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The Paradise Room By Night...new pics

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Basement Kahuna posted on 12/06/2002

I have learned how to take night shots sort of okay with our digital camera...here are some new shots of the Kahuna's basement. I'll start off with a fuzzy one of the Imperial Luau tiki.........displayed with menacing primitive weapons!

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/06/2002

You can't see in these photos but the two side spires of the bar are elongated Maori style "moko faces"..

floratina posted on 12/06/2002

My goodness. The "TiPSY Factor" is extraordinarily high in your lair. I am envious. TiPSY is a designation devised by our very own James Teitelbaum (Tikibars) who is the webmaster of the Tiki Bar Review Pages and the author of an upcoming book on the subject. Gotta give credit where it is due! It means "Tikis per square yard". You gots a lot of 'em, B-Kahuna. That is a gratifying sight to behold.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/06/2002

Why, thank you...I had noticed in the past that James has the "TIPSY" factor trademarked...I'm afraid to say it now!

kick_the_reverb posted on 12/06/2002

Thanks for sharing Basement kahuna...Indeed a high TIPSY factor, I like the dominant brown colors.

Good job

Kailuageoff posted on 12/06/2002

Your bar has got to be one of the best anywhere. I really like the weapons and of course the tiki from the Luau is fantastic. Your collection and the way you have everything lighted and displayed would put a lot of so-called commercial tiki enterprises to shame. Keep the faith!

hula hula posted on 12/06/2002

sweeeeet! I love da weapons, you made those right? Beautiful bar, so moody just great.Damn I wish I could build a bar.

Alnshely posted on 12/06/2002

Hula Hula,
You can build a bar. I saw your Tiki room, You just need a bar. Go get "Pad" by Matt Marian. In it he has plans to build an easy to construct home bar. It's cool.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/06/2002

You could build a bar easy.....your ceiling height is perfect..The reed fencing mentioned in the Pad book is usually for sale at Home Depot and makes a great wallcover, too. You can hang it with a minimum of holes by just butting it up against the walls with long pieces of bamboo (just pre-drill or it will split). If you can't find the fencing, some decent colored fake bamboo roll blind works well, too. I'd go for it. Once the "shell" is up you may find yourself obsessed (I certainly have been, sometimes to my lovely wife's duress.. ) The weapons are all mine except for the smaller Maori Patu and the Lombok blow gun above the window.

hula hula posted on 12/06/2002

Sorry for making it sound I cant build a bar, i meant i dont have the space, its a computer room, until the wahine finishes school. O' yes I have great plans albeit I still live in an apartment, but that wont hold me back too much. snicker snicker Actually my next under taking is doing the ways with willow reed. ( cant make anything toooooo permenant)

btw the book PAD is great I saw the plan they have in there as well, sweet and simple.

weirduncletiki posted on 12/06/2002

Ga-ga-ga going!!!! That is some basement you got there, Kahuna! WOW! So, where are you located? Just curious, so I can plan my next party crashing trip.

To Hula Hula: Yes, the bar in PAD is a great and portable (since you're in an apartment) design. A buddy of mine built one and then added his own customizing touches and it turned out way nifty.

twowheelin'tiki posted on 12/07/2002

thank the gods for folks that build tiki rooms/bars like this.it makes it much easier to get away with my small bar in the kitchen of our apt with out upsetting the wife......too much!.one look at this basement room and my madness seems tame......for now!

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/07/2002

Luckily I have an understanding wife who halfway digs it...And beware, my friend, for madness crawls the edge of a razor blade!. Tonight we entertained our friends Brad and Shelley Fisher from the little town of Dallas, Texas.....Shelley had been waiting patiently for months (9 months to be exact! ) for a delicious tropical alcoholic beverage...At the end of the night my bus tray dead tiki warriors included IN ADDITION to my wife's Jamaican Dust and my Mai Tai and Oahu Gin Sling: A Test Pilot, A Hurricane, two Trader Vic's Grogs, two Planet of the Apes, and a Ciro's Special.... after pictures forthcoming :)

GECKO posted on 12/07/2002

Betta den pig, betta den poi! Owwweee!

if u stey in southern cali Bk I'll stop by for a maitai one day.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/07/2002

We're on the other coast...in the mountains of Northeast Georgia....Hey, Gecko, I owe you some pics-I'll get those out ASAP

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/08/2002

'Cleanin up da mess :)

tikibars posted on 02/05/2003

On 2002-12-06 00:45, Basement Kahuna wrote:
Why, thank you...I had noticed in the past that James has the "TIPSY" factor trademarked...I'm afraid to say it now!

All Tikiphiles are hereby given permission to use the term openly, freely, and with full impunity!


And I must say, this bar looks amazing!
...time to get to work on improving my own Tiki Room...



James Teitelbaum
webmaster: Tiki Bar Review Pages (since 1994)
author: Tiki Road Trip (pre-order it now!)
creator: Left Orbit Temple (volume II coming soon)

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2003-02-05 13:14 ]

Pages: 1 16 replies