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WWJD? Go to Los Angeles - 3/12-3/13

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thejab posted on 03/11/2005

It's been a wet winter and the weather in the bay area just turned sunny and gorgeous. WWJD? Get out of town!

I'll be in Los Angeles this weekend. Here's my plan:

Saturday dinner - the Tam O'Shanter. Saturday night - Tiki Ti, then dancing all night at Club Satisfaction.


Sunday - a free barbeque with some great 60s DJs at Crane's Hollywood Tavern, 1611 El Centro (near Hollywood Blvd) from 12-4PM

Sunday dinner - the Safari Club at 15426 Devonshire Street in Mission Hills (thanks for the tip bigbrotiki)

Sunday night - my first visit to the Lucky Tiki!

If anyone wants to meet just PM me or stop by and say hi.

Any drink tips for the Lucky Tiki?

[ Edited by: thejab on 2005-03-11 11:40 ]

thejab posted on 03/11/2005

If you like vintage paperbacks you might want to check this out:

The annual So. Cal. PB show is on Sunday (3/13/05) in Mission Hills (9:30 - 4:30) at Mission Hills Inn on Sepulveda between Chatsworth and Devonshire in the Valley (818) 801-1771.

Then head over to the Safari Club or Lucky Tiki (they open at 5).

thejab posted on 03/11/2005

If that's not enough Charles Phoenix is doing his excellent downtown LA tour on Sunday! I went last year and I highly recommend it if you haven't got to go yet.

***THIS SUNDAY March 13, 2005 – 12PM to 6PM

Charles Phoenix’s “THEME PARK” tour of DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES

“Downtown is just like Disneyland - really!”

A very unique bus & walking tour- Click below for tickets and info


for more info call 866.754.3374

dangergirl299 posted on 03/11/2005

how can you be in So Cal this weekend and NOT go to the grand re-opening of the Tiki Room at the Big D????

my faith system is now destroyed and conflicted...

thejab posted on 03/11/2005

On 2005-03-11 11:58, dangergirl299 wrote:
how can you be in So Cal this weekend and NOT go to the grand re-opening of the Tiki Room at the Big D????

my faith system is now destroyed and conflicted...

Can I get a drink there? There you go my dear.

dangergirl299 posted on 03/11/2005

On 2005-03-11 12:12, thejab wrote:

On 2005-03-11 11:58, dangergirl299 wrote:
how can you be in So Cal this weekend and NOT go to the grand re-opening of the Tiki Room at the Big D????

my faith system is now destroyed and conflicted...

Can I get a drink there? There you go my dear.

of COURSE you can get a drink there! Would I go if not??
not IN the attraction itself, but stumbling distance from it are several fine watering holes. the outdoor UVA bar in "downtown disney" (just outside the main entrance) has fine martinis, etc. If you hang out there long enough they name a drink after you!

and a stone's throw away into the "other" park, Disney CA Adventure (DCA), there are several places that serve wine and beer and hard stuff, AND even let you walk around the DCA park with "go" cups!!

it's better than vegas! (in some ways)

I like to get my drink on and then stagger around the park. once you're sober again, you hop outside the gate and repeat. it's MUCH easier to handle the crowds, lines and screaming kids that way.

thejab posted on 03/11/2005

dangergirl299 wrote:

crowds, lines, and screaming kids

If that's not reason enough to avoid the place I don't know what is. I get my Disneyland fix every 10 years or so. Last time was right after they updated Tomorrowland (the bastards), so I figure I'll go again in 3 years or so and see what else they ruined.

Maui_Matt posted on 03/11/2005

of COURSE you can get a drink there! Would I go if not??
not IN the attraction itself, but stumbling distance from it are several fine watering holes. the outdoor UVA bar in "downtown disney" (just outside the main entrance) has fine martinis, etc. If you hang out there long enough they name a drink after you!

and a stone's throw away into the "other" park, Disney CA Adventure (DCA), there are several places that serve wine and beer and hard stuff, AND even let you walk around the DCA park with "go" cups!!

it's better than vegas! (in some ways)

I like to get my drink on and then stagger around the park. once you're sober again, you hop outside the gate and repeat. it's MUCH easier to handle the crowds, lines and screaming kids that way.

