/03/2005

Thanks everyone.

One more thing, Does anybody know where I can purchase large, irridescent, clamshell bowls? I asked this question once before, but I can't seem to find the thread in a search.

Hale Tiki posted on 03/03/2005

The frankoma bowls can be found on ebay for around $15, you can really sink money into it and buy sculptural ones at import stores, or there's always cheap ass plastic ones from Oriental Trading Co.

Tikiccino posted on 03/07/2005

Actually at Halé Tiki we ended up using a company called Royer Industries. You can do a search and find their Web site. They have a larger min. order but it comes out to be a really good price.


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