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Caliente Tropics sold?

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paranoid123 posted on 04/26/2005

I haven't been looking at TC for a few months now so I've been out of the loop. I did do a search so I know that some people are aware, but speculation is running rampant, but does anyone know about situation of Caliente Tropics being sold. I am not attending Tiki Oasis V, but I'm sure it's still going to take place.

Anyway, I called Caliente Tropics about a week ago, hoping to book a room for last Saturday, they told me that I needed to stay 2 nights minimum, when I told them that I stayed there 2 months back, and they didn't push the policy, they responded that they have a new owner and new management. I was shocked but couldn't find anything on TC about this news.

Well, we stayed at the nearby Royal Sun this weekend anyway, but walked over to Caliente Tropics for drinks at the Reef, and to snoop around. Going to the Reef bar, it's changed a bit. The one bartender we met before isn't there, it's now staffed (and managed - I asked) by La Casita, the Mexican restaurant that is next door to Caliente Tropics. They will serve food from the restaurant, and they give chips and salsa to everyone who drinks there. They no longer play Frank Sinatra, rat pack, and 50's music, but instead, hip hop.

We didn't see Casey in the lobby. And that Tiki Central member picture frame is gone.

If anyone has information, I'd appreciate it. We stayed last stayed in Caliente Tropics when Shag's "Gracious Oasis" show was opening on Jan 29th. I hope the new owners have as much dedication to Tiki as Casey did.

Satan's Sin posted on 04/26/2005

If the new owner is a chain, then forget it. All funky, tiki ambiance will soon be toast. It's the law.

If the new owner is a private individual or a very small group of investors, then the most beautiful of TCers must be sent to him to sink her fangs in his throat and convert him to ... The Way.

mrsmiley posted on 04/26/2005

On 2005-04-26 15:57, paranoid123 wrote:

Well, we stayed at the nearby Royal Sun this weekend anyway, but walked over to Caliente Tropics for drinks at the Reef, and to snoop around. Going to the Reef bar, it's changed a bit. The one bartender we met before isn't there, it's now staffed (and managed - I asked) by La Casita, the Mexican restaurant that is next door to Caliente Tropics. They will serve food from the restaurant, and they give chips and salsa to everyone who drinks there. They no longer play Frank Sinatra, rat pack, and 50's music, but instead, hip hop.

Hip hop? Wasn't that the choice of music from Vegas' Taboo Cove just before it closed!?!?! (unless of course, the Reef now plays Tiki Hip Hop!)

martiki posted on 04/27/2005

FYI- this has been discussed, but is no longer available.

Per Otto, only management has changed, not ownership. Please see below post from Otto:

Baby Doe and I talked to the management team at the tropics on Monday afternoon and we have excellent news for you.

They assured us that they are fully supportive of Tiki Oasis 5 and are currently working hard to make sure everything goes smoothly

The Reef bar will be open for business but we are not sure whether there will be satelite bars. Still working on those details.

There will be some room changes but I doubt you would have noticed them had I not pointed them out right now - there will not be free water and sodas in the fridge (tip: bring some of your own or plan to make a run to the store), the cool embroidered towels are not standard equipment in the rooms, but are still available for sale in the lobby (tip #2: bring your own fluffy towel for poolside and/or bathing. Bonus tip: if you really like said towel write your name on it somewhere so it does not get lost), the hotel is no longer non-smoking (good news for some!)

My understanding is that the Reef has always been owned by La Casita.

Sorry to hear about the hip hop.

VERY sorry to hear about the TC picture board in the lobby. I really hope that that got back to Monkeyman. That would be a disgrace if it was just shitcanned after all the work he put into it.

The Monitors posted on 04/28/2005

I agree with Satans Sin, it's the law. The minute a tiki bar plays hip hop, it's the beginning of the end.

The drinks at the Reef were still good, but I demand confidence from my bartender when they make my Mai Tai. I could tell that the people behind the bar were just there for the job, and could care less if there was grenadine in my Mai Tai.

