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name change

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Tiki Diablo posted on 05/05/2005

Hello friends, old and new. So I've decided to change my name here on TC to my name I carve under. Tiki Diablo. I am the artist formerly known as Chiki Tiki.

I figure since my art and Tiki Mugs have turned a new leaf... might as well do the same with my TC name. Thanks Hanford!

Swanky posted on 05/05/2005

You'll always be "Danny-Chiki-Tiki-Diablo" to me! :wink:

Jungle Trader posted on 05/05/2005

Right on Diablo.
You can call me Hurricane Vic.

PapeToaTane posted on 05/05/2005

Here....let's put the old face with the new name (from Tiki Ti visit)

Aloha, Danny!

suicide_sam posted on 05/05/2005

You've changed man, I don't know if I can deal with this whole thing. YOU'VE CHANGED MAN!!!

Oh wait, I'm over the initial shock, everything's fine now.

stentiki posted on 05/05/2005

On 2005-05-05 15:38, suicide_sam wrote:
You've changed man, I don't know if I can deal with this whole thing. YOU'VE CHANGED MAN!!!

It used to be about the music, man! :wink:

hiltiki posted on 05/06/2005

I love the new name much better, yeah, Diablo, yeah.

Lake Surfer posted on 05/06/2005

New TC handle... same talented artist...

Keep up all the great work Danny!

Jungle Trader posted on 05/09/2005

Goodbye to Chikitiki and his cute cheeks.

Hello to Diablo and his naughty horns.

Mahalo again Danny.

Benzart posted on 05/09/2005

Well I am gonna Miss thechikitiki an awful lot. Thechikitiki was the first to stick his neck out and purchase my very first pendant. TikiDiable, nice to meet 'ya, even though you are the same guy as thechikitiki, you are a different, all grown-up man with far more artistic skills than the old (young) guy. Welcome to TC

SES posted on 05/09/2005

Tiki, Tiki bo Biki Bonana fanna fo Fiki
Fee fy mo Miki, Tiki!

Diablo, Diablo bo Biablo Bonana fanna fo Fiablo
Fee fy mo Miablo, Diablo!


The Name Game
Shirley Ellis

The name game!

Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley
Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley!

Lincoln, Lincoln bo Bincoln Bonana fanna fo Fincoln
Fee fy mo Mincoln, Lincoln!

Come on everybody!
I say now let's play a game
I betcha I can make a rhyme out of anybody's name
The first letter of the name, I treat it like it wasn't there
But a B or an F or an M will appear
And then I say bo add a B then I say the name and Bonana fanna and a
And then I say the name again with an F very plain
and a fee fy and a mo
And then I say the name again with an M this time
and there isn't any name that I can't rhyme

Arnold, Arnold bo Barnold Bonana fanna fo Farnold
Fee fy mo Marnold Arnold!

But if the first two letters are ever the same,
I drop them both and say the name like
Bob, Bob drop the B's Bo ob
For Fred, Fred drop the F's Fo red
For Mary, Mary drop the M's Mo ary
That's the only rule that is contrary.

Okay? Now say Bo: Bo
Now Tony with a B: Bony
Then Bonana fanna fo: bonana fanna fo
Then you say the name again with an F very plain: Fony
Then a fee fy and a mo: fee fy mo
Then you say the name again with an M this time: Mony
And there isn't any name that you can't rhyme

Every body do Tony!
Pretty good, let's do Billy!
Very good, let's do Marsha!
A little trick with Nick!
The name game

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