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New Hobbie - Hangin' with the Homeless

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Tiki_Bong posted on 04/19/2005

Since I have an abudance of minutes on my hands due to my mid-life crises career change, I find myself and attached doggie on PCH and Main St in downtown HB every morning.

I started noticing a number of apparently homeless individuals wondering about, searching for this or that, and conversing with no one in particular about topics of limited interest to the sane.

(The people I'm referring to are 'homeless' as in no place to live homeless; I make this distinction because south of Huntington Beach in super-upscale Newport Beach, they have a Summer homeless problem; that means some rich bastards don't have a Summer home in which to stay. Boo-hoo.)

So, I've met a number of them and find them to be quite interesting in a weird sort of way.

Most have some degree of mental illness and a fondness for alcohol. This observation typically leads me to suggest joining Tiki Central.

One guy, who calls himself Maverick, likes to belt out Amercican Nationalistic songs at the top of his lungs with only his shorts on. I enjoy this, as he typically does it right in front of the Starbucks.

People attempt to ignore him and his ranting until he is about 2 inches from their face, as they sip their latte and munch on their coffee cake. He then extends his hand and forces them to shake it. They usually do not pick up their coffee cake again.

Maverick says he has $30,000 in the bank and is going to write me a check for $500 immediatly. He also claims to have been a pro wrestler and musician, as well as having visited nearby planets during complete blackouts.

I found out today the the City of HB has a 3-mile radius restraining order on Maverick for exposing himself sometime back.

Considering his ability at inter-galactic travel, I hope the 3-mile radius is both horizontal and vertical.

I typically ask them - "well, how did you get here?", to which their replies span the globe of imagination.

I enjoy talking with these folks, because I enjoy watching people be people and reacting to various stimuli: written, visual, and imaginary...

ZebraTiki posted on 04/19/2005

On 2005-04-19 15:44, Tiki_Bong wrote:

I started noticing a number of apparently homeless individuals wondering about, searching for this or that, and conversing with no one in particular about topics of limited interest to the sane.

Are you sure they're not just on their headset cellphones?

Rob Roy posted on 04/19/2005

You should put them to work seaching out tiki. They could hang out in thrift stores all day waiting for good stuff to be put on the shelves.

Tikiwahine posted on 04/19/2005

Reminds me of the one guy who is outside the value village every day asking for change.
I'm such a regular that he ignores me.
I knew membership had it's privilages!
If they ask you if you're a friend of Dorothy's, say no. Unless, of course, the answer is yes.

Tikiwahine posted on 04/19/2005

There's another homeless guy who goes to Starbucks every day. He just orders a coffee, and he won't go anywhere else. Once he has his beverage, he sits at his table and spaces out, happy as a clam. He's limited in a mental sort of way, but 'one coffee please' is a phrase he's mastered.

Gigantalope posted on 04/20/2005

Not long ago I was reflecting back on a little restaurant that once was in Fountain Valley or Westminster by Mile Sq Park.

It was called Hobo Joe's, and the actual them of the place was the raggamuffin rail ridin' rogues or years gone bye.

It's strange to think of such a place now..."Homeless Joe's"

Unga Bunga posted on 04/20/2005

On 2005-04-19 22:20, Gigantalope wrote:
"Homeless Joe's"

Do they have a commemorative Tiki mug?

cheekytiki posted on 04/20/2005

Hey at last a thread covering one of my favourite things to do whilst in LA!
Last time I was there, I'd always meet the same guy every morning at first light sitting under the life guard hut as I went to check the surf.
Soon we got to chatting over a couple of morning beers from the minibar in my hotel and he turned out to be a really interesting/ but slightly bonkers kind of guy and we'd chat every morning.
I kind of hope he's still there for when I go back.

vintagegirl posted on 04/20/2005

On 2005-04-19 16:26, Tikiwahine wrote:
There's another homeless guy who goes to Starbucks every day. He just orders a coffee, and he won't go anywhere else. Once he has his beverage, he sits at his table and spaces out, happy as a clam. He's limited in a mental sort of way, but 'one coffee please' is a phrase he's mastered.

