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Shag With a Twist

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Cherry Capri posted on 11/18/2004

muah hahahaha

it's still a mystery folks :)


ookoo lady posted on 12/03/2004

There's an ad in LA Weekly for this, but still no details. Anyone got an inside scoop?

Futura Girl posted on 12/03/2004

i am meeting with them manana and will report back.

ikitnrev posted on 12/03/2004

Sounds cool. A stage production featuring the Shag lifestyle. If the ideas of John Waters can evolve themselves to a successful theatre production, then why not the same for the work of Shag?

I see lots of live theatre, and I would much rather see a show that would feature tikis, the jet-set life, cocktails, and an exotic musical background, than another traditional production of Shakespeare. The closest I've ever seen was a production of a 'Go-Go Pirate Show' performed on board the U.S.S. Constellation in Baltimore's Inner Harbor, which mixed pirates and 60's era go-go dancers, and was lots of fun.


Futura Girl posted on 12/11/2004

Shag with a Twist is a new kind of theatrical experience...

It is a full length Broadway style show that will be presented at the Los Angeles Theater Center in March, 2005. This is going to be the hottest show to come to L.A. in a long time. It's literally like seeing a SHAG painting come to life!!! It combines a jazzy soundtrack with balletic dance and a Murder Mystery story. You know you'll want to see it once it hits town - so why not reap the benefits of being on the inside edge and see it first?

Friends of both Lotta Living and Tiki Central are invited to see special sneak previews of the show as members of the "Special Jetsetters Club"

The cost is $85... and For that price - you get a pair as in 2 (two) tickets to a sneak preview, a SHAG t-Shirt, a "Shag with a Twist" CD and discount prices off future tickets. and free subscription to the the JetSetter newsletter.

Tell 'em you found out about it from Tiki Central.

Futura Girl posted on 01/11/2005

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2005-02-21 22:17 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 01/11/2005

Hi Futura!
How do I score the sound track CD?
(I can't make the opening of the Jetsetters Club)

Futura Girl posted on 01/12/2005

join the mailing list - the link's on the website.

and if/when they release the soundtrack - they'll send out an announcement through their email i'm sure...

Cherry Capri posted on 01/30/2005

the approval has come through to let the site go live...

check it out!


Futura Girl posted on 02/22/2005

saw this dropped on the first page - so BUMP...
the preview shows start in a little over a week on March 3rd.

Don't forget to support this show - which does feature the artwork of SHAG... one of our own favorite artists.

There are rumors of Otto doing a Tiki News Night for the show... How about a Tiki Central night combination?

virani posted on 02/22/2005

March 26 will be the tiki news night, and I guess I'll be there, YES !!

TikiCrow posted on 02/23/2005

How did you find out it was March 26?

And do TCers/TikiNews subscribers get tickets for that night by going through ShagWithATwist.com (just like for any other night) or is there a special way for us to get tickets?

I could have sworn that earlier today I saw something about the TikiNews night show but I sure couldn't re-find it tonight???

Futura Girl posted on 02/24/2005

Otto announced it through the Tiki New email list I believe... but awe shoot - that is the Viva Las Vegas weekend... and I'll be in Vegas :(

dua tale posted on 03/02/2005

Is anyone going to SWAT this Thursday?

ModMana posted on 03/03/2005

Booked for Tiki News night (March 26th). Should be an interesting evening. We're headed up from San Diego to see the Mark Ryden exhibit earlier in the day. Then, we're hitting the Tiki Ti (if they're open). If anyone wants to meat up let us know.

FYI, the SWAT toll free phone line has been nonfunctional all week. I finally had to call the non-free number to make my reservation, 562-495-0656. They say they're working on the phone problem.

See ya there...


Futura Girl posted on 03/04/2005

saw the preview tonight and all i can say is wow!

lots of eye candy for everyone to enjoy: incredible sets, incredible costumes! great dancers...

bigbrotiki posted on 03/04/2005

What a gas! A chance to step into a Shag painting! They did an incredible job at making the Shag monkey come alive. And I wanted to take the maid home, but they didn't let me.

Polynesiac posted on 03/04/2005

Lotsa Pedro connections with this... Everything Cindy and her husband do is pure magic they are simply amazing dance instructors.

Can't wait to see it...and what's this??? a former student dancing with them too???KUDOS to you! ZOWIE! it's gonna be a good one...

dua tale posted on 03/04/2005

Great description by the previous reviewers....it is like a live-action Shag cartoon...colorful, vibrant...lots of fun!

