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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Kohalacharms and Swanky

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TikiHula posted on 03/05/2005

After all the discussion on the Tiki Finds thread recently, I thought you guys might find this email I got interesting- this isn't a judgement against them- I'm just providing the info, you make up your own mind:


I've been talking to a Tiki Central member named Tim (Swanky) about putting together a Tiki site for some of the bigger collectors to share their collections and thoughts without the scrutiny that's typically found on the TC forums. There are several goals for this gathering of tiki "big guns":

  1. to share rare or one-of -kind treasures some of us have
  2. to hopefully start a trading or selling network within this small group
  3. to get a more comprehensive picture of all the mugs/bowls which were available form the
    different establishments; like many others, I'm constantly surprised at all the never before
    seen items that pop-up periodically. I'm sure each of us has at least one or two items that
    none of the others have ever seen before.

I don't want this to come across as some elitist group, but I would be much more willing to share my collection with like-minded people who will not be critical or judgmental of how much a particular item was purchased for. Additionally, I suspect there will still be the drooling over one another's prized mugs/bowls but without the sour-grapes attitude.

The invitation list thus far consists of only a handful of collectors. They are primarily the big names on ebay as well as a few individuals I think are very knowledgeable about the tiki culture but more importantly are trustworthy and will keep our discussions and collections private.

Suggested members:

  1. Marty (edgeoftexas)
  2. Dan and Wendy (danlovestikis)
  3. Mike (yohoyoho)
  4. Michelle (cpt. midnight)
  5. Mimi (calypsogirl)
  6. Jeff (Dr.Z)
  7. Ron (bigbongos)
  8. Tim (duosonic)
  9. David and Tony (inot.01)
  10. Duke Carter
  11. Fatuhiva
  12. Sven
  13. Tim (Swanky)
  14. Myself

If you think there are some other individuals which would be an asset to such a group, please feel free to let me know who they are.

Frank (kohalacharms)

The attached invitation supposedly from Swanky reads:

I am emailing you because you have a substantial tiki mug/ephemera collection, and we hope you will join us in a new project.
The market on Ebay and beyond is going up and up. Collecting is becoming more difficult in many ways. So we are hoping to build a private forum where high end collectors can share knowledge and trade amongst each other. You can round out your collection and cooperate to help each other fill in gaps.
The forum is set up so that only those invited can enter. The member list cannot be seen or searched by non-users. The posts and everything else is invisible to the outside world. The forum is also unaltered from the install to make it centered on just the information it contains.
If you think you would like to participate in this forum there are a couple things you need to do. First you must promise to keep everything on the forums confidential. The images, users, and the trading, etc. should remain private. If you agree to this, then you need only email me your desired user name and the password you would like and your account will be set up.
It is our hope that this will be a place where you are free to share and discuss the collections. We hope that it will be a place for talking exclusively on the topic of the collecting. You, like the others invited, have dedicated a lot of your time to your collection. It is very important to you. We want to make a small community of people who have a similar level of dedication and “obsession” to tiki ephemera.

The forums are located at http://traders.hukilau.org


p.s. I do not have a substantial collection. I do have good knowledge of how to create and maintain such a forum and the means to do so. I also have a dedication to tiki and its enjoyment, and have been trusted to put this together for you big time collectors.

Let the comments commence...

Tiki Matt posted on 03/05/2005
Tiki Matt posted on 03/05/2005

I feel slighted that I wasn't on the invite list, I think my collection kicks ass! Especialy since I've traded with kohalacharms in the past. Anyway, don't we already have an internet forum for this? I think it's called Tiki Central, or something like that....Though I understand where kohalacharms and swanky are coming from. Some of us (not me of course) on TC can be very harsh on others which would make them feel uncomfortable posting here. I have read a lot of negativity directed toward kohalacharms on this forum. Why, I'm not sure...sour grapes, perhaps...unethical ebay activity, maybe...I honestly don't know. I'm not defending anyone here, but if I had the means, I'd buy up everything on ebay too! Man, my collection would be the best! I will say this: Someone on the list in the above post just emailed me today about ending my ebay auction early. I know this is frowned upon, and of course said NO. Perhaps this is why TCers don't care for this particular person (who I won't name) and has certainly caused me to question their ethics. Funny, I'm torn whether I should report this person to ebay or not. The message from ebay was:

Is this message an offer to buy your item directly through email without winning the item on eBay?
If so, please help make the eBay marketplace safer by reporting it to us. These "off-eBay" transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy.