Hakalugi posted on 04/28/2005

On 2005-04-26 18:56, martiki wrote:
VERY sorry to hear about the TC picture board in the lobby. I really hope that that got back to Monkeyman. That would be a disgrace if it was just shitcanned after all the work he put into it.

Maybe Casey moved it into protective custody.


Swanky posted on 04/29/2005

The thing to realize is that what Caliente Tropics is today is thanks in large part to Casey Jones.

He had no idea when he went in, but BigBro and others turned him on to the history of the place and he went with it. He then found the ohana and great people like Bamboo Ben and Crazy Al who passionately helped with the renovations.

Tiki Oasis was spawned from this friendship. The cooperation of Otto and Casey make Oasis happen and grow.

Casey is no longer managing the Tropics. Changes have already been made that would upset us tikiphiles and who knows what direction they will go in from here. You have to worry. If the tiki-friendly managment is gone, it may well mean a new direction. Let's all hope it's just a retooling, not a complete change.

That said, Otto is going to have a rougher time than normal this year. You guys have to have seen Casey running around all Oasis weekend keeping things under control and making it all work. Otto will not have that help, nor any of the staff that has ever worked Oasis before probably. This is a time to support your host and hostess and lend a hand, not a time to complain. Enjoy and revel in what you have. I wish I was going to be there to help out and enjoy the whole scene.

Cheers to Otto, Baby Doe and Casey!

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2005

On 2005-04-29 06:45, Swanky wrote:
The thing to realize is that what Caliente Tropics is today is thanks in large part to Casey Jones.

He had no idea when he went in, but BigBro and others turned him on to the history of the place and he went with it. He then found the ohana and great people like Bamboo Ben and Crazy Al who passionately helped with the renovations.

Tiki Oasis was spawned from this friendship. The cooperation of Otto and Casey make Oasis happen and grow.

Casey is no longer managing the Tropics. Changes have already been made that would upset us tikiphiles and who knows what direction they will go in from here. You have to worry. If the tiki-friendly managment is gone, it may well mean a new direction. Let's all hope it's just a retooling, not a complete change.

That said, Otto is going to have a rougher time than normal this year. You guys have to have seen Casey running around all Oasis weekend keeping things under control and making it all work. Otto will not have that help, nor any of the staff that has ever worked Oasis before probably. This is a time to support your host and hostess and lend a hand, not a time to complain. Enjoy and revel in what you have. I wish I was going to be there to help out and enjoy the whole scene.

Cheers to Otto, Baby Doe and Casey!

I second that emotion!

tikiyaki posted on 04/30/2005

UGH ! Hip Hop.... why do owners always feel like they have to satisfy the MTV generation to make money ? I love that place. I really hope they stay true to the cause. It was nice having a tiki getaway 2 hours away, and that pool is amazing.
Crossing my fingers....

Jeff Central posted on 04/30/2005

I third that emotion! Nice post Swanky. Has anyone heard from Casey? I don't think he has posted on TC in a long time. I hope he is ok.


PoisonIvy posted on 04/30/2005

The thing to realize is that what Caliente Tropics is today is thanks in large part to Casey Jones.

He had no idea when he went in, but BigBro and others turned him on to the history of the place and he went with it. He then found the ohana and great people like Bamboo Ben and Crazy Al who passionately helped with the renovations.

Tiki Oasis was spawned from this friendship. The cooperation of Otto and Casey make Oasis happen and grow.

Casey is no longer managing the Tropics. Changes have already been made that would upset us tikiphiles and who knows what direction they will go in from here. You have to worry. If the tiki-friendly managment is gone, it may well mean a new direction. Let's all hope it's just a retooling, not a complete change.

That said, Otto is going to have a rougher time than normal this year. You guys have to have seen Casey running around all Oasis weekend keeping things under control and making it all work. Otto will not have that help, nor any of the staff that has ever worked Oasis before probably. This is a time to support your host and hostess and lend a hand, not a time to complain. Enjoy and revel in what you have. I wish I was going to be there to help out and enjoy the whole scene.

