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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

A really nice gift to get my friend hooked on tiki...

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I saw this in the Tiki gallery a few weeks back and now I finally found one on Ebay...


I think my friend would like it since she really likes Easter Island Tikis (she calls them big nose tikis). It is similar to a lava lamp and she likes things like that, with a "retro" feel.


Well I remember seeing these in Spencer Gifts in the mall along with the moai incense burner. I just searched the website but I didn't find it, I don't remember it being over $30 though. It looked OK in person, but not really my style. Something about "electric bolts of light" inside a moai, just seems odd to me.

I just gave Spencer gifts a call and they said it's $59.99.


I guess I was wrong... :(

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