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local retailer of koa wood bowls needed

Pages: 1 3 replies

OceaOtica posted on 03/15/2005

Does anyone know a place in California, and more specifically Los Angeles, that sells Koa wood bowls. Would like some for use and decor, but also need one this week for use in Hawaiian ceremonial blessing of wedding rings.
Thank you,

[ Edited by: tikitanked on 2005-03-15 06:53 ]

Tiki Matt posted on 03/15/2005

I know Hilo Hatties at the Block in Orange has wood bowls, though I'm not sure what type of wood they are. I searched on their website and couldn't find anything, but you should give them a call. If you go, you can also check out MoonDoggies, a Tiki themed pet store!

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/16/2005

Finding koa will be a tough call. Even in the day most calabashes were made out of Monkeypod wood.

OceaOtica posted on 03/16/2005

Hey Guys,
Thank you for the info. Bong, I will probably have to settle for a monkeypod bowl for the ceremony, a decent replacement.

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