Cheers to Otto, Baby Doe and Casey!

How the hell do you know? Good thinkin' good wishin' but I neva' seen ya. Neva.

Tiki-bot posted on 04/30/2005

Yes, Casey had a big hand in making the Tropics what it is and he was apparently motivated by the tiki ohana that volunteered to help him out. But his departure is by no means a death-knell of the tiki mana that exists there. Let's reserve judgement til Oasis weekend and see what happens, shall we?

Swanky posted on 04/30/2005

On 2005-04-29 23:15, PoisonIvy wrote:
How the hell do you know? Good thinkin' good wishin' but I neva' seen ya. Neva.

From hours of conversation with Casey. From lots of talks with BigBro. From working side by side with Casey at Hukilau, even though he was supposed to be there to have fun and relax. That's the kind of guy he is. A hard worker. A reliable person. A giving person. From having done Hukilau for years and knowing what it takes and knowing all that Oasis means to a manager like Casey. That's how the hell I know. Never seen you either.

Swanky posted on 04/30/2005

On 2005-04-30 00:03, Tiki-bot wrote:
Yes, Casey had a big hand in making the Tropics what it is and he was apparently motivated by the tiki ohana that volunteered to help him out. But his departure is by no means a death-knell of the tiki mana that exists there. Let's reserve judgement til Oasis weekend and see what happens, shall we?

What I am saying is, the many thousands who know of the Caliente Tropics thanks to the transformation Casey did and because of the promotion of Otto, need to make it known that they are a big part of the customers there. Oasis weekend should give them a chance to see all the fans of the Tropics as it is today. A huge positive influence.

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2005

I understood what you were saying, Swanky. I got yer back, buddy! :)

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2005

On 2005-04-30 08:28, Swanky wrote:

On 2005-04-29 23:15, PoisonIvy wrote:
How the hell do you know? Good thinkin' good wishin' but I neva' seen ya. Neva.

CAN'T WE ALL just get along!?!?!!?

Rob Roy posted on 05/02/2005

CAN'T WE ALL just get along!?!?!!?


CaseyJPS posted on 05/04/2005

I wasn't quite sure where to post. This topic looked like a good start.

Some of you received my email on/around April 1 regarding our departure from the Caliente tropics Resort. We are no longer involved with the daily operation of the Resort. The Resort has been repositioned, eliminating some amenities and services which made us a favorite with many regular customers.

Although I don't know for a fact, I believe most of the artifacts, memorabilia, artwork, restoration, etc., will remain in place (yes, Monkeyman's Tiki Central picture board is safe). In fact, it semed to us that ANYTHING that was Tiki and not tied-down was literally thrown at us as we exited. For those of you who know the property, you know how much time and effort went to promoting, procuring and maintaining the heritage and personality of the business.

Our abrupt departure was unplanned. To say we've been treated unprofessionally is a gross mis-understatement. For those of you who did not receive the email announcing our move, it was only because I simply couldn’t get to every contact in our email address book, when the unexpected changes were happening quickly.

Thank you for your patience and support. I can’t think of a time that has been more challenging than the past 30 days or so. I look forward to seeing you soon.

[ Edited by: CaseyJPS on 2005-05-17 10:19 ]

The Monitors posted on 05/04/2005

Hey Casey,

It's nice to hear form you. I'm glad I was able to stay ther at least one night under your management. Our experience was so excellent that my wife and I immediately were planning our next visit to your beautiful resort.

What are your future plans? Do you plan to open another hotel/bar. Please say yes. We beg you.

Best regards,

tikigreg posted on 05/04/2005


Sorry to hear of this unfortunate and unwelcome turn of events. I'm sure many folks, as I am, are wondering how all this came to be. Knowing more might help us understand, but I would understand if you didn't want to go into the ugly details.