Tiki Mugs, Vintage, Tiki Bars, Carved Tiki Poles, Apparel and more!
Everything Tiki at: http://www.bartiki.com

[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-03-05 14:11 ]

Atomicchick posted on 03/05/2005

Hummm, I have done quite a bit of trading and I think I have a pretty good collection going, wonder why I wasn't invited???

freddiefreelance posted on 03/05/2005

It sounds like a cross between TC's "Collecting and Marketplace Combined View" & Tikiroom.net's "Tiki Mugs & More Gallery," only crossreferenced by mug owner?

midnite posted on 03/05/2005

*Let the comments commence... *

I like Pie!

  • Someone on the list in the above post just emailed me today about ending my ebay auction early. I know this is frowned upon, and of course said NO. Perhaps this is why TCers don't care for this particular person (who I won't name) and has certainly caused me to question their ethics. *

Ok, how about $25 more?

Go ahead and report me to eBay, they can't touch me... I have diplomatic immunity. I'm third in line to the Crown of Slovakia, I'm a princess.

People on TC don't like me because they're jealous...of my pies, and my princess-ness.

I have done quite a bit of trading and I think I have a pretty good collection going, wonder why I wasn't invited???

Not enough pie to go around. Either that or you're not sleeping whith the right people. Don't worry, I would never join anything that has that lousy Cpt Midnight involved. I could tell you stories, yuck!

Oh alright, I lied. Just been joshing with everybody. I don't like pie.

How about $40 more? Come on, I can send the $$ by Paypal.

docwoods posted on 03/05/2005

For some reason,I'm completely insulted by the tone of that email.I can't afford to spend like a drunken sailor on fun tiki stuff or menus on a regular basis-I've got bills to pay.I'd love to see these wonderful collections and hear the stories of terrific finds-am I not worthy to be able to? Shoot-this really strikes me as elitist.Certainly is not in the spirit of Aloha.Really really frosts me.

aquaorama posted on 03/05/2005

So would this be the "Skull & Bones" / Iluminati / Knights Templar of Tiki collecting? A secret society gathering up the lost tiki treasures.....Hmmm...will this be another Nicholas Cage movie?

Hey Atomicchick, I think your collection ROCKS! Ok, gotta get back to working on my numchuck skills....

exotica59 posted on 03/06/2005

Although I feel that it is sad that we may never get to see these wonderful collections, or get to know the people behind the big names ( which is a shame)I say wish them well.
Seems to me that tiki collecting means something way more differant to them than it does to alot of tiki central folks.
Sure, sometimes we feel slighted when big money out bids us. But I say let that go. I also have to say that at least Kohalcharms keeps his ID on ebay, and doesn't change it.
Most times someone right here on the board will go out of there way to help you out with something you need. Lots of people here have helped me out.A couple that come quickly to my mind is when Gecko sent me the wrong mug by mistake---do you know what he did? He told me to keep it, and then sent me the right mug! At no extra charge. What a wonderful person! Another member on the board has my name and is looking out to get a mug that I have not been able to get on my own. That is aloha spirit to me. I myself carry a card in my purse of all the things that people have posted that they want so badly--if and when I find an item, it will be theirs if they want it. I collect for the fun and thrill of the chase, and a chance to meet some of the most wonderful people on the planet. The friends I am collecting here means so much more to me than stuff.
I do beleive that all of us are on many differant levels of collecting, and even tiki means differant things to differant people. What ever works for you is fine by me. Nobody here has ever been rude or hurt me directly, and I will not feel differantly about anyone forming any side groups.
I just edited this post, to try and show that I hold no ill will towards anyone. which was my original intent.