Futura Girl posted on 03/05/2005

*On 2005-03-04 08:29, bigbrotiki wrote:*They did an incredible job at making the Shag monkey come alive. And I wanted to take the maid home, but they didn't let me.

i LOVED the monkey...
but watch out Sven - the maid is ONLY 16 Y.O.!!!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/05/2005

Ahaaa, that's why....she just looked like the perfect little French comic strip heroine!

In Germany 16 wouldn't be a problem, when I Iived there I was going out with 15 year olds ....(so OK, I was 30 years younger then)

I was talking strictly from an artistic/platonic viewpoint anyway!

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Tiki Diablo posted on 03/05/2005


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tiki-tina posted on 03/05/2005

So happy to hear it rocks! Can't wait to see it...we'll be there next week on Saturday the 12 for the show! Anyone else going? We're thiking of making a stop at Tiki Ti either before or after...flying in all the way from AZ and staying in SAMO. Hope to see y'all there!

Polynesiac posted on 03/05/2005

Ya know...it's all kinda weird when I actually know the person you're all talking about (he says shaking a finger while glaring disaprovingly in a teacherly way)


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Tiki Matt posted on 03/05/2005

I'll be going tonite, can't wait! Dinner at Musso & Franks then over to the Tiki Ti (hopefully) for a pre-show cocktail....

[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-03-05 08:45 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/05/2005

Two things to share for future viewers that will help the reception of this masterwork:

I always thought it would be a play, but when I heard that Shag insisted there would be no dialogue (I was happily surprised) I should have anticipated that it is more of a musical. Yet there is not that much singing either (good), so the story is told by miming and mostly by incredible dance numbers, like in a Austin Powers movie where some cue lets the whole cast break into dance unexpectedly. As a kid that kind of stuff always made me cringe, but now I see it as wonderfully corny and love it.

Also, you should read the program before the play, to understand the characters, and the base of the story, but then forget about clinging too tightly to the storyline and let the goings-on unravel on their own.

In a Q&A after the performance Shag recalled that initially the narrative was too straight forward, and he worked with the director to purposely make it more ambiguous, so that just like in his paintings, the actual happenings would be up to each individual's interpretation.
This way the performance is as close as it can get to an animated Shag painting.

So if you feel you can't follow, don't try to hard. Allow the incredible sets, costumes, music and dancing provide the feast for the eyes that they are.

This forum seems like the perfect place to later discuss each individual's. interpretations.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki on 2005-03-05 11:27 ]

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Tiki Matt posted on 03/05/2005

Thanks for the post Sven. I really had no idea what I was in for, but now have some idea....I'm even more curious, now....Can't wait!

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babydoe posted on 03/11/2005

March 26, 2005 will be a special TIKI NEWS hosted performance of Shag with a Twist

A couple weeks ago Otto and I had the opportunity to view a dress rehearsal of Shag With A Twist - and it was really groovy! The costumes, the music, the dance were like a SHAG painting come to life. The music, composed by Chris Lang (formerly of the Wigs) and co-composed/arranged by Cesar Benitez, is excellent. In fact it is so good that you should plan on buying the CD the night of March 26. There is Bossa Nova, Surf, big band/Lounge, Go Go - everything you would expect to hear when viewing a Shag diorama.

March 26, 2005 will be a special TIKI NEWS hosted performance of Shag with a Twist

I (Baby Doe) will be there with hubbie Otto von Stroheim and I hope to see some of you there!

Make plans to make the scene with all the other Tiki afficionados and Shag loving hipsters.

Simply by mentioning "TIKI NEWS MAGAZINE" and you will receive a discount of 20% off your ticket price!!
That's $9 off the $45 tix and $7 off the $35 tix

We have a lot of additional ideas in the works but plans have not been finalized. A few things we are working on are:

  • A no host Tiki Bar on site
  • An after-show Q & A with Shag and the key artistic directors of the show - Chris Lang, Doug Smith (lighting), Joel Berlin (costumes), and Cindy Bradley (choreographer)
  • Gift/giveaway/memento

To get discount tickets for Saturday March 26th say TIKI NEWS MAGAZINE!!
http://www.shagwithatwist.com or by calling (888) 515-SHAG

Please dress to impress!

Here's the press release
LOS ANGELES, CA (January 25, 2005) - Producers of a theatrical experience based on the work of famed visual artist Josh Agle, aka "Shag," have announced that the show will make its world debut at the Los Angeles Theatre Center in March 2005.

Shag with a Twist&; is described as an extraordinary show that brings to life the vibrant illustrations of "Shag" through an evocative cocktail of art, music and dance.

