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Tiki Central / California Events

Winky Tiki pin up show Dec 7th

Pages: 1 3 replies

suicide_sam posted on 12/02/2002

Octavio asked me to pass along info on a pin up show he's got coming up on Saturday:

Saturday Dec.7th..8 PM

None other than at Covina's Own
The Dragon -Bar and Lounge
524 E. San Bernardino Rd
Covina, CA
(626) 339-0946

onequickchic posted on 12/04/2002

do you have anymore info on this event?

Tiki Diablo posted on 12/05/2002

Fred, I'd be there with y'all, but I'll be out of town.

suicide_sam posted on 12/08/2002

That was all the info Octavio had given me, I stopped by for a little bit last night to check it out. It was okay but the venue was a bar so you couldn't really walk around and check the stuff out because of all the people who were hanging out drinkin. I just hung out for a little bit then trekked it on down to Alex's Bar in Long Beach and caught a performer by the name of Phil Shane, all I have to say is' "Oh my God" that was the the most disturbing thing I've seen in a long time. It was this old guy with a karaoke machine dressed up like Elvis putting on what could basically only be reffered to as the karaoke show from hell. He had lights and fog machines, hard core punk rockers were going nuts over him.

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