[ Edited by: exotica59 on 2005-03-09 20:04 ]

Kono posted on 03/06/2005

"as well as a few individuals I think are very knowledgeable about the tiki culture but more importantly are trustworthy and will keep our discussions and collections private."

I hope these individuals realize that they are being used.

I can understand a reluctance to participate in this forum, for whatever reason, but to actively take measures to hide one's collection and discussions from "the masses" smacks of being just damn weird. So if Sven sees a mug from some obscure bar (let's say The Volcano) on the Illuminati forum, and some schlub on TC (let's say me) asks for info on collectibles from The Volcano, Sven isn't allowed to share his secret knowledge? That's pretty fucked up. I can understand a private trading group but rest of it is just freakin' bizarre. I'm guessing that this is also a ploy to regulate ebay competition amongst the cabal.

Hula, I'm guessing you're outta the group. :wink:

I don't know why but this post reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd flip over the concrete rain gutter thingy next to the house and peer at all the strange creatures that lived in the mud and shunned the daylight. Why wasn't maxifac invited? :-?

johntiki posted on 03/06/2005

You know this whole collecting thing is getting a little fucking weird if people have to resort to creating secret societies to hide and exchange information. We're not talking about blueprints to a nuclear reactor here, we're talking about fucking ceramic mugs and menus. What the hell is wrong with these people? The more I read about the underhanded and shady shit people do in order to steal, cheat, or buy tiki items on Ebay, the more I realize they can have it! As far as I'm concerned, my bidding days are over and if I can't find it at the Goodwill or local antique store then I guess it means I wasn't meant to have it! What we're forgetting here is that tiki collecting is supposed to be fun and like so many fun activities, big money just fucks it up! The whole self righteous, egocentric attitude make me want to puke! Here's what I think, all PC rhetoric aside...If I've got to spend a ton of money to be invited into an "inner circle" in order to see these "high-rollers'" collections, I say to them...take your entire high priced collection and shove it up your fucking ass sideways!

Have a nice day!

Atomicchick posted on 03/06/2005

I don't really understand the reasoning behind "hiding" the super special mugs??? Can someone explain that to me. Shoot, when I have or find something rare, I want to show it to everybody! Not to brag, but to say "hey, you too can find something great, you just have to look"! Thanks aqua for the comment. I have actually updated my shelf, will take pics and post them in a few days. Oops, I guess that means I'm not going to be in the club because I'm showing pics...darn!

Monkeyman posted on 03/06/2005

I wouldnt be very happy with someone who took correspondence that was intended to be confidential and broadcasted to the whole F-in world.

Swanky posted on 03/06/2005
Kono posted on 03/06/2005

On 2005-03-05 20:07, Monkeyman wrote:
I wouldnt be very happy with someone who took correspondence that was intended to be confidential and broadcasted to the whole F-in world.

So? If OBL sent me an email that he was going to off Hanford and I forwarded it to the FBI I should feel like a heel? I'm not reading it that Hula was a friend or confidant of kohalacharms. He likely received the email unsolicited and took umbrage with it. I applaud him.

McDougall posted on 03/06/2005

What fun is being an elitist if you don't let everyone else know how much better you are? I already have a special group to talk Munktiki, I'm the only one in it, noone else qualify's, but I am eyeballing AC, nice collection there.

Kono posted on Sat, Mar 5, 2005 8:32 PM

It just keeps getting stranger!

On 2005-03-05 20:13, Swanky wrote:

On 2005-03-05 20:13, Swanky wrote:

A group of collectors will get together and gain a lot of knowledge and everyone will benefit.

Everyone in the inner circle! The Chosen Ones! Bwwaaahahahahaha!

On 2005-03-05 20:13, Swanky wrote:

But you have tried to make it less likely to happen, and kept yourself from participating.

And now you shall be shunned by the inner circle! You are an Untouchable!

