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Sat, May 7, 2005 4:32 PM
[ Edited by: CaseyJPS 2005-10-31 08:42 ] |
Sat, May 7, 2005 5:22 PM
Casey - I would have loved to have seen you at the Tiki Oasis this year, but I only had a day pass for Friday (graciously provided to me nearly at the last minute, since I had been so lax in planning my attendance). Although we've only met casually maybe once or twice, I know that you have become quite a fixture with the TC family. I haven't been a regular poster on TC since last summer, but even the few times I would check in to see what was brewing I would often find a post from you on some topic here. When I checked in to see what was brewing with Tiki Oasis a few weeks ago, I was saddened to read that management had changed hands and I wondered what happened to you and how you were doing. I am sad to hear how they are treating you and your partner(s) in the post-takeover. I know many here will agree with my sentiments when I say that whatever may come, I hope that you will remain part of the tiki community and Tiki Central. |
Sat, May 7, 2005 5:44 PM
I don't know the ins and outs of what has been going on with the changing of the guard at the Caliente so perhaps I am being pre-mature by jumping in with my opinion but the more I think about them coming down there and taking you off the property, the more pissed off I get - there is no call for that. These people don't seem to have an ounce of decency- how does it hurt them to allow you to hang out on the property and enjoy some good times with your friends?! I suppose they were afraid of what you might tell the hotel guests about what has been going on..... no matter, I still think it was very petty move on their part. What do they think the hotel guests will think of them now that they've all witnessed your removal? Whatever you (Casey) might have said about them to some of your friends at the event, pales in comparison to what they and alot of other guests at the hotel (who knew nothing of any of this) probably now think of them now. |
Sun, May 8, 2005 2:28 AM
[ Edited by: CaseyJPS 2005-10-31 08:41 ] |
Sun, May 8, 2005 8:57 AM
Sorry your Tiki Oasis didn't turn out the way you liked. Mine was good, I had a great time, best year ever! Otto, Baby Doe, Matteo, everybody, they all rock! |
Sun, May 8, 2005 1:14 PM
Casey: I LOVE YOU, MAN!!!! I know that this sentiment can only go so far, but I also know that it is a sentiment held by a zillion people here. My own Oasis weekend was spent not at Oasis. :( I am sad about that. I am thirsting for the reports and pictures to come in. Did TikiBare pull an appearance? Casey: you have the head, the heart, the experience, and a fundamental love of our collective cause. You are a prime mover in this space, and prime movers almost never stay down for any great length of time... regardless of anyone else's attempt at derailing them. So you take that and you rock with it... the tiki world is already ready for your triumphant return. I don't doubt that you have interesting things up your sleeve. mig |
Sun, May 8, 2005 1:18 PM
Incidentally, the CT page on TripAdvisor is: There are some interesting reviews there. |
Sun, May 8, 2005 6:52 PM
Casey, You were definitely missed. Sorry to hear that you are being treated so poorly by your former employer. I am sure it must be painful. Now that Oasis is over my hope is that you can move on and AWAY from this dispute and continue to participate as an active member of Tiki Central. Caliente Tropics or not you are a valued contributor and long time supporter of Tiki Central. Oasis 2005 did not disappoint. I had a great time and always enjoy hanging out with my friends and meeting new ones. Oh and one more thing..... Aaaaarrrrrrrrr! |
Sun, May 8, 2005 9:25 PM
Casey, I wish I had the chance to at least say hi to you during your brief visit. Next time I'm in the desert area, I hope we can meet up. Best wishes to you! |
Sun, May 8, 2005 10:35 PM
Casey, the way the new management treated you is simply appalling. I intend to let them know what I think,by hook or by crook (arrr!). (And also, grrr!!!) Like Hanalei Pirate (it was cool to meet you HP, by the way), I just get madder the more I think about it. I'm so sorry, and sorry too I didn't get to see you! But I will buy you a drink at Hukilau, or my name's not Tikivixen. And I too can't wait to see what projects you embark upon next. Which reminds me, don't know if it's up your alley, but the Palm Springs Film Noir Festival is less than a month away, so if you feel like dropping in for a charmingly dark movie experience, PM me and we'll meet up! My other favorite PS event :wink:. Good luck to you always, dear, and once again, you have my heartfelt sympathy and support. Lisa, aka tikivixen |
