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Mele Kalikimaka HH Cruise of LIghts

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stentiki posted on 11/07/2002

In celebration of Mele Kalikimaka, I would like to get a group of TCer's out for the Huntington Harbour Cruise of Lights. We can start at the Stentiki Hut for drinks and pupus, go on the Harbor Cruise (kinda like the Jungle Cruise but with holiday lights!), and then head over to Sam's Seafood afterward (only 5 minutes away!).

Here is what I propose:

Saturday, December 14, 2002
Stentiki's for Drinks & Pupus at 5:00 PM
Leave for Cruise at 7:30 PMish
Cruise at 8:30 PM
Sam's Seafood at 9:30 PM

Please post if you are interested.

The cruise is sponsored by the OC Philharmonic Society and the cost is $12 per person. I called today and they have plenty of tickets now but they sell out fast, so if you are interested please call (714) 840-7542 right away for reservations.

Hope to see you!

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/07/2002

Uncle Arty,

Me and Madam Bong are in.

Alnshely posted on 11/07/2002

We're in

Traderpup posted on 11/07/2002

Count me and a buddy in!

PolynesianPop posted on 11/07/2002

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-11-07 08:04 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 11/07/2002

I've got a Christmas gift exchange thing happening that night. What time is everyone hitting Sam's? Maybe I can meet up afterwards.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-11-07 08:05 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/07/2002

Damn it Pop!

If you don't start blowing work things off and join the care-free TC crowd, we'll ask Hanford to knock your number of posts down to 10!

floratina posted on 11/07/2002

This is probably the same date of the Santa Rampage! I am still trying to find out. The authorites are not fond of the naughty Santas so planning is typically done in a clandestine manner. Here is a link that summarizes one of these events well:


Here is the main archive site for Santacon events that take place in different parts of the country:

Check it out. It's good for a laugh.

PolynesianPop posted on 11/07/2002

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-11-07 10:34 ]

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2013-02-05 09:55 ]

floratina posted on 11/07/2002

I have gone to a couple of Rampages. They had us meet at a central location at 10:00 am where we boarded our chartered "sleighs" (buses)and the libations flow right away. The first year we were whisked off to the Pomona Gun Show on our first stop. Last year, Brand Boulevard in Glendale was first. By the time we worked our way down to the Galleria, the police were waiting for us. The triumphal entry into the mall by a hundred suspect, yelling, disheveled santas was responded to with looks of dumb shock by shoppers. I have the video. Classic.

Other stops included an ice skating trip downtown and target practice at the LA Gun Club. As ever, the lure of L. Ron Hubbard's Winter Wonderland on Hollywood Boulevard was irresistible. Their one lone, measly santa is no match for us!

Luckydesigns posted on 11/07/2002

I don't know if I'll make it for the cruise but I definately will see you all at my new favorite bar. In fact, I've been thinking,I like Sam's so much I think I'm gonna try and rent that water tower house just for the proximity.

DEBAGOGO posted on 11/09/2002


[ Edited by: DEBAGOGO on 2002-11-13 10:46 ]

[ Edited by: DEBAGOGO on 2002-11-13 10:48 ]

[ Edited by: DEBAGOGO on 2002-11-13 10:50 ]

stentiki posted on 11/10/2002


What an amazing place for a wedding reception! If we had known about Sam's Seafood before we got married we would have done the same.

Looking forward to seeing you there on December 14.

Looking forward to seeing all the "usual suspects" too!

elvira posted on 11/11/2002

Mr. Elvira and I will be there for the boat cruise.

thebaxdog posted on 11/12/2002

I called up and made my reserve today for the boat, but it leaves right at 8:30.
They have a boat tour every hour so make sure you get the 8:30 boat. They will send me the tickets in the mail.
Don't try their web site it does not work.
The phone number to use is(714) 840-7542 and have your credit card handy when you call.
See you there.

Have no brakes
Cannot stop
Mahalo to you

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2002-11-11 19:46 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/12/2002


You got the wrong time; Uncle Arty said we leave at 7:30 BUT we cruise at 8:30!