On 2005-03-05 20:13, Swanky wrote:

Right now Hukilau 2005 and Exotica 2005 are being planned and I know a lot of the secret details. I know things artists are working on and other business people. I have been trusted with things I would love to talk about. But I let those people tell their stories when and how they choose.

I know secrets. And secrets about secrets!

This is too fucking weird. Is this a put on?

I hope so. This is has the potential of being the funniest thread I've ever seen on the whole goddamn internet.

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Tim, maybe Mike thought the whole idea of creating an exclusive secret society of exclusive tiki collectors was absurd and he wanted to expose the whole game plan for what it is petty, self-serving bullshit!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on Sat, Mar 5, 2005 8:35 PM

On 2005-03-05 20:15, Kono wrote:

On 2005-03-05 20:07, Monkeyman wrote:
I wouldnt be very happy with someone who took correspondence that was intended to be confidential and broadcasted to the whole F-in world.

Thanks MM.

I am not trying to single you out, but your comment is pretty darn extreme. You are comparing me and kohalacharms with Osama Bin Laden???

Elitest? Yes. There are a few people who have collections we all drool over. Collections that fill rooms. Collections that make even our biggest look tiny.

Some have spent big money on them, but many have collected for over a decade and spent less than $10 for most of their mugs. Neither is any better or worse than the other. But they all have a level of dedication to collecting that few of us have. And, almost none of them post on TC.

Why? I don't know. But if you were kohalacharms, would you join this group?

I hope to get these extreme collectors to communicate and share. From that, all of us will benefit. And perhaps if the heavy hitters are trading, they won't be bidding on Ebay.

Regardless, this very thread shows reasons why people who are extremely dedicated to collecting tiki are not joining our forum. It shows why there needs to be a new forum. A forum where extreme fans of tiki collecting can share without being bashed for spending their hard earned money on what they love and cherish.

So? If OBL sent me an email that he was going to off Hanford and I forwarded it to the FBI I should feel like a heel? I'm not reading it that Hula was a friend or confidant of kohalacharms. He likely received the email unsolicited and took umbrage with it. I applaud him.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/be4bdf7d00ff8648a1e5c140cc095ce7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kono posted on Sat, Mar 5, 2005 9:03 PM

On 2005-03-05 20:35, Swanky wrote:
I am not trying to single you out, but your comment is pretty darn extreme. You are comparing me and kohalacharms with Osama Bin Laden???

No, it is not extreme. MM was suggesting that to expose private messages to the world at large is a bad thing. I say that it is not, especially if the message was unsolicited. I am in no way trying to link you and kc with OBL and AQ! I was just using an example to illustrate a point. :)

On 2005-03-05 20:35, Swanky wrote:
But they all have a level of dedication to collecting that few of us have. And, almost none of them post on TC.

Bullshit. They may have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and more money but that does not make them more dedicated. If they were dedicated than they'd be here posting along with us.

On 2005-03-05 20:35, Swanky wrote:
Why? I don't know. But if you were kohalacharms, would you join this group?

He's been a member here for quite some time. If he chooses not to speak out then it's his problem. Duke and fatuhiva post here w/o negative reaction.

On 2005-03-05 20:35, Swanky wrote:
I hope to get these extreme collectors to communicate and share. From that, all of us will benefit.

Why? How?

On 2005-03-05 20:35, Swanky wrote:
And perhaps if the heavy hitters are trading, they won't be bidding on Ebay.


*On 2005-03-05 20:35, Swanky wrote:*Regardless, this very thread shows reasons why people who are extremely dedicated to collecting tiki are not joining our forum. It shows why there needs to be a new forum. A forum where extreme fans of tiki collecting can share without being bashed for spending their hard earned money on what they love and cherish.