I find the bars at Disneyland to be on par with those at Chili's and TGI's. Nothing says "STAY AWAY" more than big giant corporate run bars. Go for the tikis, but leave for the cocktails.

Futura Girl posted on 03/12/2005

*On 2005-03-11 12:12, thejab wrote:*Can I get a drink there? There you go my dear.
who wants to walk all the way out of the park just for a swig? actually - as i may have mentioned in my post on one of the other tiki room threads: i suggest the most fun way to enjoy the tiki room is to 'fortify' the dole pineapple juice with a little smuggled in embellishment.

Humuhumu posted on 03/14/2005

Dangit! Tried to catch you twice this weekend, last night at Tiki-Ti (did you make it there?), and just now at the Lucky Tiki (I was told I missed you by five minutes). Bah! Next time, I've got to get your cell #.

thejab posted on 03/15/2005

I'm sorry that I missed seeing you Humuhumu! And by 5 minutes!

On Saturday after dinner I had to go back to my motel in Glendale to put on my suit for the Derby and didn't have time to stop at the Tiki Ti.

Club Satisfaction at the Derby was so much fun that I vowed to go back in May - on the 7th. So I'll be able to visit the Tiki Ti again soon.

The Lucky Tiki is a great new bar! My old friend Susie is bartending there. She has been into tiki bars for a long time, she wears vintage aloha wear, and she is very friendly and willing to make the drinks to suit your taste. I asked her to make my Mai Tai without pineapple juice and she happily complied. She also let us taste a new concoction she developed that was very good and well balanced (among other ingredients it has a bit of Galliano but not enough to overpower the drink). I just hope the local crowd can keep the place in business - it is pretty far out in the valley.

The decor was fantastic - they sure did a nice job.

After the Lucky Tiki we went to the Safari Club just down the road. Pretty good steaks, and the waiter was very friendly. He said many of the artifacts in there were actually brought back from Africa by the owner. I tried to find the Witco to no avail. Bigbrotiki must have a special Witco sensing talent!

Doctor Z posted on 03/15/2005

On 2005-03-14 16:15, thejab wrote:

Club Satisfaction at the Derby was so much fun that I vowed to go back in May - on the 7th.

So: No Oasis for you?? :(

(and who makes a Mai Tai with pineapple juice in it anyhow? Sheesh...)

thejab posted on 03/15/2005

Oops, I forgot, May 7th. is Oasis weekend! Nevermind!

thejab posted on 03/15/2005

On 2005-03-14 17:11, Doctor Z wrote:

(and who makes a Mai Tai with pineapple juice in it anyhow? Sheesh...)

I recommend the Chief Lapu Lapu at the Lucky Tiki.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/15/2005

On 2005-03-14 16:15, thejab wrote:
...and the waiter was very friendly. He said many of the artifacts in there were actually brought back from Africa by the owner. I tried to find the Witco to no avail. Bigbrotiki must have a special Witco sensing talent!

You must have been suffering from cocktail iduced memory loss, Mr J:

Locating Tiki Quote:
"...The Safari Room... must have been a fine Exotica Bar and restaurant in it's heyday, as some of the remaining O.A. carvings testify"

Oceanic Arts, not Witco. (O.A. actually always carefully distanced themselves from Witco, as they were more "authentic" in style).

What a classic waiter story though: Carvings brought back from Africa...(just like from Hawaii, from New Guinea)...when in fact they all came from Whittier! All the same, because usually for the new generation of proprietors/staff of these establishments, O.A. has been forgotten, and is as far away as Africa.

thejab posted on 03/15/2005

On 2005-03-14 18:26, bigbrotiki wrote:

What a classic waiter story though: Carvings brought back from Africa...(just like from Hawaii, from New Guinea)...when in fact they all came from Whittier!


I love it! The artifacts came from deep in the jungles of Whittier.

I should have known that the great African mixed with Polynesian Pop mask behind the bar was from O.A.

I keep forgetting that I have a memory like a sieve.

thejab posted on 03/16/2005

Club Satisfaction is the second Sat. each month which means it falls on May 16th. not Oasis weekend. So I'll most likely be back in LA then!

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