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Tiki Central / California Events

Mele Kalikimaka Roll Call

Pages: 1 30 replies


Aloha Kids,

Here is who I have confirmed so far -

Uncle Arty
Tiki Ti
Tiki Bong
Big Al
Trader Pup
Kui Kui Nut
Mr. Elvira

Here are the maybe's -

1more Lapu Lapu
Crazy Al
Bamboo Ben (no cruise)
Mrs. Boo (no cruise)

Here is the schedule again:

Saturday, December 14, 2002
5:00 PM Food & Drink @ Stentiki Hut
7:45 PM Leave for Huntington Harbour Cruise
8:00 PM Board Shuttle
8:30 PM Cruise of Lights
9:30 PM Disembark
9:45 PM Meet the Rest of the Tribe @ Sam's Seafood

All are welcome to come party at our humble hut even if you don't take the cruise. Just let me know if you're coming by posting here so I can we can make our plans and scheme our schemes (I know how much Centralites drink). We'll likely go with Trader Vic's Rum recipe. As with Bong's gig, if you don't drink rum and wanna bring something else, that's fine too. We are way easy!

Still working on the menu but I'm leaning toward Li's Egg Rolls (man, I love those things!) and other finger-type foods.

See you da 14th!


Uncle Arty

"I do not shun adventure if it comes my way"

  • Thor Heyerdahl

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-12-15 16:24 ]

I'm going. I already have my ticket!

Floratina's in! Woo hoo!


My dear Uncle, hast thou forgotten the good Doctor and his Girl?? We've got our tix too!

We have our tickets. Standing by.

roll call??? what kind of rolls are you calling for? What kind should we bring? Mrs. Boo and I, might have to be in Hawaii (i thought it was the 18th?) but we'll do our best to aviod going.

Are there any children coming.
Because mine really want to go.
They all ready have tickets too.
Oh what to do with them at Sam's?
My kids love Tiki Central people.

Bax - Lock them in one of those deserted banquet rooms.

Dr. Z and Z Girl - all apologies! Glad you're coming!

Baxdog - the Baxpuppies are more than welcome. The cruise is really fun for kids (and big kids like us!).

My crazy nephew Weezer and the beautiful Chrissy may bring their infant, little Frankie and they have taken him to Sam's before and we ate at the bar. Don't know their policy but perhaps if they are in the booth eating it will work out.

Hey Ben, how about egg rolls?!?

Those egg rolls like Bong had are so yummy.

Yes, Bong has tasty eggrolls.

Then there were those rib-things...

Those so-tasty 'rib-things' are kalbi ribs from The Loft in H.B. at Warner & Beach.

(and yes, my eggrolls are testy er... tasty)

'A thing of Tiki is a joy forever'

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-11-26 18:05 ]

All this talk about food makes me want to go too! Maybe I can stop by for a bite?


Of course! The Popster is always welcome.


Uncle Arty

I've been wanting to go but I believe I have a wedding to go to in Santa Barbara. If not I'm crashing the party.

Crash into me.

The count down begins......

Just nine more days until the party at Sam's.

The count down begins......

Just nine more days until the party at Sam's.


Yes, Spike! The countdown is on!

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on December 14th.

Here is my latest count:

Pre-Party at the Stentiki Hut

Uncle Arty
Tiki Ti
Tiki Bong
Big Al
Trader Pup
Kui Kui Nut
Baxpuppy Nuts - 2?
Lil Frankie Sinatra
Mr. Elvira
Dr. Z
Z Girl

May Bees:

1more Lapu Lapu
Crazy Al
Bamboo Ben (no cruise)
Mrs. Boo (no cruise)
Polynesian Pop
Ms. Chikitiki?

Sam's Seafood

All of the above +

Lapu Rocker

As always, all are welcome to the Stentiki Hut. Anyone else wanna go just let me know.

Just added a vintage tiki bar to my hut and been working on decor but have a long way to go.

Will definitely go with Li's Egg Rolls -- "The Official Egg Rolls of the OC Tribe" and other tasty pupus and drinks straight from the Grog Log. All primed for food and drink! Gonna be fun!

More Drinky!


If anyone needs a ticket, I still got one! P.S. can anyone swing by H.B. to pick the bong load up! I have gas money.


Now Bong!!,
Shelley and I will Come get you. We're doing Floratina's yearly Santarchy thing that day with Trader Pup,CB Howlie and Futura Girl. I should be able to make it to your place by 5:30. I will not miss the pre party with Uncle arty.

Ti and stopped for a nightcap at Sam's Seafood on Saturday. I gave Tommy and Jeff a heads up that Tiki Central is coming! They are calling for reinforcements and will be expecting us on Saturday, December 14. Jeff makes a mean fogcutter!

Hope to see you there.

FYI - for those going on the cruise bring warm clothes. It's gonna be chilly on the water.

(hey!, keep this a secret. Baxdog really, really, really, wants us to push him overboard during the cruise. I'll distract him with some shiny objects like bottle caps or something and the rest of you give him a shove. It will be great!)


Here we go!

I have a question:

Are you still planning on the white elephant mug exchange? Because I'm having an awfully darned hard time finding a white elephant mug!



Hey Pup,

Don't worry about white elephant thang. Just another one of Uncle Arty's brainfarts! Just bring yourself and it's all good.

Besides, I'm sure the pre-party, cruise, and Sam's will be more than enough entertainment for one night (not to mention SantaCon, the Shagmart Sale, etc. etc.).

Looking foward to it.



Can I still go
I wanna go
Is it to late to go
I have a ticket I think
7:34 cruz cruize crewz cruise
Hey, Bongo I found a dead whale on the beach yesterday, so that means I'll have a big enough wet suit on when you push me in
OH OH OH I did hear anything about that ssssssssssshhhhhh
Shiney shiny shyknee caps water sponge-bob boat lights swim
Damn good thing I don't drink HUH

White elephant mug or not... I'm ready for the festivities!


The Party is tomorrow, Ben. Hope you can make it.

Saturday, December 14, 2002
5:00 PM Food & Drink @ Stentiki Hut
7:45 PM Leave for Huntington Harbour Cruise
8:00 PM Board Shuttle
8:30 PM Cruise of Lights
9:30 PM Disembark
9:45 PM Meet the Rest of the Tribe @ Sam's Seafood
Party 'til 12:30 PM Sunday! :wink:

We'll have plenty of rum on hand and a batch of Trader Vic's Rum Punch from the Grog Log.

Li's Egg Rolls
Marinated Chicken Wraps
Fried Rice
Steamed Rice
Macadamia Nuts


Uncle Arty

"I do not shun adventure if it comes my way"

  • Thor Heyerdahl

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-12-15 16:23 ]

Pages: 1 30 replies