With all due respect Swanky, these people that you perceive as being the ultimate tiki collectors are not in it for the tiki, they're in it for being the best in whatever they collect. It could be freakin owls. They just want to be exclusive. If they were in it for the love of it then they would be on TC like Duke and Sven and so many others. You're being snowed dude.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/eae0fbe2053bc9284f2720a6f4685455?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Everyone cant be included in everything. Exclusivity is inevitable. If someone takes "umbrage" about joining then they should respond to the author of the message with their concerns instead of being a lame ass and telling everybody.

Wanting to exclude others might seem like an uncool thing to do but BLABBERING it to everyone else is WAY more uncoool. It just proves that you cant be trusted.

In case you are wondering, I was not a recipient of this message. I am a rookie mug collector and take no exception of folks wanting to associate more closely with others who have a similar intensity in their collecting passion.

Once you can no longer be trusted what do you have? Not much.

TM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fc9d88bf87df8a6e31df59529dd22d3c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2005-03-05 20:07, Monkeyman wrote:
I wouldnt be very happy with someone who took correspondence that was intended to be confidential and broadcasted to the whole F-in world.

I gotta agree, but it makes for some great posts!

W Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/92edbc0d3ede85c326fe3bc19f21e09c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

(In retrospect, maybe this original post was too harsh. Maybe it is more of a case of Swanky being used.)

[ Edited by: wikiwiki on 2005-03-06 09:37 ]

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Ayayay, kids, what a mess we have here! Tiz tiz!
Let us remind ourselves always that Tiki is just a silly little game we like to play.

Sometimes it gets a little too silly!

As so often, I find myself understanding both sides. Try to not pass judgement, and let's not publish posts that will clearly have a divisive effect among the members of this otherwise harmonious circle.

A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3865229bf86c20e32502ac077baef1f5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

About 9 years ago, before Shelley and I were married, we were living in Gardnerville, Nevada. One day we walked down to "Auntie Ems Coffee House", where we purchased our first mug for $5.00. It was a Harvey's Hula Girl, "Sail with Harvey's", still one of my favorite mugs. About a month later, we found an hour glass shaped luau mug and paid a quarter for it. I knew even then, it was now a collection. I did not know, however, it was the beginning of a long strange trip.

Soon we joined TC and we started meeting all of you. The first event We attended was Tiki Talk at the Bali Hai, it was where I first met Sven. Before I knew it, there was a whirlwind of discovery and personality. There was Oasis, Hukilau, Tiki crawls, Tiki Taix and Room 135. There was Crazy Al, Baxdog, Leroy and Bob, Martin and Rebecca, Huma, Bamboo Ben, Bong, Danny, Denny, Monkey Man, Dr Z, The Mighty Sabu, Mig, KTR, Pablus, Kiliki, Swanky, PolyPop, Vixen, Gecko, Suicide Sam, Filslash, Cheri Capri, thurston Howlie, Vintage girl, Atomic, SugarCaddyDaddy, Holden, FloraTina and so many others. When I paid a quarter for that mug, I had no idea what I was buying into, it has been a remarkable thing.

I can't help but think I'm taking a preachy high road here. Am I portraying my sick compulsive obsession, that I should be institutionalized for, is some how "Good"?, and, that the "MugNazis" are some how bad? That is certainly not my intent, how often does the quest for material possessions lead to finding such good friends? To some, however, it is clearly about the mug. It was Freud who said "sometimes a mug is just a mug".

Swanky, no one is judging you over this and Koala charms not "everyone" is judging you over this either, it just seems that way. With people on this board admitting publicly to maliciously bidding auctions up when they see you bid as well as many other criticisms I've read on these pages, I don't blame you for searching out greener pastures. I hope you find them.

Lastly, the exclusion of myself, Poly Pop, The Mighty Sabu, and Puamana off your list is an outrage. We don't want to be invited to your Tiki party anyway!!!!! We are not "MugWorthy". Dr Z however did make the list, I'm sure he will take shrapnel over this. All in fun I trust.

P.S. The Lagoon Room is always open.

