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California Tiki Club?

Pages: 1 4 replies

I was just screwing around in Yahoo's Yellow Pages and found the California Tiki Club.

Anyone hear of this?


As you can see it is not in the best neighborhood. It might be worth checking out.

Speaking of Tiki Clubs, last nite I was hanging out at the Tonga Hut. You have to love the place. $2.25 for most drinks. "Let's get drunk and screw" was playing, and the cigarette smoke was extremely thick. I really do enjoy that place. Now if they would just sell me that giant Moai.

[ Edited by: Maui_Matt on 2002-12-01 11:53 ]

oh no... they should never sell any of the few tiki things as long as they're still in business! keep the tiki-ness of tonga hut alive - don't buy the moai!


On 2002-12-01 15:59, Futura Girl wrote:
oh no... they should never sell any of the few tiki things as long as they're still in business! keep the tiki-ness of tonga hut alive - don't buy the moai!

Maybe it's my warped sense of the world, but it just seems like the Tonga Hut survives on a very tattered thread. The original owner just passed away in September. The new owners are already charging a little more(whopping 25cents a drink). So if the owners decide to rip out the fountain behind the bar for a keg fridge, I want to be there to get the goods.

When are we going to have a smoke and bourbon?

So where is this place? It doesn't show up on my radar screen. I figure it's either in Pico Rivera or El Monte...either way I think I'd be better off headin' south on PCH to some of the spots down in Sunset Beach or Hunington.

Thanks for the info Matt, Looks like we need some tiki intervention... Time for a T.C. roundup at the Tonga Hut. Tonga is on Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA.

When are we going???

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