I got 8:30 tickets, right Uncle Arty?

thebaxdog posted on 11/12/2002

I fix make right
8:29 it is
Bong, you must have read my 1st post wrong
I don't know what you are talking about
Why do you hate me
Leave me alone
(I jumped out the window)

Have no brakes
Cannot stop
Mahalo to you

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2002-11-11 19:50 ]

bamboo ben posted on 11/12/2002

Bring a sling shot!

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/12/2002


Wait, I WAS wrong, er ... yeah ... it really is the 7:30 boat. Ah ... get your tickets fot he 7:30 boat!

Traderpup posted on 11/12/2002

Got my tix.... for the 8:30 cruise....!


stentiki posted on 11/13/2002


Cruise time is 8:30.

We need to be at the Huntington Harbour Mall at 8:00 to catch the shuttle "fun bus" there (the wheels on the bus go round and round).

The Stentikis live about 10 minutes away from the HH Mall so we should have plenty 'o time.

Let me repeat the plan for those that missed it:

5:00 PM Drinksssss and Pupus at Stentiki Hut
7:45 PM Depart for HH Mall
8:00 PM Board Shuttle
8:30 PM Cruise of Lights
9:30 PM Sam's Seafood for more drinksssss

I will post my address and directions as the time draws near. We're looking forward to seeing you all.

You probably won't need sling shots, but you may wanna bring a flask for shots of your favorite rum! :wink:

Anyone else out there going??? If you can't make the cruise, hope to see you at Sam's.

thebaxdog posted on 11/13/2002

I will clean up the back of my truck and I can take 7 up front and about 10 in the back just over to the mall and back.
There will be a hand check every 2 min.

stentiki posted on 11/13/2002

Hey Bax!

Glad you're in! Thanks for volunteering the "fun truck" (or is it the tun fruck? :wink: )

Anyhoo, this is the count I have so far:

  1. Uncle Arty
  2. Tiki Ti (new name -- Trixie is taken)
  3. Al
  4. Shelly
  5. Tiki Bong
  6. Mrs. Bong
  7. Trader Pup
  8. Trader Pup Buddy
  9. Baxdog
  10. Kuikuinut
  11. Weezer
  12. Mrs. Weezer
  13. Elvira
  14. Mr. Elvira

Is this correct?

thebaxdog posted on 11/14/2002

I got my tickets
I got my tickets
I got my tickets
I got my tickets
I got my tickets
I got my tickets
8:32:22 Iwillbethere
Youneed to give me my space man!
I think I can take 10 in the back
Bong any thoughts
The ton fruck is going on a 3 min. tour
I can't wate, go to the light go to the light
The wheels on the boat are under water
wear iz mi P R O Z A C K

stentiki posted on 11/14/2002

Should this be our final count and if the ton fruck is rollin' then we might consider bypassing the shuttle to the waterfront and park near there. Sam's is less than five minutes from the Cruise of Lights location.

We can can consult the tribe about this more on Saturday at Kona Lanes.

floratina posted on 11/15/2002

I think I'll do both Santacon and the Harbor cruise. I can terminate my Kringle-ing early and then head south. If I miss the cruise, I can still make it to Sam's. What a day.

bamboo ben posted on 11/17/2002

Look for the house with the pirates, cannons and cool portable (Bamboo Ben) tiki bar mounted on the dock! The pirates are the ones I talked about a few months back. They are the real deal! The house is located towards Warner Ave on the inland side of the harbor.

stentiki posted on 11/19/2002

Hey Ben,

Maybe you and Mrs. Boo need to come along and show us exactly where the pirates are!

bamboo ben posted on 11/19/2002

so, we meet at Sams @ 8:30 and then go to the red onion to load up on the boat? then we go to the Stens after? I'm confused!! this is all happening on the 18th??

stentiki posted on 11/19/2002

Who's on first?

I remember that Red Onion. They used to have that Sunday Happy Hour for 5 bucks! All you can eat and drink!

Good times, good times!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/20/2002

and lots of bait too!! being right there on the harbor. Bait, good for fishin!

weezer2222 posted on 11/20/2002

stentiki aka uncle arty,
Count me in for partio
We wil drink libation in
with style....This includes
the spousal unit...
weezer :lol: :drink:

[ Edited by: weezer2222 on 2002-11-20 12:53 ]

[ Edited by: weezer2222 on 2002-11-20 12:53 ]

Doctor Z posted on 11/21/2002

Sorry to chime in so late, but Z-Girl and myself just ordered our tix, so count us in as well!

ps-- the website works just fine - it's the phone ordering that's not working now!

stentiki posted on 11/21/2002

Glad to hear that "the doctor is in!"

