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what causes a mug to craze?

Pages: 1 11 replies

bigkahuna627 posted on 01/29/2005

what causes a mug to craze?

have you ever owned a mug long enough that it crazed? how long did it take? what did you think?

i think my life would stop. i would get a lot of beer, and just stare at the mug till it crazed some more. if it took too long i might get so drunk that the mug would get crazed by me - broke.

[edited by hanford to change subject line]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2005-02-07 02:01 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 01/29/2005

Dude, your crazee.

Alnshely posted on 01/29/2005

Mr 627, I am an ex glass blower, I did research and industrial work. What many don't know, is that glass is a liquid, that is a solid at room temp, the oposite of mercury which is a solid, that is a liquid at room temp. Keep up, the glass in the glaze of any ceramic, just like any glass, has a thermal expansion coefeicient. Glass expands with any heat, and contracts as it cools. This expansion Co. differs from the Ex Co of the ceramic of the mug. Over the years the differing Expasion coefeicients, will eventually crack the glaze. Physics at work. Email any questions to my wife

Tiki Royale posted on 01/29/2005


bigkahuna627 posted on 01/29/2005

i would have to be real drunk to understand that. but i would forget it in the morning.

knowledge aquired while drunk can only be applied while drunk.

FreakBear posted on 01/29/2005

On 2005-01-29 04:50, bigkahuna627 wrote:
i would have to be real drunk to understand that. but i would forget it in the morning.

knowledge aquired while drunk can only be applied while drunk.

Speaking of intoxicating science -- try this one on for size! http://www.oddmusic.com/gallery/om22000.html

That is great info Al. This should be an entry in BOTS (Book of Tiki Science)!

[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2005-01-29 12:40 ]

bigkahuna627 posted on 01/31/2005

so, if i take a new mug and keep switching from the oven to the freezer it might craze. i am almost drunk enough to try it.

Deery Luau posted on 02/02/2005

I'd imagine that sticking 'em in the dishwasher would lead to eventual crazing.

aquaorama posted on 04/22/2005

So, once you start to see "crazing" what will it end up like? I mean, yes... you see the lines in the glaze, but will it in any way make the mug more fragile or caue the glaze to chip away? ( Hey, I'm only a Government employee so whadda expect.....)

Tikiwahine posted on 04/22/2005

I washed a newly acquired vintage mug with hot water, and the crazing seemed to appear before my eyes.
I'm not sure of the hot water made it show up more clearly, or cauzed the old glaze to craze, but it kind of freaked me out!

Al that's really cool! I recently had a 13" red glass float blown for me, it's all lit and netted now. Expensive bugger in the end, but it sure is a beaut! I just need to age the rope now.

stentiki posted on 04/22/2005

Hey Al,

Great explanation. In fact, I was going to post separately about my Aloha Hut mug when I saw yours in the 'Show Me' post. Sadly, I just noticed that Aloha Hut has begun the disintegration process - a hairline crack that continues to progress. This especially hurts because I once had three. So I ask you, oh knowledgeable one...is there any way to stop this or at least preserve the mug so that it cracks no further? Any advice out there?

net-tiki posted on 04/23/2005

On 2005-01-28 21:32, Unga Bunga wrote:
Dude, your crazee.

LMAO! Unga, cracks me up!

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