Thirteen thoroughly modern Shag-created characters romp through an idyllic era of jet setting, Tiki, and lounge-inspired tunes. Like the time they represent, swanky Tupperware; party goers soon discover that even good things come to an end. A murder results in chaos and the fallout is one of the most capricious mysteries ever staged -- complete with a bumbling inspector, quirky sidekick, and a host of unlikely suspects.

The show is a creative collaboration between artist Agle and choreographer/director Cindy Bradley. Both are based in the Los Angeles-area. The show is produced by Jetsetter Productions, LLC in partnership with the City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department and the San Pedro City Ballet.

Shag with a Twist opens March 18 and runs through June 11, 2005. Three shows will be performed weekly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings beginning at 8:00 PM. Preview performances start March 3rd at the Los Angeles Theatre Center located at 514 South Spring Street in Downtown Los Angeles. Tickets are priced at $35 and $45 ($25 for students and seniors with ID) and are available at the show's website http://www.shagwithatwist.com or by calling (888) 515-SHAG. Tickets to the preview performances are available to members of the Show's "Jetsetter Club." Membership information can also be obtained at the show's website.

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Tiki Matt posted on 03/15/2005

I saw the show last Saturday, and boy was it great! I really appreciated the fact that the crew had a question and answer session after the show, it was very interesting. If you haven't seen it yet, GO GO. Even after Sven's post, it was still nothing like I expected.

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bongofury posted on 03/15/2005

Mrs. Fury and I made it to the Saturday (12th) show (Thanks for the tix Otto). I think everyone will enjoy the show as we did. We thought by adding an extra hour to the normally 45 minute drive to L.A. would allow us plenty of time.......but traffic sucked and we got there about 8:05, about 5 minutes before the show started. We sat downstairs for the first part of the show, then moved to the almost empty balcony after intermission. The vocals were better up there (note to concertgoers.....sit near the mixing board, usually where the best sound is). The Q&A was amusing as some people did not seem to get what was going on or argued over a word in a song. It wasn't that complicated. Go.......have fun......do the Shag.....

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babydoe posted on 03/19/2005

Who is going on Saturday the 26th? It would be fun to know who will be there that night!

XOXO Baby Doe

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Tiki Matt posted on 03/19/2005

On 2005-03-18 16:26, babydoe wrote:
Who is going on Saturday the 26th? It would be fun to know who will be there that night!

XOXO Baby Doe

I'll be going tonite and hope to be there on the 26th. Anyone else going tonite?

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Atomic Cocktail posted on 03/20/2005

I attended the opening of "Shag with a Twist" last night.

I am going to be uncharacteristically blunt. I am not a Shag groupie. I like his work. However, when I first heard of the concept I thought, "That's f*cked up, Y'all!" But I must admit it was the most enjoyable theatrical experience I've had since I worked in "The Theater" on Broadway in NYC.

The show is essentially a ballet (with elements of opera). The professionalism of the performers was impressive-a refreshing change from most of the amateur dreck associated with current local live entertainment. I was most impressed by the dancing-think "Ready, Steady Go!" with great choreography.

FREE DRINKS! The after Dance Party feature good food, music courtesy of Senor Amor and free drinks (though I wish they had vermouth for the Grey Goose Shag-A-Tinis. Oh, my head!) Unlike most opening night parties folks actually seemed to be having a good time. Many were well dressed, the most stylish being our own Mrs and Bamboo Ben.

Did I mention FREE DRINKS?

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RevBambooBen posted on 03/21/2005


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hanford_lemoore posted on 03/24/2005

Everything's cleared up now! Please everyone, post your reviews here!


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kick_the_reverb posted on 03/24/2005

Dale and I will be there this Sat.
Anyone else?

bigbrotiki posted on 03/24/2005

Me will be, sans Naomi who is vending at VLV.

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Tiki Matt posted on 03/25/2005

I'll be there, looking forward to seeing everyone...

ModMana posted on 03/26/2005

We'll be there...the Shag show will be the last stop on a whirlwind tour of the area for us. Driving up from San Diego on Saturday morning. First stop, Oceanic Arts. Then, lunch at Bahooka. Then, up to Pasadena to check out Mark Ryden's Wondertoonel Exhibit. Then, off to Hollywood...La Luz/Wacko, Amoeba, and of course Tiki Ti for a quick Ray's Mistake. Finally, downtown to the S.W.A.T. show. Driving back to SD that night. It should be a long and fantastic day! Hopefully we'll see some TC people somewhere along the line.

