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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki


Pages: 1 3 replies

TikiGardener posted on 04/06/2005
mexatiki posted on 04/06/2005

I am surprised I went as high as I did but it would have been a great display piece for the tiki garden...I talked it over with my partner and it was going to be permanent fixture...oh well...in bidding I had a tiki slash beer moment...

Turbogod posted on 04/06/2005

Thanks for posting it. I had it on a watch list for a while then I took it off because I didn't really want to know if it went for under $500. I am suprised at the price considering it has some damage.

johntiki posted on 04/06/2005

With prices like that I think we working stiffs have 2 chances of getting a Witco fountain...

  • Win the mega-millions lottery
  • Beg and plead Keigs to make us one

I'm thinking I've got a better chance at getting one from Keigs...

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