Sun, May 8, 2005 10:58 PM
Casey, that really really sucks. Heard about it from Pete, couldn't believe it! |
Sun, May 8, 2005 11:43 PM
I heard about it from Otto on Saturday night and my jaw just about dropped open. (Nice use of the Palm Springs city resources, btw.) And I do think you are right that it wil only make the current owners/managers look bad. The management did not seem very professional as we checked in. They were busy in the background being rude to a caller who thought they had a room at the Tropics (they had been on the waiting list) but instead had one at the Royal Sun. Whoever was right, the blond lady on the phone just seemed nasty about it to the caller on the line. Not to mention all within ear range of people just checking in. They were also kinda stingy with the late check-outs. Even threatening to tack on extra charges if you were so much as a few minutes late. Regardless, I totally understand Casey needing to comment further on the situation. People really wanted to know. (Not to mention it being an opportunity to vent on a personal level. We all need that at some point. Especially after what Casey went through! ) And we will let our keyboards speak for us. Meanwhile, I believe that all the good mana that Casey put out there will only come back to him in time. So many want to see that happen. |
Mon, May 9, 2005 12:29 AM
Wacky! I know nothing of this story, the history, or what happened. None of it surprises me, however. I didn't arrange my accomodations, but I heard many stories of how things got contstantly changed & turned around, culminating in this morning where a bunch of us came back from breakfast to find our keys no longer worked. I hope whoever really is in control of the situation there fixes it. I love the place, and everything else about what everyone did for the event was simply perfect. I'd hate to lose the venue, but they really shouldn't be screwing around with such a dependable annual resource as Otto's big party. That ain't right. Nice meetin' y'all, though. What a truly awesome bunch of people. Can't wait 'til next year, wherever it may happen! |
Mon, May 9, 2005 1:55 PM
I was glad we got to say hello. Sorry about that whole situation. We did not stay at the Tropics so don't know much about the new management. I thought the Travelodge (Thursday) was better than The Vagabond (Fri-Sat). We had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Thanks to all the room hosts for drinks (and food). Some very cool stuff in the vending area. Weather was good.....not too hot. Hope to do it again. |
Mon, May 9, 2005 2:13 PM
Casey, I know I can speak for Christie as well as myself when I say that you are still, and always will be, a VIP at Hukilau, at least. |
Mon, May 9, 2005 2:51 PM
I'm new to Tiki Central but went to OASIS IV last year. We arrived on Thursday evening and what a huge noticeable difference from this year to last. That blonde lady running the show had the audacity to tell me I could purchase at wine at Big Lots and it was Real Good! Seriously, they were the most unaccomadating bunch of clouts I have ever run into. If it weren't for the Oasis we would have checked out immediatley. She made us wear special bracelets for whatever you want to call that "breakfast" with weak coffee and packaged "danish" cuz she didn't want to feed the whole bunch. The front desk was literally shaking in their boots becuase the "TIKI" people were coming! I made my reservations back in August for the Easter Island Side, my friend made hers in August for the PARTY Side, and they gave me a room on the PARTY side and her on the "Quiet" side and even though we were both in agreement about changing our rooms, she said her manager told her no way could they change ANY rooms. It was amazing! I have never seen anyone work so hard to provide terrible customer service. We couldn't even start a tab in the bar (uh oh we accidently got FREE drinks). And then on Friday morning when we were thirsty they open the bar up and can't find green olives for the bloody mary's and then charge $7.00 per! HELLO! She (the blonde nazi) would not allow any tiki music in the bar. All of the employees were afraid of her. I was glad to see everyone drinking in their room for the most part. The pool bar that was open hardly did any business and that was good too! Yikes! And sorry to Casey-It was great to have you their in previous years. It's true that when the Tiki's came to town the love outshown that terrible Nazi. The tiki vibe outshown them ratfinks! |