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2005-03-06 03:23 ]

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Will ther be a "SECRET" hand shake? and a club house? TD

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e89407a2a4d0412b69be7eab9ae8cb71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

"Why dont those stupid idiots let me in their crappy club for jerks ?" -H Simpson

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar
It just may be that the only purpose to your life is to serve as a warning to others.

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2005-03-06 06:20 ]

A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2609178e37b8b2c1dc95261d3ed16d98?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Let the initiation begin....

Image Missing: http://images.snapfish.com/3433349923232%7Ffp4%3Enu%3D323%3A%3E885%3E689%3EWSNRCG%3D3232883282344nu0mrj

You sir are not welcome at Bushwood Tiki Club!!!!!

Image Missing: http://images.snapfish.com/3433349923232%7Ffp45%3Dot%3E232%3B%3D976%3D77%3A%3DXROQDF%3E2323792373443ot1lsi

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/be4bdf7d00ff8648a1e5c140cc095ce7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kono posted on Sun, Mar 6, 2005 6:57 AM

I have no problem with anyone forming a little private group for whatever purpose. The part that bugs me (and hey, I slept fine last night, it doesn't bug me THAT much) is the whole inviting people w/o big collections but have knowledge and then tell them please don't share anything you've learned in our forum. Why hoard the info? What do these knowledgable people get out of the deal? They get to look at pictures and maybe learn a bit more but if they can't come back here and share that with people who are really interested in tiki, then what good is it?

Al, I think it is very telling that the list of proposed members is primarily based off of ebay competition. When I read the list I immediately thought of several TC members who should be on the list (Sabu was first in mind) and I think it just goes to show us that this is first and foremost about ebay. The people in this forum are into many different aspects of Tiki: art, urban archeology, history of PolyPop, history of Hawaii and the South Pacific, folklore, drinks, food, drinks, socializing, exotica, all the different types of music associated with HI and the SP, surf music, drinks and yes, collecting (thrifting, antiquing and garage sales) and ebay. But the collecting is only one part of it here on TC. If these "high end collectors" had such great love and dedication to TIKI in all it's forms then they couldn't help but be active participating members here.

Here's an idea for any "high end collector" who may be reading this and feels too intimidated and worried about being judged to actually post here. Don't tell us who you are! Maybe a half dozen TC members have ever learned my ebay handle, and that's just because I won something from them. I originally kept it secret to prevent bid stalking (an easy way to look for cool stuff is to search what another ebayer is bidding on) but now I keep it secret only so that if I beat out another TCer there are no hard feelings.

If Frank invites Dan and Wendy and Tim and all the others over to his house for a big trading party and I'm not invited, it doesn't bother me at all and neither does this proposed private forum. What does bug me a bit is that the COLLECTOR people (which is as far as we know at this time maybe two people) want to invite a few TIKI people to the party, obviously to pick their brains, but then they cannot go back to the other TIKI people and talk about the wonders that they have seen. It's just weird. It is very unlikely that there will be group trips to the Mai Kai, or that drink recipes will be shared nor will there likely be discussions about great exotica albums, it'll be about ebay and trading items through the mail. And that's fine. I just don't get the purpose of keeping what information is gained a secret from those of us who can live happily without that mug or menu but still want to know about the history of PolyPop.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on Sun, Mar 6, 2005 9:20 AM

You will all notice that the original email had a "suggested" list and asked if they had other suggestions.

It's not as though this was some club that others were not invited to, it was a starting point. And it's not Ebay high rollers exclusively. There are people there who do not buy on Ebay that I know of. There are people invited who none of you even know who have collections that they started in the 1960's. These were the first asked because kohalacharms already had traded or tried to trade with them directly, or that I knew had a large collection.

There are others. Sabu I know has an extensive collection. I am fairly sure Otto and a whole lot of other do too. But I have not seen them and don't know.

It's my hope to perhaps catelog all of it, museum style, into a large, complete database that can be searched by location, color, manufacturer, date, type, etc. Sharing information is the point of this. Sharing among the biggest collectors.

I understand it's a few vocal and I must say rather abusive posters who are driving this discussion. The vast majority of TC people I have met are the nicest people I have ever been associated with period.