Best of luck in all your future endeavors! You know you have a lot of friends here at TC that will support you wherever you go.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/04/2005

I for one am very happy to see you here on TC again. I know it must be hard to see what is happening (and may happen in the future) to the Tropics. You were one of the big reasons we all enjoyed staying there.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/04/2005

One more thing --
I just got off the phone with SugarCaddyDaddy as he just checked in for the Oasis weekend. He says the lobby walls are bare and only the items that are "permanently fixed" have not been removed (the Bosko Moai, Waterfall and Foam Ku carved by Marcus Pitzutti). Everything else in the lobby has been "gutted" so to speak.

He also mentioned the jacuzzi had been roped off and appears to have been sitting stagnant for quite some time as the water level is low and the water color is BROWN.

The good news is, he reports that all the tikis scattered throughout the property remain. However, based on Casey's post above, who knows how long that will last?

mrsmiley posted on 05/04/2005

cASEY--I hope to see you at teh Hukilau!

TikiHula posted on 05/04/2005

Mahalo Casey for helping start, and host the Oasis for the past 5 years. It has been truely awesome!

To everyone at Oasis this weekend: we gotta live it up 'cause I'm betting this will be the last year at the Tropics! :cry:

Formikahini posted on 05/04/2005

and suddenly I both feel better - and worse - about not being there this year.

Better, because without Casey there, it wouldn't be the same for me. Casey, you have been nothing but a darling at the Oasises (sp?) I've been to, as well as the other wonderful events where we've both been. I hate the thought of giving those a**holes my money if they've treated you poorly.

Worse, because I want to throw my support in with Otto and Doe who WILL be there (busting their asses to make it great as usual!), and to let the owners know that there is a VERY large contingent who loves the Caliente Tropics because of its Oasis of Tiki flavor, thanks to the hard work of Casey & his crew, Big Bro, Crazy Al, Bamboo Ben and others who busted THEIR asses getting that place back to its full Tiki Glory (and I'd bet, even better than before).

I look forward to buying you a drink at Exotica, or Hukilau, or whatever fab event we both attend next, Casey!

Big kiss,

mrsmiley posted on 05/04/2005

On 2005-05-04 10:51, CaseyJPS wrote:

We are no longer involved with the daily operation of the Resort, and prefer to not be associated with the business. The Resort has experienced a notable repositioning, eliminating amenities and services which made us a favorite with many regular customers.

Normally I would reply with something like "these folks earned an 'Eternal Razz' ", but I don't think it goes far enough--all I can say is "WHAT JERKS!"

Monkeyman posted on 05/04/2005

On 2005-05-04 12:25, PolynesianPop wrote:
the lobby walls are bare and only the items that are "permanently fixed" have not been removed (the Bosko Moai, Waterfall and Foam Ku carved by Marcus Pitzutti). Everything else in the lobby has been "gutted" so to speak.

Bastards!!!! Why does somebody always have to wreck things when they are otherwise fine?

This does not make me happy!

Hakalugi posted on 05/04/2005

On 2005-05-04 12:25, PolynesianPop wrote:
...the jacuzzi had been roped off and appears to have been sitting stagnant for quite some time as the water level is low and the water color is BROWN.

I just got off the phone with the Caliente Tropics and was told that they are doing "everything they can" to have the jacuzzi up and running in time for the Oasis.

We shall see.

mrsmiley posted on 05/05/2005

On 2005-05-04 12:25, PolynesianPop wrote:
...the jacuzzi had been roped off and appears to have been sitting stagnant for quite some time as the water level is low and the water color is BROWN.