Mon, May 9, 2005 3:49 PM
I see the reviews are fairly poor after casey left and overall very positive before he left. Hmm.....The new management made a BIG boo-boo!!! (As if we already didn't know that). |
Mon, May 9, 2005 3:55 PM
I didn't have much contact with the employees and other than the room not getting cleaned/made up one day, I don't really have any complaints about my stay. Anyone want to buy a tiki lamp? :) |
ted tiki
Mon, May 9, 2005 4:17 PM
That blonde lady running the show kept calling us "Tiki People" and everyone else was "normal people". What a dumbass. Speaking of asses; she should have been kissing our asses all weekend. I had a blast despite the management being inept. We missed Casey big time. |
Mon, May 9, 2005 4:23 PM
Let me clarify my earlier comment about my Tropics Hotel experience, I MISSED CASEY TOO!!!!!! Sorry, If anyone thought I didn't. |
Mon, May 9, 2005 6:20 PM
Gasp! Horror! Gasp! :o I missed the whole fiasco, but just reading about it really chapped my *ss! :evil: I'm so sorry that happened to you. It was so unnecessary. What were they thinking!? KARMA Baby, KARMA will come back and bite them in the *ss. I called several times prior to the Oasis to get a few things cleared up with my reservation and it was "hit" or "miss" whether you got someone that was helpful or someone that didn't give a rat's *ss. On a purely selfish level, I missed the wonderful soap, the fluffy soft towels, the complimentary soda, the late check out. Gees, 1 minute late checking out and gettign charged one extra day. Talk about not letting the door hit your ass on the way out. It was like "thanks for spending money here, now get the hell out!" At times, I felt like the new managment viewed "the tiki people" as a nuisance. You bet your bottom dollar I'm going to submit a new review. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: |
Tue, May 10, 2005 10:52 AM
Casey, I'm so glad you showed up at Oasis. Your presence was and will continue to be missed at The Caliente Tropics. As much as I love the resort (Oasis was my FOURTH time staying there in 2005), I will certainly think twice about reserving rooms in the future 'cause customer service is king with me. Thank you for stopping by to say hi, it was great seeing you, if ever so briefly and I hope you'll continue to be a part of our Tiki Family here. -Weird Unc |
Tue, May 10, 2005 7:56 PM
I know nothign about the history of what happened or anything like that. But coming from a customer service/retail background it sounds like extremely poor form. People arent stupid and wont stand for shit service. They will vote with their feet and hurt them in their wallet. And you have every reason to vent. Perhaps you could have used some glasses and a fake moustache and stayed a full hour? :) Keep your chin up - you have lots of support here. |
Fri, May 13, 2005 10:53 PM
Hi everyone, my wife and I are new to this website and think it is great. My wife and I were at the Tiki Oasis Party kinda by accident. I have been having Tahitian Noni parties the first Thursday of every month for the last four months at the Outrigger Room. However when I showed up to my party on Thursday (which turned out to be the same nite as the Tiki Oasis party unbeknownst to me) I was told by the blonde "Nazi" lady that I could not have my party!! I was informed that my party was not going to happen and I had invited many people to my party, sent flyers, ads, etc. However "Nazi" lady generously gave me a small corner of the outside patio bar to place my display. We enjoyed the Tiki Oasis party and this was our first Tiki party. It was just fantastic and Iwas happy to meet all you great people from all over. I look forward to more Tiki parties in the future. Casey we are sorry to hear about the bad time you had as we can relate. My family and we hope to be a part of this new family and see everyone at the next TIKI party with our display. MAHALO Duane and Evelyn |
Sat, May 14, 2005 11:30 PM
Casey, |
Mon, May 16, 2005 11:49 PM
Well, I was certainly disappointed in the service this year and our room did not get made up one day. Thanks for the link to submit a review. I have just completed mine. |
Tue, May 31, 2005 10:42 PM
The support is appreciated everyone. I am so glad to hear from so many of you (it is very lonely missing your family when they're just a few blocks down the road). |
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