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Tiki Central / California Events

The Maikai Gents with Project Pimento AND DJ Otto Von Stroheim-March 11 in S.F.

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Iuka Grogg posted on 03/03/2005

Aloha, Friends!

Our first public performance in San Francisco is here!
Join us Friday, March 11 at The Odeon Bar in San Francisco for a night to remember!
The Maikai Gents Featuring The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa will be performing a special preview of their imminent album* and spreading the spirit of aloha. Project Pimento will be heating up the room with hot licks & theremin tricks AND the grand biggy himself: DJ, Otto Von Stroheim will be spinning the best island moods to keep your mind in the proper exotic frame!
All this excitement for only $6 will begin at 9:30PM at The Odeon Bar located at 223 Mission Street at Valencia (415) 550-6994. Can’t wait to see you and your lei there!

-I. Grogg

*For information about the new album and how you can be a part of it look here:

Just say "Ee-you-kah"
Sway your hula hips over to http://www.mkgents.com

[ Edited by: iuka Grogg on 2005-03-03 21:51 ]

Iuka Grogg posted on 03/04/2005

Woops, I just edited the above messgae to add the date to the subject line. Hope to see you there! Aloha.


Trader Tiki posted on 03/04/2005


and did I mention, WOO!

I may be there, listen for the WOO!

christiki295 posted on 03/06/2005

Excellent show!

Tiki-bot posted on 03/06/2005

Can't wait! We'll see you there.

mrsmiley posted on 03/08/2005

Are they going to do the Kettle Chips song!?!?!

aquarj posted on 03/09/2005

Hey U. Grogg -
Wish we could make it, since it's been a while, and it'd be fun to see an official TMKGFTMMML show, in norcal no less! Unfortunately have a conflict that eve though.

Hope it's a fun nite! Word on the street is that the imminent album is gonna look and sound great.


Iuka Grogg posted on 03/11/2005

Aloha, Friends!

My camera's on the fritz and I sure would appreciate some snapshots of tonight's performance. If any of you fine folks who will be in attendace will take some pictures, I'll be very grateful and even give you a couple of our sweet stickers! Mahalo.

-Iuka Grogg

Trader Tiki posted on 03/11/2005

On 2005-03-11 11:25, Iuka Grogg wrote:
If any of you fine folks who will be in attendace will take some pictures, I'll be very grateful and even give you a couple of our sweet stickers! Mahalo.

Done and done! Bring unmarked stickers in a nondescript brown briefcase with a code combination 524. Leave it behind the beard, and flee. Make sure noone follows you. Once you are 50 meteres away, make the sound of a female goat in heat.

kick_the_reverb posted on 03/11/2005

Wish I could be there to see the show...sounds like a great evening.
Have fun everyone,

Trader Tiki posted on 03/12/2005

Pictures here:

and the music video, here!

Enjoy, but don't kill my webhost, por favor.


[ Edited by: tikimonkey on 2005-03-12 12:55 ]

Iuka Grogg posted on 03/14/2005

Aloha! What a fun night this was! Thanks for coming out and making our San Francisco debut such a fun and memorable one. Mahalo for the pix, Tikimonkey. Hope to see all of you fine tiki folk soon!


mrsmiley posted on 03/14/2005

I feel ill Friday--sorry I couldn't make it.

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