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Alberta Tiki Road Trip

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Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 04/12/2005

This weekend Tiki A. Moaikingbird & I had the pleasure of meeting Slacks Ferret and Rodeotiki in Calgary. Here's a photo of the historic first meeting of Calgary & Edmonton TC ohana.

Left to right: Slacks, yours truly, Mo'bird and Rodeotiki suck back Mai Tais and Suffring Bastards at the Tropika Restaurant.

It was great to meet you guys, hope we can do it again soon. And thanks, Slacks, for the Golden Waves and the Mai Tais. Loved seeing all your amazing artwork in person (even more impressive than on the web), and the carvings, the mug collection, the Witco's, the panda room, the future site of the Kanaloa Lounge, etc. etc.

I believe Mo'bird is going to post pictures of our tiki finds.

Some other stops on our odyssey:

This is a great place to eat in Red Deer. http://www.cafepichilingue.com/index.htm Wednesdays are theme nights. The theme this coming Wednesday (April 13) is... Pirate!

Oasis Motel, Ponoka, Alberta.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 02:14 ]

rodeotiki posted on 04/12/2005

It was a pleasure to meet you guys and get together with Slacks again. Sorry I had to leave early.
Hope you had some good thrifting here in Calgary, well not that good.

Tiki A. Moaikingbird posted on 04/12/2005

On 2005-04-12 12:21, rodeotiki wrote:
It was a pleasure to meet you guys and get together with Slacks again. Sorry I had to leave early.
Hope you had some good thrifting here in Calgary, well not that good.

Right back atchya - it was great meeting you and Mr. Slacks Ferret aussi.

As for the thriftin', yeah, we did all right:

Right under yer noses - HA!

Tikiwahine posted on 04/12/2005

hahaha, beauty!

long pig...the other other white meat

Slacks Ferret posted on 04/13/2005

Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice meeting you guys. I hope we can do it again soon!

wrongdimensionboy posted on 04/13/2005

Now you guys have to come to Los Angeles and meet Slacks Ferret's cousins and see OUR tiki bar!

tikifish posted on 04/13/2005

I downloaded a list of thrift stores to hit in Calgary but my first one was so scary I may not forge on with the list. Something near my hotel, The Sisters of Something, and whoa nelly, it smelled like poo and BO!

I did buy something (I needed a sweater, I was cold) but it wasn't cleaned or anything.

However I did manage to pick up some great vintage design books on 17th st.

I think my shopping day here are over though, we begin shooting tomorrow, whichh means Im at the airport all day...

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 04/13/2005

Tikifish- there's a Value Village near the airport and a Salvation Army store in the shopping centre across the street (west) from it. Neither of them smell like poo or b.o. Good luck. To be truthful, we didn't get any tiki in Calgary except for some stuff Mo'bird's uncle had saved for him and the Beachcomber cocktail picks Slacks gave us. I did find some great records though, particularly at one Salvation Army location -- Frank Sinatra, April Stevens, Stan Kenton's West Side Story, Elvis' Clambake with an Elvis-Priscilla wedding photo, etc. I have scans on my website http://www.swankola.com/psf/psf.html

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki on 2005-04-13 10:41 ]

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