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Victor Bergeron 100th Birthday Spectacular: Emeryville Dec. 10th

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martiki posted on 11/07/2002

December 10th in the 10 person room at 7:00 pm. It will be ours for the night.

Tentative reservations so far:

See-Ming (my Shag collecting co-worker)

Of course, it will be great if other centralites just book other tables, or hang in the bar. For the people above, remember to confirm if you are serious, and post if you can't make it, to give others a chance.

Let's win one for the Viccer.


cynfulcynner posted on 11/07/2002

On 2002-11-06 17:36, martiki6 wrote:
December 10th in the 10 person room at 7:00 pm. It will be ours for the night.
Tentative reservations so far:

I'm in! Should I bring cemetery maps showing the location of Vic's grave?


mrsmiley posted on 11/07/2002

December 10th in the 10 person room at 7:00 pm. It will be ours for
the night.
Tentative reservations so far:
MR Smiley
Mrs. Smiley
PS-can anyone with a good printer make some Trader Vic's birthday hats? You know, those cone style ones that kids wear and put on it some good TV graphics or a Picture of the Trader himself.

aquarj posted on 11/07/2002

Naomi and I would like to join for this too, if there will be room!

Comma comma comma Kama'aina!


tikivixen posted on 11/07/2002

I'm in, Martiki, and thanks. Any other Sagittarians? We can have a group birthday and party even more.

I'm sure the Trader would approve.


tikivixen posted on 11/07/2002

Oh, and Cindy--yes, I'd love to see the gravesite map! I'm one of those folks who likes cemeteries. Too bad they're not open late 8>)

Hm, if I have time I'll leave him a drink on my way to Emeryville...think I can remember where you said he was...


midnite posted on 11/07/2002

Midnite, reservation for 2, please! Me, and the sig other. Let's carpool from the City! Anyone got a car, we've been to a pool. Hey, we'll pitch in a free Zombie... :drink: ...for gas/bridge toll!

Should be a great time, will we need more space? Plus, no way I can miss this event...I know where TV's is located.


PolynesianPop posted on 11/08/2002

Well, I just realized that I'll be in town from Sunday 12/8 thru Wednesday 12/12. So at least count me in for drinks at the bar! I'll be staying in San Jose. How long do you guys think travel time will be? 1 hr? 2 hrs? Where is that carpool meeting again?

mrsmiley posted on 11/09/2002

POLY POP SEZ_"Well, I just realized that I'll be in town from Sunday 12/8 thru
Wednesday 12/12. So at least count me in for drinks at the bar! I'll be
staying in San Jose. How long do you guys think travel time will be? 1 hr? 2
hrs? "
Because of traffic you should allow 2 hours in my opinion because you will be going in the Rush hour direction. Go up Highway 80 (the Oakland side of the bay)not 101 which will be even worse(the SF side).--bruce

martiki posted on 11/09/2002

Here's where we stand:

The table is full with a waiting list. This makes it all the more imperative that if anyone can't make it, that they please post here immediately so we can update the roll call. I would suggest that someone make some other reservations for that night at regular dinner tables. Better yet, try to reserve space for 6 to 8 in the bar. They will reserve the area by the TV (which is always off, don't worry) It's a great corner, and they will serve dinner in the bar area. Plus, by god, you're closer to the bar! Prioritize!

Here's the motley crew so far:

  1. TikiVixen - Lisa
  2. Cyful Cynner - Cindy
  3. TikiHula - Mike
  4. Cap. Midnite
  5. Cap. Midnite's "Sig Other"
  6. Martiki - Martin
  7. Mrs. Martiki - Rebecca
  8. See-Ming
  9. Mr. Smiley - Bruce
    10.Mrs. Smiley - Enid

Waiting list:

  1. Aquarj - Randy
  2. Chihuahua Girl (? :)) - Naomi
  3. The Polynesian Popster

I have to say, I like the idea of the party hats. Can someone make those? Volunteers?

We could also have signs (maybe little table placards since they probably don't want us taping things to the walls) with some of the Trader's choice expressions. Just a thought.

I also think we should bring a small CD boombox with a burned CD full of exotica to play quietly for some ambiance at dinner.

Any other party ideas?

I was also thinking about renting a limo bus. You can see a picture at Bauer's website:

It's the one on the right side next to the Cable Car. Called a Luxury Land Yacht. You can see the giant TV screen in the back. I had one at my wedding and they are a blast. We could play Sven's video on the big screen, (Or an Hawaiian Eyyyyyyyyyye episode). There might be cheaper out there, I'd have to call around, but if we can keep it to four hours, it will come to about $50 per person. It's probably too expensive, I know, but it would be a kick in the ass, and no one has to drive. We could look at smaller limos as well, like town cars. Then everyone could meet and they could pick up and drop us off at a couple of locations.

Just tossing some ideas out there.


mig posted on 11/09/2002

Hmm... sounds pretty cool, especially if the PolynesianPoopster is going to be there! Perhaps Frenchy and I will just show up and hang out in the play room.

cynfulcynner posted on 11/10/2002

On 2002-11-08 18:49, martiki6 wrote:
I was also thinking about renting a limo bus.

