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Come Thursday this place is gonna be dead....

Pages: 1 29 replies

Tangaroa posted on 03/30/2005

except for us poor slobs who can't go to the crawl...

I'm just sayin'....

Rob Roy posted on 03/30/2005

I'll be here. Of course, you have no idea who I am.

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/30/2005

Poor Slob #1, reporting for duty.

(good time to stage a coup d'etat: Viva Owl Central!)


rodeotiki posted on 03/30/2005

Poor slob #2 reporting in. The Owl revolution will not be televised

How about a shout in, someone pick a time

[ Edited by: rodeotiki on 2005-03-30 10:26 ]

pablus posted on 03/30/2005

Well, I'll be cooking and mixing and generally getting ready for Lagoon Lounge UkeJam V.

Oh, we'll crawl all right.
Captain's Grog, Beachbum Zone, Test Pilots.
Haole Kats and Happy Talk.

Still, it won't compare to the fun of the SF Tiki Crawl, featuring my favorite French Uke Player.

Have fun, Ohana!

The Sperm Whale posted on 03/30/2005

No Worries TANG I'll be here! In one form or another. My job is keeping me from going - Damn Job. I'll show them!!!

DawnTiki posted on 03/30/2005

FZ wrote:

(good time to stage a coup d'etat: Viva Owl Central!)

Don't you mean a hoo-t'etat? BAHA.Aha..ha..hah.aa.a...
I can hear the crickets already...

Dr. Shocker posted on 03/30/2005

Poor Confused Slob 10 reporting in.....where are the drinks?

PolynesianPop posted on 03/30/2005

You think it will be dead this Thursday -- wait until Oasis comes around.....nothing but the crickets will be here.

RevBambooBen posted on 03/31/2005

Come Thursday this place is gonna be dead....


Come Thursday night, all the moderators and the proprietor are gonna be hammerd for 3 days (not including the hangover) !!!

When the Cat's are away, the Rat's will play!


Unga Bunga posted on 03/31/2005

On 2005-03-30 20:41, RevBambooBen wrote:
Come Thursday this place is gonna be dead....


Come Thursday night, all the moderators and the proprietor are gonna be hammerd for 3 days (not including the hangover) !!!
When the Cat's are away, the Rat's will play!

I might just cancel the crawl. Arrrr!!!

hiltiki posted on 03/31/2005

I am ready to play...what are we playing??????

Jungle Trader posted on 03/31/2005

We're playing, Say hallo too my leetle frend.

hiltiki posted on 03/31/2005


RevBambooBen posted on 03/31/2005

On 2005-03-30 21:09, Jungle Trader wrote:
We're playing, Say hallo too my leetle frend.

Or.............Little Hand??


hiltiki posted on 03/31/2005

I dont get it???????

Jungle Trader posted on 03/31/2005

We're just being crazy hil.

hiltiki posted on 03/31/2005

I know, I am too.....

MachTiki posted on 03/31/2005

On 2005-03-30 20:41, RevBambooBen wrote:
Come Thursday this place is gonna be dead....


Come Thursday night, all the moderators and the proprietor are gonna be hammerd for 3 days (not including the hangover) !!!

When the Cat's are away, the Rat's will play!


Brilliant!!! I feel a whole new lamprey thread commin' on! Bwahahahahaha

Tiki-bot posted on 03/31/2005

What really sucks is I live here and probably can't even attend Thursday night's show due to my crunchy work schedule. Whaaaaa!

Hakalugi posted on 03/31/2005

I too will be missing out on the Crawl. However, I'll be attempting to drown my sorrows by going down to San Diego and spending Saturday evening at Bali Hai and then doing my own crawl to Humphrey's.

DawnTiki posted on 04/01/2005


[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-03-31 18:24 ]

hiltiki posted on 04/01/2005

Well it is Thursday, it is sooooo quiet.....NOT....

DawnTiki posted on 04/01/2005
PapeToaTane posted on 04/01/2005

:::heavy sigh::: I'll be here. I pretty much gave up any fun on Saturdays 12 years ago. That's pretty un-tiki, I know, but I'm "kinda busy" on Sundays, and I've gone "to work" in a rum-soaked haze enough times to know it's really not a good idea.


Love the crickets, Dawn!

I'll be happy to have a virtual drink with those who are stuck at home! Cheers! :drink:

tikivixen posted on 04/01/2005

Alas, I too am home. Tonight, anyway.
I have the evil cold that won't leave. Can't stop wheezing. I think I'm getting better, I do ONE damn fun thing for one day and it tries to come right back! Arrrggghhh.

I WAS gonna go to LA for film noir 'cause I missed the tiki bus reservations... but...here I am, too sick to tiki either.

Oops, I'm whining. You know, maybe I could burn out the bug with a, heh, a painkiller...HMMM. If the name fits...

hurrying off to experiment,


MachTiki posted on 04/01/2005

Chin up friends... Let's GET THIS PLACE ROCKIN!!!!!

... Somebody scream!!!!!!

Kailuageoff posted on 04/01/2005


Okay, I'm going home now to do my income taxes.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/02/2005

On 2005-04-01 06:13, MachTiki wrote:
Chin up friends... Let's GET THIS PLACE ROCKIN!!!!!

... Somebody scream!!!!!!

Ask and you shall receive, Mach!!!


Swanky posted on 04/02/2005

I hit a bunch of antique stores yesterday hoping I could land a major score, just to post while they were away. Damn. Nothing but overpriced fish floats and one over priced, mis labeled 6 foot tiki "Totem Pole." $2495.99 Yeah. Right.

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