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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge

Should this be in bilge

Pages: 1 7 replies

sonofabeach posted on 03/10/2005

[ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-06-14 07:42 ]

Tiki G. posted on 03/10/2005

Yeah if you have to ask.......

sonofabeach posted on 03/10/2005

On 2005-03-10 09:30, Tiki G. wrote:
Yeah if you have to ask.......

Come on Tiki G do'nt be afraid to go out on a limb and voice your true opinion.You know you want it..Wi'll all still love ya!

Sometimes I feel LiKe A oNe LeggEd MaN In aN ASs KiCkInG cOnTeSt.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-03-10 10:12 ]

Tiki G. posted on 03/10/2005

No opinion here.....I have enough to worry about with my own stuff. I just do not understand why you had to ask that. It's not up to us to decide that for you, but thanks for asking. It's your stuff, you should know. I just thought yeah, I guess it could be if you had to ask us about it. This tells me you must "kinda" think it could be bilge.....There's a BIG difference between "Bilge" and the "Creating Tiki" forum. Are you not sure what you have there? Is the whole "Jimmy Buffet/Parrot Head" thing you got going on there kinda throwing you off for some reason? Just wondering......I personally do not have clue.

sonofabeach posted on 03/10/2005

HEY! Just kidding Tiki G. A sense of humor is the most valuable tool you can ever own.Everything else will develope from there.The Bilge thing was all for fun.As long as I am carving,grinding and making something out of nothing I am Happy.When it becomes just another job I will find something new to do that makes me smile.Maybe become a test pilot for porch swings.

Sometimes I feel LiKe A oNe LeggEd MaN In aN ASs KiCkInG cOnTeSt.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-03-10 11:31 ]

Tiki G. posted on 03/10/2005

Oh! Now I get it. You were just being funny. I was hoping so. Well, that explains everything then.

Never mind.........

Unga Bunga posted on 03/11/2005

On 2005-03-10 09:20, sonofabeach wrote:
Should this be in bilge?

Be careful what you wish for. :)

sonofabeach posted on 03/11/2005

A great artist once Wrote. Art is a vision of ones inspirations.A true artist can see beyond the surface.

Sometimes I feel LiKe A oNe LeggEd MaN In aN ASs KiCkInG cOnTeSt.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-03-10 22:45 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies