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Tiki Planter

Pages: 1 3 replies

JTcoconut posted on 04/27/2005

I've been reading these forums with great interest for several weeks. I can't beleive the amount of information here !! I have not posted before, but I thought I'd let the folks in the northeast know that the Christmas tree shop has some cool tiki planters. They're only $4 and about 8 inches tall. I bought 4 of them in the Saugus MA store last week. Just an FYI : )

tabuzak posted on 04/27/2005

I am looking for tiki style pots for starting
an indoor garden in my bedroom. I have not seen anything appropriate yet. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Monkeyman posted on 04/27/2005

You want planters????? You got em.... (click on this link)


Tiki-Kate posted on 12/24/2005

Found these in the garden department at Home Depot today.

They had three different sizes and lots of colors.

Pages: 1 3 replies