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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Son of Headhunter

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Raffertiki posted on 09/05/2004

This one is for my friend Fuzzy Bob who helped me out big-time getting ready for my party. Yes, he likes to fish.

Polynesiac posted on 09/05/2004

Cool one of a kind tiki! He'd look neat too if you put one of those yellow fisherman hats on him and stuck a pipe in his mouth!

Uh...or not. He looks cool just the way he is.
Nice job nice fish...errrr...raffertiki! :)

Raffertiki posted on 09/06/2004

Thanks Polynesiac. His heads too big for a hat, but the pipe could work.

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/06/2004

Again Raff, very cool work! I love the features of this one, Fuzzy Bob should be a happy man upon receiving him.

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/06/2004

Nice stuff, Raffertiki.

8FT Tiki posted on 09/06/2004

Well done. I especially like the facial features. Keep 'em coming.

Raffertiki posted on 09/06/2004

Thanks Toa, 8ft, and BK. One more coat of varnish before I can deliver it. I'll let you know if he likes it.

Wow, Basement Kahuna said "nice stuff," about one of my carvings. I feel like my chisels just turned to gold.

rodeotiki posted on 09/07/2004

I really like your work. Gives me something to strive for, amongst all the other talented people here.

Sam Gambino posted on 09/07/2004

Very nice work, Raffertiki. I really like the fish on it. There's a totem pole in downtown Wyandotte, Michigan with a fish carved in it that goes back as long as I can remember. Your tiki jogged my memory.

Raffertiki posted on 09/11/2004

Sam, we don't really have anything statuesque in downtown Huntington. It mest be nice. Maybe I can sell them on a tiki pole.

Anyways, here's the fishertiki with 3 coats of Spar Varnish and some matelflake green. I dropped it off at my friends house today, but he won't be home until Tuesday to see it.

I would have loved to see his face.

Chongolio posted on 09/11/2004

That fish is really cool. What a great personalized tiki, Very nice job I am sure your buddy will have to pick his jaw off the floor when he see it.


Aaron's Akua posted on 09/12/2004

Really, really, really like it.

Is it my imagination, or did that fishy turn a little green? Did you hit it with a little paint on top of the stain? Nice effect, beautiful tiki, excellent work!

Benzart posted on 09/13/2004

Nice work Raffertiki. You and the other guys have been Busy while I been gone. I can smell that fish from here. Nice touch.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/13/2004

I really like it Raffertiki! Nice work!

Mr. Dale posted on 09/13/2004

"Metalflake Green"............
Is that not one of the coolest colors on God's green earth?
Nothing like metalflake and Tikis to get this hot rodders blood a stirrin'.
Very Cool.........

tiki5-0 posted on 09/13/2004

that's a cool looking finish. i might have to try using a little bit of paint and stain like you did. it gives it a nice look, but not too crazy.

Raffertiki posted on 09/14/2004

Thanks Chongolio, Aaron's A, Tiki Wahine (Oh, and congrats!), and 5-0. While carving it, I wondered if anyone had carved a fish like this on a tiki before. You would think so, but I haven't seen one yet.

Mr. Dale, matal flake anything is cool in my book, though I am partial to green. Lets Go Jets.

Ben, we've been all trying to catch up to you, carving wise, but you've set a high bar. Welcome back.

Raffertiki posted on 02/13/2005

I had to did deep to find this post. It was August since I last carved a largeish tiki, due to technical difficulties. It felt really good to get back at it. Here is the result of 4 hrs. with a chainsaw, grinder, and chisel. This one's for a charity auction.

rodeotiki posted on 02/13/2005

very nice , glad to see you found some wood to carve , i remember you saying your having a hard time.
cant wait to see it done.

Raffertiki posted on 02/13/2005

I finally hit up a guy who does carvings of bears, dragons, etc. on a main road by me. He said he'd give me a log 2 weeks ago, but everything was snowed under and sloppy, so I should stop back when the snow melted. I went yesterday, and he brought me back to a pile of logs that would stop your heart. He has everything from logs that are 7' in diameter to what I took. It was freaking awesome.

Aaron's Akua posted on 02/14/2005

Looks like another fine piece on the way, Raffertiki. I gather you also carving this one standing up? Take it easy & keep us posted as you go.



Raffertiki posted on 02/14/2005

Thanks Aaron's,

So far I've worked on this one as it was leaned down on those railroad ties. This is a heavey piece of oak, but not heavy enough to stand upright while being worked on. I love working on oak.

btw This design is derived from many influences, but I have to give Benzart credit in that I borrowed his "tongue between the teeth" idea. I hope you don't mid Ben.

Benzart posted on 02/14/2005

I don't mind at all especially since I probalbly "Borrowed" it from someone else and it is good to seethe tradition sustained. You can Borrow Any of my work that interests you. We Gotta see pix tho.

Raffertiki posted on 02/15/2005

Fair enough, Ben.

I was given the advice from the carver who gave me this log that it is better to leave the carving in progress outside, even if it's raining, rather than bring it inside.

