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Hawaiian swing Lp

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Talkie-Tiki posted on 11/22/2002

I fond the best record called Hawaiian swing
By Werner Muller it is so great I had to pull myself it was so good the first time I head it I didn't want to take it off my record player

BTW there is a CD with the same name but its not the same band or the same music you my be able to find it at record stores look in swing or exotica section

Mahalo -Talkie-Tiki

Swanky posted on 11/22/2002

I love that record. I have a few tracks from it on my Swank Exotica CD. It has a nice twist in the music that pushes it on over into the "Lounge" genre.

Trader_Rick posted on 11/22/2002

You might also want to try "Hawaiian Holiday" by Hal Aloma ("king of the steel guitar") and his Hawaiians. My girlfriend found this LP and it rocks! Not sure if anything by him is available on CD, though.

tikifish posted on 11/22/2002

I have Hawaiian Swing too. The cover is fantastic! I may be persuaded to part with it though... for the right price!

: ) Evil capitalist fishy

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 11/24/2002

I agree. "Hawaiian Swing" by Werner Muller is a great album and I've use several cuts, (especially "Hawaiian Eye" Theme), on some of my lounge-mix cassettes.

There are more Hawaiian records in this genre. I have a separate section of my collection set aside for them and labelled "Hawaiian Swing". It could also be titled "Hawaiian Atomic" or "Hawaiian Lounge". Here are a few of my favorites. You may want to keep your eyes open for them, because the cover art doesn't always tell the story. It was only after playing them that I realized I had stumbled onto something unique.

PINK HAWAII by Billy Mure
HAWAII IN HI-FI by Leo Addeo & His Orchestra
PARADISE REGAINED by Leo Addeo & Orch.
HAWAIIAN PARADISE - by Leo Addeo & Orch.
HAWAII'S GREATEST HITS - Prince Kalua and the Tropical Islanders
HAWAIIAN ENCHANTMENT FOR DANCING - No artists named, on Omega Records.
HAWAII - Frank Chacksfield & Orch. A Phase 4 record on the London label.
SONGS OF THE ISLANDS - Wayne King and Orch.

Billy Mure, Leo Addeo, and George Cates are the most "out-there" and sound closest to your Werner Muller record. They are all great examples of swingin', loungy Hawaiian music.

Prince Kalua & the HAWAIIAN ENCHANTMENT records both sound like The Three Suns playing Hawaiian standards.

Wayne King and Frank Chacksfield's albums have a lush, orchestrated big-band sound, with some Exotica feel to them as well. They are dreamier and slower paced, although Frank Chacksfield's version of "The Hawaiian War Chant" really swings and is an amazing example of Space-Age Hawaiian.

I bet Swanky knows even more artist that fit this sub-genre of Hawaiian music.


Swanky posted on 11/25/2002

Actually, Billy Mure plays on Leo Addeo's "Hawaii in Hi-Fi."

I would add Norman Luboff to the mix. He is super kitsch. He has a choir and when you hear this very sweet choir singing "Hawaiian War Chant" etc., it will crack you up. Not that it's great music, it's just got that lounge twist.

You named the one's I think of first. Billy Mure and Leo Addeo and Werner Muller. Look for Joey Byrd and a record called Ports of Paradise.

Trader_Rick posted on 11/26/2002

Hmm, not sure I would consider Leo Addeo or George Cates "swing," at least not in the traditional sense. Billy Mure, maybe.

But as long as we're being liberal with our definition of Hawaiian Swing, then I would like to add "Stop the Panic" by Luke Vibert and BJ Cole. I'm sure a lot of you are already familiar with this disc, but for those who aren't, it's steel guitar meets electronica. It's not all Hawaiian, but the track "Fly Hawaii" is da bomb! Hawaiian steel guitar meets hip-hop, bradduh! (Hmm, not sure why I'm typing everything with a faux Hawaiian accent. I guess this music just has that affect on you). Also, the second track, "Swing Light, Alright," is good, too. The whole thing is worth checking out.

Swanky posted on 02/06/2003

Whew! Took a while to refind this thread.

I had to pass along my finding this week. At my favorite thrift store, I got a haul of great lounge. In the list is Henri Rene, Johnny Pineapple, Equivel Latinesque, and more. One record I chose just for it's cover. I got to the checkout and made some decisions and kept this record for it's condition, nice cover and a song called "Tiki." I had to hear that. Well, I listened last night and it is great! The first genuine Exotica artist I have heard outside of the big three. The liner says Alfred Apaka discovered him. This music is very Denny-esque. The band? The Gene Rains Group. The record I have is "Rains in the Tropics" which is his third it says.

