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Devil-Ette Audtions!

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Are you crazy about dancing? Do you enjoy dressing up and putting on sparkly makeup? Are you hard-workin’, upbeat, fun, wacky, and an all-around groovy girlie?? Then we want YOU to....


The San Francisco Devil-Ettes are having their first auditions in two years and we’re looking for 3-5 fabulous go-go girls to join us.

Sounds awesome! What do I need to do?

Glad you asked! To become an Audition-Ette, you must:
A. Read the 'Guidelines for being a good Devil-Ette' (visit: http://www.devilettes.com/audition.html)

B. Fill out the super important Fancy Questionnaire located at http://www.devilettes.com/audition.html

C. Create/choreograph your very own 1-minute audition dance.

“HELP! I’m not a choreographer!!”
Relax. We don’t expect you to have any fancy choreography skills – we’re interested in your spirit (and ok, let’s be honest…your sense of rhythm!). We want you to have fun choosing your music, your outfit and your dance moves. This is supposed to be fun!

Once you come up with a one-minute dance audition, you have two ways to show us your stuff: send us a tape OR perform it for us LIVE and in person at our live taping.

  1. Tape your dance.
    Send us a VHS tape or DVD of your very own a one-minute dance to us along with your questionnaire. We must receive all video tape submissions by Friday April 22nd. The video can be raw and unedited. Please keep the video to one minute (60 seconds). We won't watch your audition if it is longer. Unfortunately no multi-person auditions are allowed (ONE person per video audition please).

Send your questionnaire and VHS video or DVD to:
Baby Doe
Devil-Ettes Audition
2215-R Market Street #177
S.F. CA 94114
E-mail us for details at: [email protected]

You can also drop your video off at this address Monday- Friday 10-7pm. Be sure to address the package to Baby Doe and please clearly LABEL your video with your NAME!

  1. Performing your dance live!
    If you don’t have access to a video camera, don’t fret. You can come to our live video taping date on Saturday April 23rd from 4pm – 6pm at THE DARK ROOM (located at 2263 Mission Street between 18th & 19th)and we will tape your one minute audition for you! Please bring your completed questionnaire to this taping. You can contact us directly for details on the taping session. Again, only one person per audition please! E-mail us for details at: [email protected]

NOTE: We’re all about personalities and for this reason your questionnaire will count as much as your audition tape! So please fill it out completely!

D. Once we have reviewed everything, we will have call-backs! These lucky finalist will be invited to join us at a fun two-day audition-ette workshop. You MUST be available Thursday April 28th 7:30-10pm and Saturday April
30th 4pm-6pm for this two part workshop - SORRY, NO EXCEPTIONS!

Wait a sec, who are the Devil-Ettes??
Holy smokes, where have you been hiding? Well, in case you haven’t heard, we’re San Francisco's one-and-only synchronized go-go dance troupe! We’ve been described as the Rock-n-Roll Rockettes…Kitchsy, Campy, Retro Cuties…and San Francisco’s Sweethearts! We’ve performed in Las Vegas, New Orleans, Los Angeles and of course all over the Bay Area. We LOVE all ladies... big, small, straight, queer, any age. We dance primarily to upbeat/rare tunes from the 50s-60s (so if you’re lookin’ to launch your career as a hip hoppin’ FLY GIRL, we may not be the group for you!).

We’re not professionals and we don’t make tons of cash, but we DO love to have fun and shake and shimmy in the spotlight. The Devil-Ettes’ success has been always been a team effort and we’re looking for girls who like to play nice in the sandbox. No divas please! We have weekly rehearsals, various Devil-Ette activities (like crafting props and costumes) and, of course, performances! Are you ready to work hard AND have loads of fun?? Then what are you waiting for!

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