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Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail

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Tiki Matt posted on 04/13/2005

I received an interesting email concerning a new book that has come. First off, i do not endorse this, I just thought I'd put it out there. It does include a 'Definitive Guide to Simple Syrup' and 'The Genealogy and Mythology of the Singapore Sling', so I thought it may be of some interest. If anyone has any info/reviews, please post. Here's the press release:


Long over-due forum for mixology and barware scholars is finally

NEW YORK, April 5, 2005—The first annual volume of Mixologist: The
Journal of the American Cocktail (ISBN: 0-9760937-0-7) is hot off the
presses. A forum for mixology and barware scholars, Mixologist is
written by some of the nation's most respected cocktail authorities.
This year’s volume of Mixologist features works by Dave Wondrich, Ted
Haigh, Robert Hess, Gary Regan, Jared Brown, Lowell Edmunds, Paul
Clarke, Audrey Saunders, Phil Greene, Anistatia Miller, and Darcy

The never-before-published articles presented in this inaugural
200-page volume focus on the origins of six classic cocktails.
Additional articles explore the legend of Antoine Amedee Peychaud,
creator of Peychaud’s Bitters; the history of Plymouth Gin; a
definitive and scientific guide to simple syrup; and a look into the
classic future of cocktails. Articles were reviewed by a distinguished
editorial board that included Dale DeGroff, Dave Wondrich, Jared Brown,
Lowell Edmunds, and Robert Hess. Published by Jared Brown and Anistatia
Miller, net proceeds from the sales of Mixologist: The Journal of the
American Cocktail will benefit The Museum of the American Cocktail.

“The volume of knowledge and depth of inquiry into the American
Cocktail has expanded beyond the walls of cocktail books and bars since
the emergence of the modern Cocktail Age,” says editor Anistatia
Miller. “Mixologist offers scholars and the inquisitive a fertile place
to read the best research on this spirited subject.”

Contents includes:
A Brief History of Punch by David Wondrich
The Rise and Fall of the Martini by Robert Hess
History and Character of the Gimlet by Paul Clarke
The Genealogy and Mythology of the Singapore Sling by Ted “Dr.
Cocktail” Haigh
The Bellini by Lowell Edmunds
If You Like Piña Coladas by Jared Brown
Antoine Amedee Peychaud by Phil Greene
Down to the Sea in Ships by Anistatia Miller
The Definitive Guide to Simple Syrup by Darcy O’Neil
Twenty-First Century Cocktails by Audrey Saunders
The Long and Winding Road by Gary Regan

Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail is $23.95 (includes
s&h) per copy mailed within the U.S. via book rate. Foreign orders are
$27.95 per copy. Payments are accepted through PayPal. To process your
order via PayPal, please visit:
http://www.museumoftheamericancocktail.org/news/gazette/2005.02.html or
visit Amazon.com at

Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail is published by
Mixellany, an imprint of Jared Brown (www.mixellany.com). This
independent publishing arm of the Museum of the American Cocktail
offers cocktail and spirits professionals as well as aficionados a
forum for presenting in-depth research into the history of cocktails
and spirits, the business of beverage operations, and the crafting of
cocktails that has never before been published in a trade or consumer
publication. A portion of net proceeds from the sales of Mixologist
benefits the support of the Museum of the American Cocktail and its

Founded by the King of Cocktails, Dale DeGroff, and a host of talented
and passionate bartenders, collectors, historians, and writers on the
subject of drink, The Museum of the American Cocktail is dedicated to
providing education in mixology and preserving the rich history of the
American Cocktail. The exhibit is on display at the New Orleans
Pharmacy Museum at 514 Chartres Street, now through September, 2005.
View over two hundred years of cocktail ––vintage cocktail shakers,
Prohibition-era literature and music, tools, and all sorts of cocktail
memorabilia from the outstanding collections of the founders. For info,
visit http://www.MuseumOfTheAmericanCocktail.org

Hakalugi posted on 04/13/2005

Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered a copy through Amazon.

The fact that Ted “Dr. Cocktail” Haigh is included (Singapore Sling article) pretty much guarantees this to be a worthwhile and fun read.

johntiki posted on 04/13/2005

What? Nothing by Beachbum? Jeff Berry is my most respected cocktail authority! Sounds like a great book... definitely have to check that out!

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