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Homeless soup

Pages: 1 4 replies

tiki mick posted on 05/06/2005

4 packs ketchup
1 pack salt
1 pack pepper
1 cup hot water from sink in bathroom.

All the above items can be had for free from McDonalds.

johntiki posted on 05/07/2005

Give me an onion, a shoelace and a Mr. Coffee and I'll make you some Hobo Chili.

vintagegirl posted on 05/09/2005

When my mom was a kid (WWII in Europe) her mom would make bone soup from boiling a meat bone in water (for flavor) and adding a turnip or carrot from the withering garden to round out the meal. I don't know if that was before or after my mom tried to boil her own shoe after seeing Charlie Chaplin do the same in "The Gold Rush". (She would sneak in under the turnstile.) She said it looked so tasty on the big screen.

tiki mick posted on 05/09/2005

Hi Vintage girl!

Last time I talked to you was when I was with my girlfriend Irma at the beach burn last summer! (we talked about cool 80's groups, of course!)

My Mom, being from Holland, (and being a small child during the war) remembers eating beans. ALL the time.

She refuses to eat any kind of beans to this day, including green beans!

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/10/2005

On 2005-05-09 12:15, lucas vigor wrote:
Hi Vintage girl!

Last time I talked to you was when I was with my girlfriend Irma at the beach burn last summer! (we talked about cool 80's groups, of course!)

My Mom, being from Holland, (and being a small child during the war) remembers eating beans. ALL the time.

She refuses to eat any kind of beans to this day, including green beans!


You're posting at work? I thought you were too swamped for any extra activities?

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