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MD/VA outing pics

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Turbogod posted on 11/26/2002

Last weekend a few of us TC memebers went out to Honolulu in VA for dinner, and then off to the Politiki. Here's a few pics I took. from lft,clockwise. Mrs & Mr Suburban Hipster, Formikahini, Ikitnrev, Johntiki & Power of the Tiki.

Outside the Politiki

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2002-11-26 07:01 ]

SlovakTiki posted on 11/26/2002

I'm curious as to what city the Politiki is in.

ikitnrev posted on 11/26/2002

Poli-Tiki is in Washington D.C., just a few blocks from the U.S. Capital.


PolynesianPop posted on 11/26/2002

Politiki is in Washington D.C.

Politics + Tiki = Politiki

johntiki posted on 11/27/2002

Had a great time - good to see some pics!


Formikahini posted on 11/28/2002

Aloha, D.C. types! Thanks so much for meeting up with me for the mini-tiki-D.C. crawl! It was a definite highlight of my visit up north. And my Nancy Reagan tiki mug looks FABulous next to my other pagan goddess type mugs. Worth the $250 I paid for her on Ebay...yes, joke. But you all were a delight to get to meet. Come to Houston soon (or Austin - I'll make the trip there to join you at Oceans 11).

Ikitnrev (aka Vern) and I also had a wonderful day of freaks the next day./ First stop was the Dime Museum in Baltimore, full of carny sideshow freak exhibits. waaay cooool. Then off to The Visionary Arts Museum, also in Baltimore, where there was a special exhibit of former (and current) addicts' work. No paintings by tiki-mug-buying addicts yet; perhaps I should submit. That night, back to D.C. for the musical "Bay Boy," based on the Weekly World News cover story. A PERfect capper for a day of freaks, although we tried to top it with a stop at the new-and-improved 930 club to see St. Etienne. Vern and I said that only the Jim Rose Side Show could've really done that, but at least I got to see the club. Oh, and we went BACK to the Honolulu my last night. HAD to get more bananas flambe!!

I'm off to the Yucatan tomorrow (my first time there!), so no time to develop my pictures of the Honolulu, but I'll post 'em asap. Aloha!

ikitnrev posted on 11/29/2002

Formikahini and i also hit a couple of thrift stores - one of my finds was a book of aerial photographs called 'Above Hawaii' for $1 .... the pictures were taken from too high up to recognize any tikis, but there was a mention of Austrailians drinking massive quantities of mai-tais, which I may have to post here later as a challenge to the rest of us.

a brief typo .... the musical we saw was called 'Bat Boy', not 'Bay Boy', and featured a fang toothed bat creature found in a West Virginia cave, and not David Hasselhoff.


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