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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tiki Tap/ Kegerator

Pages: 1 10 replies


Just finished this bad boy up this weekend....

Thanks to TikiG at badass tikis for the carvings! Have the step by step at yafro acct below, and will post how to hook up to beer in the next few days (if anyone's thinking of making their own kegerator)



Very nice, but can we get a close up of the handles? Please?


As requested, handle closeups

Lots more pics at http://bargoyle.yafro.com/


Thar be a bad ass TikiKegerator! Arrrg!

Gary? You never showed one this compact.

What's up?

looks awesome!



Bargoyle I just finished all these up below for a festival this weekend...Your tap turned out really JAKE! Love the brass. Glad I could help. Good job dude. Thanks alot for you props. G.


Thanks Gary,

Good luck at the Georges festival. Im sure you'll sell a ton. The new stuff looks great! Love the Marq you've decided to keep for yourself (here if others haven't seen it http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=13434&forum=7&14 )

Thanks again for your work on these carvings. Top notch stuff.

[ Edited by: Bargoyle on 2005-03-28 05:43 ]

Those look great! Thanks Bargoyle.


Excellent work Bargoyle Love it.
The taps are great oo, nice finishing touch.


Thanks everyone, but Gary did all hard work. He deserves most of the credit.

hewey posted on Wed, Mar 30, 2005 6:55 AM

cool, beer and tiki


Love it! Getting ready to add a Tiki G. tap handle to my keg setup

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