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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Looking for party food & drinks!

Pages: 1 3 replies

I am planning an Entertaining photo Book for all midcentury modern lovers and want to dedicate one chapter to Tiki lovers. I am calling it "the Tiki Bar is Open"
If you have a drink recipe or cocktail food idea that you would like to see included please post it here. All accepted entries will be credited in print.


To be honest with ya, I'd just recommend that you browse around this forum. There's plenty of drink recipes and food recipes or suggestions of books to pick up that contain what you are looking for.

If you find something you fancy, just let the poster know and I'm sure they will help you out.

Easy, right?




On 2005-04-05 20:22, mcobycassie wrote:
All accepted entries will be credited in print.

Perhaps you need to add an incentive like this:

"Those that provide accepted entries will also receive a free copy of the book."


Yes, I would say that any accepted entries for the chapter on Tiki would warrant a free copy of the book!

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