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Wild Weekend - Benidorm, Spain November 19-21st

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The Wild Weekend 5 is happening this November at the coastal town of Benidorm, Spain. While this is not strictly 100% Tiki, it's the closest Europe gets to a Tiki blowout, with fantastic Tiki decor as well as a Tiki theme night (Tiki Twist on the Saturday). Decor from previous Wild Weekends have ended up at The Tiki's (Belgium) and the South London Pacific (er....London).

Here's the website:

Benidorm itself has two little Tiki Bars, and there are some great ones in the larger Spanish cities, so it's worth the airfare.

I'll try and dig up some photos from previous events. Hope to see some Tiki Centralites there!

Trader Woody


Here's an update on my Wild Weekend trip.

I bought my WW show ticket.

I booked a flight. British Airways nonstop 747 SFO-London (Heathrow) leaving on Nov. 17th. Connection in London (Heathrow) to BA flight to Alicante on Nov. 18th. Return BA Madrid to London on Dec. 2nd. Layover in London leaving Sunday Nov. 5th. on BA nonstop 747 to SFO. I got a really great price so I booked early. I found out that the direct flights SFO to Europe are much shorter than those that make a stop in the US - the flight SFO to London is just over 10 hours.

Staying in Benidorm the 18th. through the 22nd. for the Wild Weekend at the Les Dunes Comodoro on the beach. Taking a bus or train to Barcelona on the 22nd. to stay about 5 nights / 4 days, give or take a day. I may stay at the Park Hotel if I can get a good rate.

Hula Hula (Costa Brava) is only open Friday and Saturday during the off-season so my plan is to go to Costa Brava on Friday the 26th. and stay the night, leaving Saturday afternoon to head back down the coast to visit Port Aventura (only open weekends) on Sunday the 28th.

Leave Barcelona area on 28th. for Madrid by train. 4 nights / 3 days in Madrid.

Fly to London on Dec. 2nd. Staying 3 nights / 2 days in London. I'll be seeing Trader Vic's London and South London Pacific, plus almost all the tiki bars in Spain! :D

virani posted on Tue, Aug 3, 2004 2:47 PM

sadly I could not make it...hopefully next year.

Virani - Bummer, man - hopefully it'll be on next year or at least that there will be something equally as Tiki-tastic somewhere in Europe.

Jab - Great news! Sounds like a damn fine itinerary! I've got my Wild Weekend ticket and have booked 5 nights in the Poseiden Playa hotel which I stayed in last time. I'm not sure just yet how many days I'll be in Benidorm but hopefully we can meet up for a cocktail before it all kicks off. Perhaps the Thursday sometime?

Trader Woody

thejab posted on Tue, Aug 3, 2004 4:43 PM

We should definitely meet on Thursday. We arrive at Alicante airport at 2:55, so we probably will arrive in Benidorm around 4:30 or 5, check in to our hotel, and be ready to go out around 6. Perhaps we could meet at the tiki bar. Do you know where it is? Also, there's a preparty on Thursday night w/DJs.

Yeah, the pre-party kicks off at 7:00, so perhaps a swift drink or two at the Mai Tai and then walk or cab it over to the party. The Moai cafe may be defuct, and it was always the lesser of the two Tiki Bars, so the Mai Tai is a good place to kick things off. It's nowhere near as good as the Barcelona bars, but it'll work as a fun intro to Spanish Tiki.

I'll get you more detailed directions closer to the time.

Trader Woody


Get ready for the MONKS first Euopean show since 1966!! They're gonna blow your head off! I just saw them at the Las Vegas Rockaround and they were genius! They alone will be worth the price of admission!

I've just posted a little bit of info about the Mai Tai in Benidorm in the locating Tiki section. (Including a photograph) It's on San Pedro (the name of the road), which is just behind Poniente beach. The road goes alongside the beach, and the bar is located near to the 'old town', which essentially sits between the two large beaches. There are plenty of Benidorm maps on the internet.

I guess 6:00pm is a good time to meet up?

Yeah, I've heard great things about that Monks show. Can't wait!

Trader Woody

This looks like such a great event. Jay & I seriously looked into heading over to Spain for this. Just after looking into this we found out my sister was getting married in northern England. Have a great time & please post as many pictures as possible once its over!!


On 2004-11-06 02:26, Trader Woody wrote:
I've just posted a little bit of info about the Mai Tai in Benidorm in the locating Tiki section. (Including a photograph) It's on San Pedro (the name of the road), which is just behind Poniente beach. The road goes alongside the beach, and the bar is located near to the 'old town', which essentially sits between the two large beaches. There are plenty of Benidorm maps on the internet.

I guess 6:00pm is a good time to meet up?

Excellente! I'll be there by 6 unless we miss our connecting flight in London. Look out for a guy in dark-rimmed glasses.

We'll be stopping at Trader Vic's London on Thursday Dec. 2nd., hopefully between 5 and 6, and heading over to South London Pacific afterwards.

I won't have email from 11/17 to 12/5 but I may be checking in with Tiki Central occasionally.

It's only one week away! Viva Espana!

Great stuff!

The pre-show party kicks off at 8:00pm rather than 7:00, so that gives us a little more time to check out the Mai Tai and it's charms. I'll have scoped out the location of the Sunset bar by then as I've a couple days in Benidorm beforehand. It looks to be easy walking distance of the Mai Tai.

SallyandJay - shame you couldn't make it. I'm actually fleeing Northern England to go to the WW5. Hope you enjoy the wedding!
I'll certainly take a whole bunch of photos, though.

Trader Woody


I don't think we'll make it by 6 because we get into Alicante airport at 2:55 and the next bus to Benidorm is not until 5:30. Here's the bus schedule:

Timetable from Airport:

The bus ride is 75 minutes so we should arrive in Benidorm by 6:45. How about we meet up at 8:00?


Yeah, I read about those bus times. I get into Benidorm on Monday at 2:45pm and have the same wait, if I decide to catch the bus from the airport. However, I've been there twice before, and both times have caught the bus into Alicante and then caught a bus from the bus station there, so I may go by that route again.

What I'll do on the Thursday is to go to the Mai Tai for 7:30, and enjoy a Mai Tai or two befor heading off to the Sunset. If you're delayed in any way, we can always meet up at the pre-show party. I'll be wearing a shirt with Tikis on.

See you there!
Trader Woody


There won't be any Wild Weekend this year but get ready for Wild Weekend in 2006! There are rumors it may be in Australia! This just in on the WW mailing list from Babz and Josh:

Dear all Wild Weekenders
Contrary to various rumours going around we have NO plans to do a Wild Weekend this year in 2005.
For those of you who were at WWV you will know that we are having kiddy no.2 this year, so it will be very difficult for us to travel. So unfortunately no Wild Weekend this year.
We will definately do one in 2006 but as yet have no details.
Incidentally after the big proposal on stage at WWV we are now married, pic attached.
Thanks for all your support in the past!
Babz & Josh

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