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The Surf Coasters from Japan with The Sand Devils at the Whistle Stop Bar, San Diego March 4th, 2005

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kick_the_reverb posted on 02/25/2005

Ok folks,
This is the gig I want you to come see, not only to support my band the Sand Devils (it's our second gig), but to see one of the best live shows you'll possibly see - The Surf Coasters from Japan.

It all happens at the Whistle Stop Bar in San Diego, on Friday night, March 4th, 2005, at 9:00 pm.
The Whistle Stop is located at 2236 Fern St (30th & Juniper) San Diego.
There is no cover charge, 21+.

In case you havn't heard about the Surf Coasters check this out:
It has all the info you'll need.

Hoping to see you there,

The Sand Devils

Monkeyman posted on 02/25/2005

Sounds cool. Im up for it.

Klas posted on 02/25/2005

Ran, for obvious reasons it will be difficult for me to be there but good luck with the show!

PolynesianPop posted on 02/25/2005

I think I'll make this one. Gotta check out the new band!

kick_the_reverb posted on 02/25/2005

Thanks for the support!
Last year Dale and I drove to Sacramento (from SD) to see them, and it was worth every drop of gas and every minute on the road.


weirduncletiki posted on 02/25/2005

This promises to be the most gnarly show of the season! Rad, Ran!

-Weird Unc

bongofury posted on 02/26/2005

Dig the Surf Coasters (Adventures In Paradox.......Surf Is Blue......) But, I want to see The Sand Devils! mmmmmmmaybe............

bongofury posted on 02/26/2005

Dig the Surf Coasters (Adventures In Paradox.......Surf Is Blue......) But, I want to see The Sand Devils! mmmmmmmaybe............

sirginn posted on 02/26/2005

We are in, and those of you in LA should check'em out too. Slacktone is opening featuring Dusty form the old punk band Agent Orange on drums.

kick_the_reverb posted on 02/27/2005

Those of you who can't come to the SD show, check out the website I mentioned on the first post, it has all the dates and locations...do yourself a favor and try to see at least one Surf Coasters gig, I doubt you'll regret it. Dale and I are driving up to Hermosa Beach on Saturday the 5th to see the show sirginn mentioned, to be able to catch them twice on this tour.

freddiefreelance posted on 02/28/2005

Here's a map to the Whistle Stop bar.

Monkeyman posted on 03/01/2005

Anyone up for a pre event gathering? We'll hit up a taco shop or something

bongofury posted on 03/02/2005

Can't make it Friday .......damn!

freddiefreelance posted on 03/02/2005

On 2005-03-01 13:39, Monkeyman wrote:
Anyone up for a pre event gathering? We'll hit up a taco shop or something

Closest Taco Shop looks to be Benny's @ 30th & B, is it any good?

There's also De Luca's Pizza Restaurant at 32nd & Thorn for pizza.

sirginn posted on 03/03/2005

Not sure about the pre-event party, may be working late, but we will definitely make the show.

ModMana posted on 03/03/2005

Hey Ran, we'll be going to this. Looking forward to hearing your band as well as the Surf Coasters.

Anyone who would like to stop by our place beforehand is more than welcome. We're about 10 minutes away from the venue. If there's interest, we can have food/drinks here. Email me for directions if you need them.


kick_the_reverb posted on 03/03/2005

Hey all,
There's a Taco shop just across form the place, might be Benny's, and it's not that good. I don't know of any ones I can reccomend in the area. Even the Roberto's on El Cajon blvd. was disappointing (as opposed to the excellent one in Chula Vista).
If any of you won't be too tired after the gig, feel free to come by to our place, where drinks will be served.
Of course, I appologize if I look a little cranky before the gig (I probably will be), it's not always that your second gig in a band is opening for one of the most energetic, talented and well experienced surf bands in the world (The Surf Coasters).
See ya there, and thank for coming,

Monkeyman posted on 03/05/2005

Looking forward to seeing all of you and supporting Kick the Reverb and Crew.