Anyone have any thoughts, pro or con, on this?

Benzart posted on 02/16/2005

Always bring it in and work there and leave it there. When you start a carving you are opening the wood to the elements. If it has started to cure, the elements will undo a lot of what has been done as far as drying.Now IF you are talking about moist freezing cold weather and you bring it in and start opening it up without letting it stabalize, then it will split wide open, so from outside to inside and vice versa you need to let it stabalize for 24 hours or so.If you have an outdoor shop work outdoors no problem. Just remember when you open up a log, all those pores will begin to leak or lose fluid at a faster pace, so just think it thru depending on the conditions

Raffertiki posted on 03/03/2005

This one's finished and ready to go to the charity auction.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/03/2005

that has to be some of the most beautiful bark i've ever seen :) sweeet!

Benzart posted on 03/03/2005
Benzart posted on 03/03/2005

That is so cool it looks like it covered everything with snow. (assuming thats what that white stuff is all over the place) He really looks good. I like the Bark too. You take it easy, that looks like a big log. My mind is still drooling over that sppliers pile of logs..7' diamater logs??? WOW. Now I gotta go wash my keyboard.

Aaron's Akua posted on 03/03/2005

I love your style, Raffertiki! That charity is lucky to have a donor like you.

freddiefreelance posted on 03/03/2005


Raffertiki posted on 03/03/2005


rodeotiki posted on 03/03/2005

That looks great, I hope it does well for the charity auction,

Raffertiki posted on 03/03/2005

J$, I didn't know you were a barkman. :)

Thanks Ben, This white stuff has been persistent this winter, but I don't let it keep me from carving. I wish I had a pic of myself carving as the snow was falling.

Thanks Aaron, and don't listen to these mullet comments. It's obvious FF doesn't recognize dreads when he sees them.

Thanks Rodeo, I keep you posted on how it fares.

The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki on 2005-03-03 12:49 ]

congatiki posted on 03/04/2005

Great Tiki...love everything about it...
it's bark is truly worse than it's bite...
sorry about that...couldn't help...super

Raffertiki posted on 03/08/2005

Thanks Conga, I'll let you know about his bite. The auction is this Friday.

TikiTita posted on 03/10/2005

I love when old posts resurface like this. I've not gotten through the entire thread yet and won't today-gotta go work so we can buy more tools!

I love the idea of the "sideshow bob" plant do on the first one you carved, which was just great btw.

I also wanted to jump in and tell you that we got the prints. THANK YOU! I love them both tons, what a great Birthday present that Ono cooked up with your help! You are a truly talented guy!


[ Edited by: TikiTita on 2005-03-10 08:10 ]

Raffertiki posted on 03/11/2005


I wish my wife would say something like, "we have to get more tools." Actually she's been a good sport about my purchases so I won't complain.

I'm glad you like the prints. Now I get to say Happy Birthday.

Oh, and thanks for making my day.

Sam Gambino posted on 03/11/2005

Hey Raffertiki, this is some fine work! I really like the different tones and the bark. It's really tastefully done!

Raffertiki posted on 03/12/2005

Thanks Sam.

Well the silent auction went off last night. They had everything from Mets Tickets, a Tour of NBC Studios,saddles and other horse gear, a horse (which went for $500, poor horse), yada yada yada, and my tiki which went to a very happy woman for $175.

Now I need to find another log to carve.

Benzart posted on 03/12/2005

Way to go Raffertiki. You are turning into a Popular artiste. Now you have to find bigger logs and buy bigger tools. Just watch the neck and back...

rodeotiki posted on 03/12/2005

Congrats on the auction. The new owner got a deal in my eyes. Cant wait to see the next one.

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surfintiki posted on 03/12/2005

That kicks butt Raffer.

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pablus posted on 03/12/2005

I love the swing and sway this tiki has going.
Awesome work.

Raffertiki posted on 03/12/2005

Ben, bigger is better as far as I'm concerned. I just need to hire a troll to move the logs for me. Damn wood is heavy.

Thanks Rodeo, yeah, I was hoping it would go for more, but there was a little bidding war going on for it, so I'm happy.

Thanks Surfin.

Pablus, I think that swing and sway has a lot to do with the chilly willies going on here. Hopefully he'll still have his groove come spring time.

Thanks all for the encouragement. The search for a new log is ongoing.

Raffertiki posted on 03/21/2005

I picked up another log yesterday. I thought I was gonna get help, but it was free so I can't complain. This one measures 5'8" by 18" wide. I can't wait to start carving, but I tweaked by lower back. My chiropracter is gonna love me, but I think I need to rethink the big logs.

The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki on 2005-03-20 17:22 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 03/21/2005

Jeez Raff, be careful buddy. You know how those old back injuries are - they just never go away (and yours isn't that old either). How were you moving it, anyways?

Benzart posted on 03/21/2005

Yeah, take it easy with the big logs(18", Lots o' Log), but hurry and post pictures now that you have it. Just be careful

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