The jucuzzi is out of order!?!?! Tikibare will just have to pee in the pool instead!

mrsmiley posted on 05/05/2005

Casey--you helped make my New Years Eve last year a blast-I was looking forward to going to the Tropics again this year. Guess, I will make other plans now! Hey folks--lets all meet at the Indio Tropics!!! (EEK)

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vintagegirl posted on 05/05/2005

Wow, Casey! So sorry to hear of the unpleasantness of your departure from the Tropics. (I guess I was hoping it was just a simple business transaction.) You will be sorely missed as well as all the wonderful improvements you made to the Tropics. Sounds like the new management can't even hold a candle to your former quality of service.

tikiyaki posted on 05/05/2005

That's sad. What a bunch of Pricks. I'll never stay there again. Mr Casey, thanx for making the tropics a great place. I stayed there once and loved it. You need to Tiki-ize another hotel and put those dumbasses out of business.

[edited by Hanford to remove the quote]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2005-05-17 13:08 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 05/05/2005

Only the BEST to you Casey!!

CaseyJPS posted on 05/06/2005

I was asked to comment further, so I'm going to give you my opinion...

Every bit of support is extremely helpful.

Aside from the 4+ years of no income, losing our life savings, and other unpleasant facts relative to our former partners, our current day-to-day motivation comes from the support we get from all of you--you all really care. Thankfully, I believe everything happens for a reason, and I tend to look at the glass as half full. After all, if we had never wound up here, been introduced to Sven by Pete, we would never have the relationships with so many of you who have made this a positive life-changing experience.

Thank you for your concern. It is painful to watch the quality of what we built slip away. Just our opinion but, we suspect the CTR has more to do now with selling widgets than providing a memorable experience which could be celebrated, shared and passed from generation-to-generation.

I am VERY GRATEFUL to all of you.

Mahalo Nui Loa!

[ Edited by: CaseyJPS on 2005-05-17 10:24 ]

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docwoods posted on 05/06/2005

Casey-that's a tough story to read,and an even worse one to experience.Good,passionate people are ALWAYS needed in the hospitality industry.Hearing about your level of concern,and quality of a guest's stay from others on this board leads me to the conclusion that you will indeed land on your feet.Keep a good thought,and know that others are putting forth good thoughts for you and your current situation.

Swanky posted on 05/06/2005

What ever business you are in, you are in the business of making your customers happy. The happier you make them, and the better their experience with you, the more likely they are to return and send others your way. Basic business. Casey, you were very much in that business. It sounds like CTR is no longer in that business. Sounds like they are heading for a nice slow decline. Feed off your hard work for a while and watch it slowly fade.

I hope you guys find a new business home that values your work ethic and you dynamic ideas and your attention to the customer. They are out there!

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This is sad news :( My wife and i shared our 1st wedding anniversary at Caliente in 2001. We both remember it like it was yesterday. I can't believe i stumble back across this board after a long while only to read this, very sad :(

Casey thank you for giving everyone here a great place to spend a night and enjoy Palm Springs.

--Dustin & Jennifer Brewer

CaseyJPS posted on 05/09/2005

Dustin & Jennifer-
None of it would have been possible without the support of the Tiki community. I really believe it belongs to the Tiki community. Thanks

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tyger jymmy posted on 05/09/2005

Casey, Me and my Wife stayed there for our Tenth anaversery we were comped with a Bottle of realy nice Champine Very nice room at that time the Bartender was realy Kool too even a few drinks on the house and you were very very nice just a pleasent stay .All the Best too you, God bless, and stay in touch .Best Regards Tyger

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biffachu posted on 05/09/2005

Well I was fortunate to see Casey actually come to Saturdays festivities. I saw him signing in and tried to find out what was happening. He really didn’t want to discuss, and I fully understand now. I didn’t read this post till Monday after the event. But I was saddened even more when I found out that he was escorted by 4 police cars out of the event. What a stab in the back!!! This event was a baby that needed good parents like Otto, Baby Doe & Casey to grow into a happy child, I just hope it can somehow make it through and doesn’t become a dysfunctional child. Some of my fondest memories are from all of your love & caring to make it so special. I hate to say but I’m a little worried about future events. I will keep my fingers crossed. Casey all my love & support goes out to you & yours and if there’s anything we can do just say the word. You have an army of friends to get you through this!!!