Don't bid against me on Ebay dammit. Once I (trog218) have bought all the LPs I want, you guys can scarf them up for yourselves!

Now I need to go back to the thrift store and get all the records by bands I had not heard of... All in great condition. I should trust the judgement of the person who had all these other greats in their collect and buy the lot.

Georgia Gibbs, Bert Kempfert, Hugo Winterhalter, Henri Mancini, a bunch of "Stereo Experience" type of box sets...

Swanky posted on 02/06/2003

I have posted the song Tiki for you to hear


The mp3 is screwed up. I will have to fix it this evening. I'll post when it is done.

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky on 2003-02-06 11:21 ]

floratina posted on 02/06/2003

As for me, I will tune into the Swank Pad...

Swanky posted on 02/07/2003

Ok, it's fixed. I hope.

fatuhiva posted on 02/07/2003

"The first genuine Exotica artist I have heard outside of the big three. "

you should also check out Tak Shindo's "MGANGA!"

Swanky posted on 02/07/2003

I just got some of his stuff on Ebay and am working on a trade for more. Also getting some George Cates.

Talkie-Tiki posted on 02/08/2003

Guys you will think I flipped my lid on this but; I just got a really cool album. The album is called Sacred music in the Hawaiian style by Bud Tutmarc and Lorin Whitney. I thought I would get it as a gag. For only a buck I thought that I would take the risk. When I put it on I thought it was going to be crappy. After listening to a few tunes on both sides it was pretty good! Finally there is church music I don't mind listening to on a regular basis. The last three songs Bud Tutmarc sings so expect your typical church vocals. It is especially fun to listen to on Sunday; you can sit in your tiki bar and toast a mai tai to Jesus! (No sacrilege intended)

Remember there is religious music for everyone, even for the south sea enthusiast!

PolynesianPop posted on 02/08/2003

On 2003-02-07 17:23, Talkie-Tiki wrote:
The album is called Sacred music in the Hawaiian style by Bud Tutmarc and Lorin Whitney.

Interesting. What does it sound like? Typical church music played with ukulele's and slack key guitar? What a concept...

Talkie-Tiki posted on 02/08/2003

It’s a pipe organ and a steel guitar. If you are interested you can E-mail me and I can loan record out to you

Zeta posted on 08/06/2008

One of my favorite records...

Made in Spain


DJ Terence Gunn posted on 08/07/2008

Werner Muller's 'Hawaiian Swing' album can be found on a CD 2-Fer (I've had mine for a couple years now):


It contains one of the most brilliant versions of Bali Hai I've ever heard (and I've heard many, many versions); practically a swingin' Polynesian spy theme.

Some of his other albums have thus been released. Unfortunately, it's the classic story of one crappy album with one exceptional album combined on one CD. But to have these recordings on CD they way they were meant to be heard is well worth the price.

Werner Muller is the German Esquivel. Just listen to his music and you'll know exactly what I mean! He was no doubt influenced by Esquivel

Look for other Phase 4 releases on CD. You'll be surprised how many are actually out there (or were).

Kawentzmann posted on 08/22/2008

I have a promo pressing of Werner Müller’s Cherry Blossom Time album. That goes very nicely along with the Hawaiian Swing LP.

Kaiwaza posted on 08/24/2008

An unknown (to me anyway) LP I came across a few years ago & have LOVED is "Hawaii-Beat a Go Go" by Frank Valdor & His Hawaiian-Beat-Sound-Orchestra. (I'm not making that up, I swear). It's a German record, and I do see it on ebay from time to time. It's a kinda of pumped up Tijuana Brass with a great steel guitarist, George De Fretes. Great stuff.

Waren Muller's "Hawaiian Swing"..a great LP..has been reissued on CD. Another good loungey-swing LP that has made it to Japanese CD is Sammy Kaye's "Swing & Sway In Hawaii"...a later recording (1960s) and considerably "groovier" than Kaye's earlier material.

Paradise is a state of mind.

[ Edited by: Kaiwaza 2008-08-24 11:47 ]

uncle trav posted on 08/10/2010

As about as mint a copy as a guy could hope to find. I have not had a chance to give it a spin yet. Great exotic model and the PNG mask is cool as well.

Hamo posted on 05/10/2022

Digitiki has mentioned that YouTube is a great place now to hear some of these great old LPs, so I wanted to post a link to one version of Hawaiian Swing, which really is an excellent album:


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