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The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.

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vintagegirl posted on 03/14/2005

Just saw this movie for the first time at the Aero theater in Santa Monica (now part of the American Cinematheque). It was insane. Here's a synopsis:

"Conceived, written and designed by the legendary Dr Seuss, The 5000 Fingers of Dr T is a true cult classic and one of the strangest films for children ever made. Set in suburban America, young Bart is transported to the mysterious and musical world of the evil Dr Terwilliker, a piano teacher-cum-despot with plans to enslave 500 boys to play in unison on his giant piano. With ravishing production design and filmed in Technicolor, this is a perfect family film with plenty to keep the adults amused, too from the hilarious moments of post-War paranoia to Seuss's obsession with Freud and Jung. Fans of The Simpsons should remember that it is no coincidence that their hero is another Bart and that his sworn enemy is one Sideshow Bob Terwilliger!"

There was also a crazy modern dance number about kids that wanted to play other instruments besides the piano with very Dr. Seuss-ian instruments forming a symphony. (Unfortunately, the piano does get a bad rap in this film.) Another great number was when Dr. T gets dressed for the grand opening ceremony. (He's a bit of a clothes horse.) And of course, being 1953 and all, Atomic energy does play a part in saving the day.

My only fear is that Jim Carrey will see this and want to remake it so he can play Dr. T. himself. Some things just don't need remaking.

[ Edited by: vintagegirl on 2005-03-14 07:16 ]

Satan's Sin posted on 03/14/2005

Here are the lyrics of the "Dress Me, Dress Me, Dress Me" song:

Come on and dress me! Dress me! Dress me in my finest array,
'Cause just in case you haven't heard today is do-mi-do day;
Dress me in my silver garters, dress me in my diamond studs,
'Cause I'm going do-mi-do-ing in my do-mi-do duds!

I want my undulating undies with the marabou frills;
I want my beautiful bolero with the porcupine quills;
I want my purple nylon girdle with the orange blossom buds;
'Cause I'm going do-mi-do-ing in my do-mi-do duds!

Come on and dress me! Dress me! Dress me in my peekaboo blouse,
With the lovely interlining made of Chesapeake mouse;
I want my polka-dotted dickie with the crinoline fringe;
For I'm going do-mi-do-ing on a do-mi-do binge!

I want my my lavender spats, and in addition to them,
I want my honey colored gusset with the herringbone hem;
I want my softest little jacket made of watermelon suede,
And my long persimmon placket with the platinum braid;

I want my leg-of-mutton sleeves, and in addition to those,
I want my cutie chamois booties with the leopard-skin bows;
I want by pink-brocaded bodice with the fluffy fuzzy ruffs,
And my gorgeous bright blue bloomers with the monkey feather cuffs;

I want my organdy snood, and in addition to that,
I want my chiffon Mother Hubbard lined with Hudson Bay rat!
Dress me up from top to bottom, dress me up from tip to toe;
Dress me up in silk and spinach for today is do-mi-do;

Do-mi-do day! Do-mi-do day!

So come and dress me in the blossoms of a million pink trees;
Come on and dress me up in liverwurst! and camembert cheese!
Come on and dress me up in pretzels, dress me up in Bock beer suds;
'Cause I'm go-o-o-ing [step/kick/step/kick] do-mi-do-o-o-ing [more]
In my do-o-o-o-o-o-mi-do du-u-u-ds

I have loved this movie for a long time, and have passed down this love to my children. The "Dress Me" sequence is our favorite.

There's quite a weird and dreamy quality to this movie, is there not? Very close to the "feel" of one of Dr. Seuss' written works.

Makes Cat in the Hat all that more wretched. Watching the first minutes of that movie (I couldn't take more) was like being strangled by John Wayne Gacy in his full clown makeup.

I highly recommend 5000 Fingers.

PiPhiRho posted on 03/14/2005

Actually, I hear that there is a stage play of this in development. I used to be on a mailing list put out by a guy who had all kinds of information about the movie. He also had a website. If it is still active and if I can ever locate it again, I'll post a link.

Unkle John posted on 03/15/2005

I'd kill for one of those beenies the kids wore.

Unga Bunga posted on 03/15/2005
PiPhiRho posted on 03/16/2005

The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T website...


Satan's Sin posted on 03/16/2005

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