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SLO News Headlines

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stuff-o-rama posted on 04/26/2005

On todays front page of the local "fish wrap" was this gem:

*Thieves make off with artistic trout, police say
One fugitive fish re-netted; another remains at large

Sarah Linn -- The Tribune

Something fishy happened in downtown San Luis Obispo this past weekend.
Two giant steelhead trout sculptures disappeared in the wee hours of Monday morning from their stations in front of Moondoggies Beach Club, 863 Monterey St., and Firestone Grill, 1001 Higuera St.
So far, police have netted one missing trout, but the other fishy fugitive is swimming free, said Rob Bryn, spokesman for the San Luis Obispo Police Department.
The fiberglass fish are part of "Trout About Town," a public art project featuring two dozen fiberglass trout created by local artists. It's a fundraiser for the Prado Day Center, which provides food, shower facilities and other services for the homeless during the daytime.*

See what happens when you leave mirrored covered fish out for drunken frat boys to strike at? Honestly, the missing fish is covered in mirrored squares like a disco ball.

The second, smaller story on the front page was "Local Health Clinic May Have to Close" due to severe cutbacks. Good thing we have our priorities straight 'round these here parts...

martiki posted on 04/27/2005

Wasn't the show "Fish Masters" filmed in SLO?

Does anyone here remember Fish Masters?

stuff-o-rama posted on 04/27/2005

Yes indeedie! I was one of the "Fishmasters" sponsors. I had a small part in the "Giant Sea Monkey" Episode, but that's another story...

All's well in Trout Land. Apparently the guilt became so great the thiefs returned said fish to the PD, along with an apology note and a $100.00 donation. Sounds fishy to me!

ZebraTiki posted on 04/27/2005

The thieves must have been feeling gill-ty!

Who could resist a mirrored trout?

Unga Bunga posted on 04/27/2005

"one is all you need"

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