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Anyone for Geocaching during Oasis?

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Doctor Z posted on 04/28/2005

This might be total "activity overkill", but I know that there will be a few Geocachers in attendance at Oasis this year (myself, DolphinTiki, TikiBird, UtopianDreem, DawnTiki, Humuhumu, Mig - anyone else?) and that some of 'em went out 'caching' at this time last year. Anybody think they might be up for it, say Friday or Saturday during the day? Yeah, I know - I don't even know if I'll be up for it, but I'll bring my GPS and print out some caches anyhow, just in case...

Monkeyman posted on 04/28/2005

Isnt TraderPup a Cacher?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/28/2005

Only if it ain't too hard. Hard work never killed nobody, but I'm not takin' no chances.

Humuhumu posted on 04/28/2005

I've already hit a lot of the caches in PS, but I had a fantastic time geocaching with Mig last year -- there are some real doozies in PS! I wholly encourage anyone who has a GPS (or knows someone who does) to strike out in Palm Springs.

DawnTiki posted on 04/28/2005

Don't play with me Z! Tiki Oasis and Geocaching? All together in one weekend? :D Put me down for some. I'll bring the old GPS too (just in case). ShipwreckJoey, if I can do it anyone can...REALLY!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/28/2005

Hey, this is very cool! I didn't know that this game/hobby existed (until about 10 minutes ago when I read up on it!)

At first I didn't know what the hec you guys were talking about. Now I've got to do it! Don't be surprised to find Tiki Mugs very soon!



[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2005-04-28 10:03 ]

UtopianDreem posted on 04/28/2005

Count T-Bird & me in! Any excuse to geocache works for me!

Traderpup posted on 04/28/2005

I'll see if I can dig up my antique, out of date GPS.... packed away for moving now

mrs. pineapple posted on 04/28/2005

Remember the old days, when you went to the Oasis with a trunk full of rum and pineapple juice, and you sat around the pool and drank all day, waiting for the slide show or bands to start? Occasionally you propped yourself up, squinted through your rum induced fog, and said 'WHAT the hell is King Kuke up to? that Crazy Al sure is crazy!' or wandered over to the Lanai and saw the lovely mugs that Munktiki had brought, and drooled over Bamboo Ben's latest endeavor? On your way back to the pool, pop in to see AlnShelly in 135, then back to the pool, bonk the little Bax-Dog kids with a beach ball, and reclaim your float?

You guys are way too active, I'll be floating on my raft, belly up!

mrs. pineapple posted on 04/28/2005

oh yeah, I'll wear a tracking device, so youse can find me :)
mrs. pineapple

"You're the mayor of shark city, people think you want the beaches open."

[ Edited by: mrs. pineapple on 2005-04-28 21:18 ]

mig posted on 04/29/2005

This little hobby is a HOOT... Humu and I hit some really fun ones around there. We dropped a travel bug at the cache at the top of the Palm Springs tram.

It looks like there's been a huge proliferation of caches in/around Palm Springs since last Oasis. Should be enough to keep everyone thoroughly busy... I bet it would be easy to plot out a walking tour that hit several.

Particularly fun ones in/around Palm Springs:
--DO THE ONE at Cabazon. Very clever camo job.

--"Hunka Hunka Burnin' Cache" is fun, and is near the Elvis Honeymoon house.
--the Liberace house cache is quite close to Hunka Hunka.
--"PS Tram" is a fun one (it's at the top of the tram)
--The one I haven't found yet, but that I REALLY want to, is this one. It's 5 or 10 miles away, but check it out, it's one to remember!


[ Edited by: mig on 2005-04-28 19:25 ]

mig posted on 04/29/2005

On 2005-04-28 10:02, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

Don't be surprised to find Tiki Mugs very soon!

This is a GREAT idea. I've had the thought for a while that it would be a really cool idea to do tiki-themed caches... i.e., caches at tiki locations. The cache descriptions could give a bit of history. (This is somewhat of the point of geocaching anyway... it's supposed to show places of some sort of interest.)

A couple variations that might be neat:

-placing a mug as a reward for FTF (which is parlance for "first to find")
-making a mega-tiki-cache, where you need to get a clue at each of the X number of other tiki caches in order to put everything together and get the final coordinates.

I just always have too many things going on to fully follow through with something like this. But I totally think that a "TikiCentral Cache" is overdue. :)


Hanalei_Pirate posted on 05/01/2005

On 2005-04-28 10:02, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
At first I didn't know what the hec you guys were talking about. Now I've got to do it! Don't be surprised to find Tiki Mugs very soon! http://www.geocaching.com/

[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2005-04-28 10:03 ]

Wish this GPS contraption existed back when I hid me buried treasure.... I been searching fer it a couple centuries now... left it somwhere on Madegascar but a typhoon erased me primitive sign markers.

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