I just called today and there are still tickets left for the 8:30 Cruise but just a friendly reminder anyone else interested to get your tickets now. After Thanksgiving they sell out fast!

In addition to Trader Vics punch, I was thinking we might do some hot buttered rum if it ever cools off around here.

Also, what about a "White Elephant" Tiki Mug Exchange at the Stentiki Hut? A great way to unload your duplicates or that special tiki mug that doesn't quite go with your collection!

Any other thoughts on this?

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/22/2002

Uncle Arty,

Madam Bong won't be able to go, so I got an extra ticket.

(maybe Baxdog wants to earn it the hard way?)

PolynesianPop posted on 11/22/2002

(maybe Baxdog wants to earn it the hard way?)

Thanks for the visual Bong. That really made my day....

stentiki posted on 11/22/2002

On 2002-11-21 16:16, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Uncle Arty,

Madam Bong won't be able to go, so I got an extra ticket.

(maybe Baxdog wants to earn it the hard way?)

Hey Bong,

Crazy Al was looking for a ticket but I don't know wat up with him. Not sure if his wahine is going either. You may wanna drop him a line.

I think Baxdog's got tickets for every night of the week! :wink:

P.S. Mahalo for the skinny on the koa. Maybe they will repost.


Uncle Arty

"I do not shun adventure if it comes my way"

  • Thor Heyerdahl

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-11-21 16:54 ]

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-11-21 16:56 ]

Traderpup posted on 11/22/2002

I did not know there was a Tiki mug shaped like a white elephant!?! And would that really be considered a Tiki mug? And you actually have a duplicate elephant mug you wanna give away? I did not know that white elephants were part of Tiki culture! I need to re-think this whole mug collecting thing.... I need a drink! somebody mix me up a 'Sufferin' Elephant'...


Traderpup posted on 11/22/2002

Seems I now have 1 extra cruise ticket..... anybody in need?


stentiki posted on 11/22/2002

It seems that some our cruise guests are getting lost at sea!

Traderpup, we may need to get Issac from the Love Boat to come down a fix you a drink on the cruise. :wink:

1morelapu-lapu posted on 11/22/2002

I like try go! Suck 'em up !

1morelapu-lapu posted on 11/22/2002

Hey Pup I'll grab that ticket if still avail.
If not I'll call and see if there's any more manana. Can I bring a fuzzy (two legged) poodle?

thebaxdog posted on 11/22/2002

I just got another set of tickets for Tues. at 1:20 PM
I here that it is fantastic in the late afternoon. But sign up right away that time slot gives good h?
And Bongo I thought I had built up enough points already?
And Lapoo Lapoo, are you a pigeon, do you come from the land of Ha-why-a-nay-ya, because you talk kinda kookie.
R U Bing da wahine sandy?
Sorry Pup your elephant is to big and will need two tickets.

RevBambooBen posted on 11/22/2002

This is Newport Boat Parade right? Hey Bax, why don't you all just hang on the dock at your jobsite instead of riding on a boat!? Then you can see all the boats go by.

Luckydesigns posted on 11/23/2002

I think they're talking about the H.B. boat parade Rev.

I don't think I'll make the boat, me being afraid of fish and all, but I will be seeing you all at Sam's. I'm pretty sure that the ol' Lapu Rocker will join me also. It's gonna be a rough night, my birthday is that night...

tikivixen posted on 11/23/2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCKYDESIGNS!! from one Dec. 14th kid to another...ah, but are we the same year, '65?

cheers! Lisa

Traderpup posted on 11/23/2002

Send me an e-mail and I'll hold that extra ticket for ya, 1morelapu-lapu


RevBambooBen posted on 11/23/2002

Happy b-day LuckyD? Are you sure they're going to H.B and not Newport? Sounds like Newport to me. I have never heard of a boat parade in H.B. . Now, there is the 4th o July parade down Main St. But, not sure if there were any "Boat Floats" this year. Is this a private charter? Why don't you all take the Tiki Boat out of Balboa???

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