He could probably spend that same amount of money to buy food for an entire day.

hala bullhiki posted on 04/22/2005

ive been a case manager/social worker in a mens homeless shelter for the last 6 plus years....its definately smashed all stereotypes i had of homeless people prior to working with them, it really is incredible the stories ive heard, and things ive seen working in a shelter which over the years has changed from an emergency shelter, to a 2 level transitional program, and these folks truely come from everywhere, just the other day one of the guys noticed my adrift moai shirt, and said ....cool, easter island, we then got into a discussion about polynesia,tuvalu, and the different theories of how the moais were built......most do suffer from a lack of a support system,mental illness, or substance abuse, but alot of these guys are really smart, and very interesting........

[ Edited by: hala bullhiki on 2005-04-21 21:57 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 04/22/2005

Living in a bamboo Tiki shack on a beach somewhere, would be about a step away from being homeless, but sounds like pure paradise to most of us TCers.

MTKahuna posted on 04/22/2005

Interesting take hula bulliki.
I occasionally visit a toothless sailor bar in San Pedro... Those guys have some wild stories.

stentiki posted on 04/23/2005

Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...

Tikiwahine posted on 07/15/2005

On 2005-04-19 16:26, Tikiwahine wrote:
There's another homeless guy who goes to Starbucks every day. He just orders a coffee, and he won't go anywhere else. Once he has his beverage, he sits at his table and spaces out, happy as a clam. He's limited in a mental sort of way, but 'one coffee please' is a phrase he's mastered.

So I met homeless joe, and his name is Stan. He introduced himself to me this morning while in the longest coffee related line I've ever seen. Man that guy can talk, asks all sorts of questions. Between questions he talks very quietly to himself. I think he must be autistic, he seems very, very bright inside. His obsessive compulsive actions are intriguing. Sits 3 feet from table, hands on knees, then gets up, steps to the left, side steps a few times, sits back down. Repeats on the right side. Drinks coffee. Gets refill. Pleasant fellow. Very chatty. Who's on first?

alohabros posted on 07/15/2005

tiki bum fights!

Easter Island Tiki Man fights Molokai Tiki Man for control of the Thunderbird... sequel to and better than the original!

[ Edited by: alohabros 2005-07-15 11:54 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/15/2005

...and the meek shalt inherit the earth.

When I was going to school in Pittsburgh my girlfriend at the time worked at the city morgue. In the winter time the morgue would fill up with the dead homeless. So many would come in that they didn't have time to get to them and would have to put them in the freezer. Ironic that's what put them there in the first place. Anyhow one of the homeless was in the freezer for over two weeks and when they finally got around to him and striped him down they found something like $25,000 dollars in small bills taped to his body. $25,000 and not the sense to get a room.

For the most part I think there is nothing that you can do for them. Friends always get on me for giving them money knowing they will probably just buy booze with it anyhow. So what!!! If it makes them happy as it does me them more power to them. The best homeless sign I have ever seen was a guy sitting at an intersection in Atlanta. It read "No lies, I need money for a beer". You can betcha I gave him enough for a six pack.

You never know who your talking to.

alohabros posted on 07/15/2005

sounds like a story from seattle, where some homeless person had cut openings in his skin and stored cash and small treasures in these "pockets". the county folks found around the same amount of cash (@$20K). some of the "pockets" were actually sewn together to keep them closed... it was reported that he attempted to make button holes and sewn buttons for these "pockets".

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/16/2005

On 2005-07-15 12:49, alohabros wrote:
sounds like a story from seattle, where some homeless person had cut openings in his skin and stored cash and small treasures in these "pockets". the county folks found around the same amount of cash (@$20K). some of the "pockets" were actually sewn together to keep them closed... it was reported that he attempted to make button holes and sewn buttons for these "pockets".


RipTide + Spermy Whale.

I guess I should have guessed...

Riptide posted on 07/16/2005

On 2005-07-15 17:25, Tiki_Bong wrote:


RipTide + Spermy Whale.

I guess I should have guessed...


Anyway, I was in Hollywood once and a guy came up to me and said, "Yo! Gimme five dollars. I ain't gonna lie to ya. I ain't gonna use it for food, cuz I'm on the rock, Baby!"

I didn't give him $5 for his habit, I gave him $5 for his honesty.

john posted on 07/16/2005

there's a homeless guy in phoenix that holds a parking space for you during busy sporting events. he either points out a spot or holds it until you turn around to get it-then he guides you into the spot! hes the only guy i've ever given money to, he earns it. hell a good gimmick like that deserves some $

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