Radical Man!!!

kick_the_reverb posted on 03/05/2005

Thanks A LOT to all the TC gang that showed up at the gig, the place was packed despite the heavy rain, the enrgy level was high, and although we were no match for the Surf Coasters, we got a lot of compliments on our gig. There wasn't a lot of room for wondering around and I was busy with tearing down the gear, but i wanted to personally thank Polynesian Pop (who made the long trek down to SD, in rain and traffic, I assume), Alnshely, Monkeyman (they probably had to battle heavy traffic coming down from North County SD) and the ModManas. I appologize if I forgot anyone. Tonight we'll be going up to Suzy's at Hermosa Beach to see the Surf Coasters play with 2 other GREAT bands Slacktone and the Migs. If you're in the area, check it out.

Thanks for the support guys...BTW our next gig is planned for May 1st at the Huntington Beach Pier 1pm-2pm with 4 other bands.


freddiefreelance posted on 03/05/2005

Ran, that was a good show but the WhistleStop needs a stage, or at least a folding drum riser. Maybe the next time you play there you could strap milk crates on your feet to raise the band over the crowd while allowing you to still walk around... I'm sorry that we couldn't stay for the Surf Coasters but I had to be at work today, I had to leave while you were still tearing down & didn't have a chance to say "Hi".

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/06/2005

Ran, sorry I couldn't make it to the show. Too much shit comin' down here at home right now. I promise to make it to the next one (even if I have to crawl naked through broken glass and burning cactus).

PolynesianPop posted on 03/06/2005

You guys sounded excellent. I can't believe this is just your 2nd gig with the band. The Surf Coaster were also unbelievable. I wanted to try and make it to the Hermosa show but I'm still recovering from last night's late night drive home.

So when's your CD coming out?????

kooche posted on 03/06/2005


i missed...i am weak and that is wack...any LA dates scehduled anyone???

damn damn damn damn damn damn damn

freddiefreelance posted on 03/07/2005

On 2005-03-05 22:13, kooche wrote:
i missed...i am weak and that is wack...any LA dates scehduled anyone???

damn damn damn damn damn damn damn

Is HB close enough?

On 2005-03-05 09:33, kick_the_reverb wrote:
Thanks for the support guys...BTW our next gig is planned for May 1st at the Huntington Beach Pier 1pm-2pm with 4 other bands.

I think that's a Thursday, so I'm probably not going to make it up there, but all the LA Ohana should think about it. A great band with a good sound.

bongofury posted on 03/07/2005

It's a Sunday......We're in! maybe check out the new Tikifrog's biz in Long Beach too.

freddiefreelance posted on 03/07/2005

On 2005-03-06 19:08, bongofury wrote:
It's a Sunday......We're in! maybe check out the new Tikifrog's biz in Long Beach too.

Yep, it's a Sunday. I didn't have a calendar with me when I posted before so I tried counting days on my fingers, and obviously lost count somewhere...

sirginn posted on 03/08/2005

Great show, you guys were tight especially for your second show.
Surfcoasters were amazing, best surf show I have seen since Los straightjackets.
I agree, a stage would have been nice at the whistlestop, the surfcoasters are not real tall dudes.

ModMana posted on 03/09/2005

kick_the_reverb & band had a great groove going at the Whistlestop. I echo the sentiments of others here in that I can't believe that was only the band's 2nd gig. We really enjoyed the show and it was definitely worth venturing out in the pouring rain. Surf Coasters put on a great show as well. A nice TC turnout...I spoke with all the TC peeps except sirginn, where were you? Keep us informed of future shows Ran.


Alnshely posted on 03/10/2005
sirginn posted on 03/10/2005

Modmana- I was lurking with some friends drinking a newcastle. You probably saw me, I was the wet guy. Sorry I did not get around to meeting everybody, I was just happy I was able to motivate and make it to the show, I had just worked a 36 hour shift.

[ Edited by: sirginn on 2005-03-10 12:49 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/13/2005

Cool pics Al. Thanks

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