I have tried to convince non participants like kohalacharms of that, but it is an uphill battle.

Very nice. I love it when people say things like "why don't you bastards show a little Aloha spirit!"

Bottom line: We are creating an extensive database of tiki ephemera. All that knowledge will be in one place, put together by those with the biggest collections and likely the most knowledge. From that everyone's knowledge will grow. Perhaps it'll make a great book some day. But doing a book isn't a very cost effective way. Perhaps it'll be a public database. Who knows? Hopefully we'll see. Hopefully it'll grow by the participation of all those people with large collections.

Imagine if everyone listed just in that first email had every piece in their collection documented and photographed in a fully searchable online database. That alone would be an incredible resource. And if those people invited the folks they knew with large collections to participate. With some time and effort, 90% of the known items would be where any researcher could see them.

Nah, screw it. It's gonna take weeks on my coding to develop the database and web interface. It's gonna take many weeks to document all these items. I might have to travel and spend days documenting collections. Years of working. To be attacked for trying before I start.

Aloha indeed.

IS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/db64a274cfa19b9f02c7e19e0aab6a2d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

A couple points:

It's my hope to perhaps catelog all of it, museum style, into a large, complete database that can be searched by location, color, manufacturer, date, type, etc. Sharing information is the point of this. Sharing among the biggest collectors.

Bottom line: We are creating an extensive database of tiki ephemera. All that knowledge will be in one place, put together by those with the biggest collections and likely the most knowledge. From that everyone's knowledge will grow.

What do you think Mike has done with tikiroom.net? Kohalacharms uses that as his research database, yet has he added anything to it? The database is already in place.(I think some people do have "sour grapes" when it comes to this person because he uses people for his own gain... while not sharing in an open forum.

Sharing information is the point of this. Sharing among the biggest collectors.

Sharing? yes, amoungst yourselves.

From that everyone's knowledge will grow

don't you mean everyone in the exclusive group?

But they all have a level of dedication to collecting that few of us have. And, almost none of them post on TC.

Face it, they are not more dedicated, they have more money.Hello, I'm sure if most of us had lots of cash we'd be buying more too.

[ Edited by: freaky*tiki on 2005-03-06 17:07 ]

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*Soon we joined TC and we started meeting all of you. The first event We attended was Tiki Talk at the Bali Hai, it was where I first met Sven. Before I knew it, there was a whirlwind of discovery and personality. There was Oasis, Hukilau, Tiki crawls, Tiki Taix and Room 135. There was Crazy Al, Baxdog, Leroy and Bob, Martin and Rebecca, Huma, Bamboo Ben, Bong, Danny, Denny, Monkey Man, Dr Z, The Mighty Sabu, Mig, KTR, Pablus, Kiliki, Swanky, PolyPop, Vixen, Gecko, Suicide Sam, Filslash, Cheri Capri, thurston Howlie, Vintage girl, Atomic, SugarCaddyDaddy, Holden, FloraTina *

Hey Al,
I no see "midnite_tiki" on your list. Am I not included? Ok, I get it (midnite ambles away, awash in the adolescent memories of never being picked for spin the bottle games or invited to sleep-over parties. Ok, I was invited to one, but there was an unfortunate "bathroom" incident and I was never asked again). Now, just like those times so may years ago, I shall adjourn to my room and play my Polka albums as I gaze longingly at my 8x10 glossy of Charle Nelson Reilly.

Now, I am not sure, but I'd be willing to join the aforementioned group if someone could please answer me: Will there be pie?

midnite... shunned and uncool in Frisco

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first rule of elite tiki collecting club, don't talk about elite tiki collecting club.

I'd say you guys need to get a hobby, but apparently it's your hobby that's making you insane. uhhhh, maybe you need to get a job?


BTW - I have a tikibob mug that Otto gave me for my birthday, can I join???