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TikiGoon posted on 05/11/2005

Shocking and Sad. Was going to try to work on the wife to get CTR on our vacation plans, but forget it now. Casey I am very sorry to hear about the turn of events. "I feel a great disturbance in the spirit of aloha."

mrsmiley posted on 05/11/2005

Unfortunately we are now in a "damned if you do and damned if you don't state". If we continue supporting the Tropics, those of us who know Casey feel guilty for our spending money there, but if we (and others) don't spend money there we run the risk of the place going under , getting bulldozed and beoming a very Nineties looking Spanish architecture La Quinta Inn!

UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Unga Bunga posted on 05/11/2005

On 2005-05-11 12:43, mrsmiley wrote:
beoming a very Nineties looking Spanish architecture La Quinta Inn!

Oh shit!
"Welcome to the Margaritaville Reef bar."
God Forbid!

Monkeyman posted on 05/11/2005

come and get it!!!! Chips and Salsa for only $3.00

Welcome to the tiki bar. Would you like coors, budwiser, miller, schlitz, or a corona.

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ModMana posted on 05/13/2005

I whole heartedly agree with all the previous sentiments. Casey was the greatest asset that Caliente Tropics had. I'm sure he probably didn't know us by name but in our multiple dealings with him he treated us like we were old friends. The level of customer service and attention to detail was top notch under his direction. I cannot fathom why anyone would mess with that. Any business strategy is seriously flawed without focusing on the core service that a company offers. In my opinion, the CTR that we know and love today will need a miracle to survive without Casey. Casey, if you need some good references for your next endeavor, I think you've got a few thousand of them at right here at TC. Good luck!

ModMana :drink:

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Pacific Andy posted on 05/16/2005

Drove by this weekend and the restaurant is a Mexican restaurant and looks the like of El Torito. Did not stop but could tell by the slow drive by I did that the lobby had changed as well. Adios Aloha

CaseyJPS posted on 05/17/2005

ALOHA Friends and Family!

I'm making an effort to read through the postings ONLY every week or so--as it is really tuff reading sometimes. Unexpectedly, the heartfelt support has become an integral part of the healing process. Thank you.

MORE IMPORTANT is the salvation of the historically-significant tropics Hotel. Whether any tikiphiles, or any of our repeat guests, continue to support the business is NOT a personal issue for us at all. One way or another the new management will fill the hotel (with or without return guests). Let me explain...

Most likely and in our opinion, the new management will maintain the hotel relative primarily to resale marketability. The current goal is probably to improve net revenue, at any cost. We expect that selling as many widgets as possible, as quickly as possible, with all the value placed solely on price(a K-Mart approach) will start a spiral of neglect for the tropics. THAT IS THE BIGGER PICTURE. Most likely, there is no long-term interest in the property, or in the customers. So, you have to ask yourself, who is going to manage/own it next, and then who after that, and after that, and after that? And, will anyone really give a damn about its' historical significance? After all, it's just a building. The heart, soul, and respect for the building lies within its' occupants.

On another note, thank you to ModMana who pretty much nailed-down one of our core values. Putting everyone's face/screen name/real name/nickname together was a real challenge with tikiphiles, and we had met SO MANY ALL AT ONCE (tikiphiles always seemed to come-and-go in waves). Every person we spoke or corresponded with we always knew we had previously met them, spoke with them, or received their support, and we were extremely grateful for the relationship.

Tiki friends are very much like family or soulmates who you don't speak to or see for extended periods of time, but who have an inexplicable bond in your heart and sole, forever.

On 2005-05-12 17:26, ModMana wrote:
...I'm sure he probably didn't know us by name but in our multiple dealings with him he treated us like we were old friends.
ModMana :drink:

[ Edited by: CaseyJPS on 2005-05-17 10:27 ]

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beachin posted on 05/18/2005

If they bought it to resell, wouldn't it be cool if it "stayed in the family" and somebody from TC bought it and ran it right? Hey, Swanky, here's your bar, and your restaurant, and a little something extra!

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