ModMana :drink:

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trustar posted on 03/26/2005

Trustar and littlesusan will be in attendance. First stop, Tiki-Ti.


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crazy al posted on 03/26/2005

i've not hung in down town for sometime... where's the place to grub??? simi nice,simi close... whatever....

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Tiki Matt posted on 03/26/2005

Hey Al - Here's a list of places on the SWAT website: http://www.shagwithatwist.com/downtown.php

See ya tonite

Polynesiac posted on 03/27/2005


that's one swingin' show. Imagine a live action shag painting...and here it is!

Go see it!!!!!

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jpmartdog posted on 03/27/2005

Saw the show last night. It was the Tiki News event. Thanks to Otto Von Stroheim for his amazing newsletter that keeps us informed. All that I can say is that I felt as though I had been let in on an incredible opportunity to see something in earlier stages before it becomes a world wide megahit in both stage and, I truly believe film. Kudos to the director and the design team to take Shags two dimensions and turn them into absolute perfection. The costumes, the stage, the music, the story was fantastic. I'd wish it was an ongoing series, so I could do it over and over. I still will do it again. Everyone who loves - shag/lounge/tiki/50's/60/s should be ready for the treat of the year and maybe more years to come. Thanks to Shag for his endearing talent to create such simplistic yet storytelling images. I'm really proud of all those involved (including the superb cast) I can't say more. its just @$##%@ awesome. Buy the Soundtrack CD, wow I sound like I work for them! I don't ( but I wish I did!)

[ Edited by: jpmartdog on 2005-03-27 13:57 ]

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MakeDaMug posted on 03/28/2005

The show was enjoyable and visually dynamic. The proximity of the stage to every seat made it even more personalized. I enjoyed "the coroner" the most but that's all I'm going to say. Asides from the fact that I dug the heck out of it, it was great seeing my friend Piet Agle and seeing photos of his daughter. Okay, I know it's sappy, but I'm appreciating more the simple things and less the hectic "trenches o' Tiki commerce" things these days. It was nice to get out with Benno & Laura... working a lot these days ya know.
Sappily yours,

bigbrotiki posted on 03/28/2005

Damn, Holden, if I'd known you'd be there....that might have gotten me off my A.
As it was, it was so firmly planted at the Tiki Ti, it didn't wanna move:

For the first time ever, my Buick found the spot right in front of the door, I could see it from where I was sitting thru the open door. It was just too cozy, sitting right at the bar, in the middle, left of me my pals Kevin and Jody, and to my right lovely Humuhumu and her girlfriend from Seattle. Who could part from such company?
The Lapu Lapu/Missionairy's Downfall/Stealth also had something to do with the fact that, to my great regret, I did not make it to this performance.

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babydoe posted on 03/28/2005

The Tiki News night at Shag with a Twist was so much fun. We were thrilled that we were able to offer the discount for the evening and everything turned out so well.

The show was entertaining - I LOVED the go go dancers the best. I am now obsessed with getting pointy bras for The Devil-Ettes! I agree with other posts that you do not need to be a SHAG fan to enjoy the show – it really had so many amazing elements to it (tiki, go go, mystery...). I only hope they bring it to SF at some point.

For those going to a future show. They now have two bars: martini bar and a tiki bar. They also have a few food options as well as a café. Of course, if you are a big SHAG fan you should bring some money to purchase a t-shirt from the show. They have quite a few options... I forgot to check out how much they were though.

As for places to eat downtown I would like to recommend Clifton’s Cafeteria. Ok, this is not a fancy place (it is a cafeteria) but it is such an experience for those that like old-school style eating. http://www.cliftonscafeteria.com

XOXO Baby Doe

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vintagegirl posted on 03/29/2005

On 2005-03-28 01:36, bigbrotiki wrote:
Damn, Holden, if I'd known you'd be there....that might have gotten me off my A.
As it was, it was so firmly planted at the Tiki Ti, it didn't wanna move:

Hey Sven, we were wondering where you were that evening! Oh well, I guess you've already seen the show, but it was even more fun with the Tiki News night happening. I was very impressed by the show and especially the flawless choreography and dancing. I agree with Baby Doe. I think all go-go dancers should have extra pointy bras!

It must be really great for Shag to experience having his two-dimensional visions come to life in such a grand manner. Did I mention the music was really great too? Well it was.

I tried the "Celestial Martini" made with plum wine at the martini bar . A bit sweet, but it did match what I was wearing (and isn't that the really important thing?!)

Anyway, like Bamboo Ben already said, "Go!"

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