A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2609178e37b8b2c1dc95261d3ed16d98?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Just for you Midnite_tiki

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[ Edited by: aquaorama on 2005-03-06 11:17 ]

[ Edited by: aquaorama on 2005-03-06 11:18 ]

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It wouldn't be the first time I wasn't allowed to join in any reindeer games. Anyone want to start a club open only to Tiki Centralites who want to share knowledge of Tiki Leilani mugs and knock off coconut mugs? I'll bring the Bacardi.

MP Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2005-03-06 11:40, naugatiki wrote:
It wouldn't be the first time I wasn't allowed to join in any reindeer games. Anyone want to start a club open only to Tiki Centralites who want to share knowledge of Tiki Leilani mugs and knock off coconut mugs? I'll bring the Bacardi.

I'm in, I have a collection of 47 TV coconut mugs that I have PERSONALLY drunk the contents of...I know nothing of tiki leilani mugs, maybe I can just serve the drinks :wink:

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6abab6b86914466c55b831b3dd4287f7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

You bring the Bacardi, I'll bring the margarita mix, and my Walt Disney World Polynesian Resort frosted glasses!

[ Edited by: tikifish on 2005-03-06 11:54 ]

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I shudder to think about what kind of unsavory behavior the likes of those hooligan outsiders like Kohalacharms and Danlovestikis are going to teach our Sven, DrZ and Swanky? There needs to be some sort of mature, responsible supervision at all times...I just don't trust those rag-a-muffins... Go have fun kids...curfew's at dark...get home early, we're having pie. :D

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5029d4aa5be73c690d57cff3bc906c2f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I have a picture of Otto wearing a clown nose that no collector will ever see, unless huge sums of money are involved.

Okay, I'm not a rabid collector, but this is the dumbest thing ever. I think KC and Swanky need to go look up the definition of "elitist". How in the world does gathering and not disseminating rare collectible info "help everyone?" Someone's just doing this to build up their own little cult of tiki-worshiping sycophants.

McDougall said it all: What fun is being an elitist if you don't let everyone else know how much better you are? It's even more underhanded when you do this and pretend to not be doing it.

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If Dr. Z joins the cult, err, I mean club, will he still share drinks at Oasis?? Will he let me use his shower again :wink:

I have secret information about The Oasis I'll share???

(alnshelly are in room 135, there really ARE day passes, there will be burlesque; hide the children, the fishermen will be staying with king kuke...)

oh yeah, Poly Pop shouldn't be included, aren't most of his good mug cracked?

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On 2005-03-06 12:15, mrs. pineapple wrote:

oh yeah, Poly Pop shouldn't be included, aren't most of his good mug cracked?

Are you kidding me? I have the most broken mugs here -- top that!

**Poly-Pop ***

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He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2005-03-06 12:37 ]

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I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

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Swanky said:

With some time and effort, 90% of the known items would be where any researcher could see them.

Hang on, is that 'ANY' or those who are invited as originally said.
This doesn't really affect me as I don't buy much off ebay, but also surely the'High Rollers' are mainly in competition with each other for the highly sought after items.
They aren't going to share info if it's going to affect their collection, thats why they don't do it here on TC

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3b2232111ec8d1c1e30099a6445dd329?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hey somebody mentioned owls. Owls and high rollers. Hmmm.

Ok for any high roller.
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First ten thousand dollars takes it.

How many of these have you seen in the wild?

This baby is rare!!!

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On 2005-03-06 12:51, cheekytiki wrote:

... surely the'High Rollers' are mainly in competition with each other for the highly sought after items...

I really shouldn't touch this topic with a 10ft bamboo pole, but it seems that if this is a group of mostly Ebay high rollers, in secret, doesn't that lend itself to price fixing? just thinking out loud.

that said, anyone with 40 or more Tanuki mugs can join my Benihana forum.


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Hey Feelin' Zombified, I ate at Benihana in Concord last week. Can I get a trial membership?? Pleazzzzzzz??

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6abab6b86914466c55b831b3dd4287f7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

And to think I left behind the geisha mug at the Goodwill last week.

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