Called a Luxury Land Yacht. You can see the giant TV screen in the back. I had one at my wedding and they are a blast. We could play Sven's video on the big screen, (Or an Hawaiian Eyyyyyyyyyye episode). We could look at smaller limos as well, like town cars. Then everyone could meet and they could pick up and drop us off at a couple of locations.

What, you don't want to get a stretch Humvee or a 22-passenger Excursion? :)

--cindy, trying not to think about the gas mileage on those

TikiHula posted on 11/10/2002

Martin you are the MAN!! This is huge!!

Since I live down here is the south bay, I won't be in on the limo thing, but...

I will make up some Trader Vic's special birthday cards for everyone (or something like that) and I might even bring the old Kava Bowl and we can all drink a communal toast to Mr. Bergeron out of it??
I can't think of a more fitting tribute....

PolynesianPop posted on 11/10/2002

Because of traffic you should allow 2 hours in my opinion because you will be going in the Rush hour direction. Go up Highway 80 (the Oakland side of the bay)not 101 which will be even worse(the SF side).

Thanks for the tip. I figured it would about a 2 hour commute! Well, I'll do what I can to get over there as quickly as possible.

mrsmiley posted on 11/12/2002

I made a correction:

Because of traffic you should allow 2 hours in my opinion
because you will be going in the Rush hour direction. Go up Highway 880 (the
Oakland side of the bay)not 101 which will be even worse(the SF
Take Highway 880 from 101 in San Jose. Highway 880 becomes 80 in Oakland just before it passes Emeryville and Trader Vic's

bigbrotiki posted on 11/13/2002

That sounds great, kids. One thing I am curious about: Is Trader Vic's celebrating the birthday themselves in any form? If not, it must be due to the old bastard himself:

When (in Palm Springs) Peter Seeley announced the opening of a Trader Vic's in SF and I interjected "at Cosmo Place?", he sorta mumbled something like "no need to return to the scene of past horrors" (or something like that), reminding me that when researching and going through the closed Cosmo Place with C.O. Hans Richter he had pointed out the upstairs office and reminisced how it was always frightening to be called up there.

Quite possibly, both family and TV veterans are glad the despotic old bastard is six feet under...
Hey, let's drink to that!

cynfulcynner posted on 11/13/2002

On 2002-11-12 19:30, bigbrotiki wrote:
When (in Palm Springs) Peter Seeley announced the opening of a Trader Vic's in SF and I interjected "at Cosmo Place?", he sorta mumbled something like "no need to return to the scene of past horrors" (or something like that), reminding me that when researching and going through the closed Cosmo Place with C.O. Hans Richter he had pointed out the upstairs office and reminisced how it was always frightening to be called up there.

Quite possibly, both family and TV veterans are glad the despotic old bastard is six feet under...

The old Trader Vic's location on Cosmo Place is now Le Colonial, a Vietnamese restaurant. I've never eaten there, but it's supposed to be yummy.

Not to be nitpicky or anything, but Trader Vic is actually six feet above ground, not under -- he's in a wall crypt.


bigbrotiki posted on 11/13/2002

The Trader still above ground? Maybe he even IS a Zombie! Perhaps he still haunts Cosmo Place and Trader Vic Alley (around the corner), chasing a Chinese cook with his wooden leg for messing up the Bongo Bongo soup...

thejab posted on 11/13/2002

I read somewhere once that the management at Trader Vic's used to kick the shins of the waitstaff regularly to see if they would get mad. If they could maintain their composure and friendliness than it was proven that they could handle any customer!

PolynesianPop posted on 11/26/2002

Well, the 10th is approaching and I thought about something cool we could do that night. I'd like to put together a "Trader Vic's Trivia Game." Winner of the trivia game will receive a grand prize of, drum roll please........a now discontinued (and thus collectible) Tiki Farm Tiki Mug, courtesy of theBaxdog and the fine folks at Tiki Farm!

So this how we can do it. If you have a trivia question you would like included in the game, email it to me at polynesianpop@yahoo.com and I will compile the questions. You can submit as many questions as you want however, I will only use one question from each person so as to not "skew" the quiz. The person with the most questions correct wins the mug.

Secondly, as a way to get to know other members of our little club, I was also thinking we can do a trivia game on how well we know each other. I will compile a list of questions pertaining to the members of Tiki Central and the person who gets the most questions correct will win, drum roll please........another now discontinued (and thus collectible) Tiki Farm Tiki Mug, courtesy of theBaxdog and the fine folks at Tiki Farm!

Wanna win? Then study this thread:


If I'm not fortunate enough to get a seat at the table, you can find me in the bar. We'll do the games after dinner.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-11-25 19:43 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 11/26/2002

Mr & Mrs Pineapple will likely stop by, especially considering that Gretchen's soon-to-be-former hut is staggering distance from TV's!

cynfulcynner posted on 11/26/2002

I will likely make a pilgrimage to Trader Vic's final resting place during my lunch hour on the 10th. Anyone want to join me?


PiPhiRho posted on 12/03/2002

Anybody up for for a get together at the Beverly Hill's Vic's?

PolynesianPop posted on 12/03/2002

Just a reminder, we are one week away from the Trader Vic's Birthday gig in Emeryville. If you would like to have a question included in our trivia game, please email it to me at polynesianpop@yahoo.com .

floratina posted on 12/04/2002

I pinged a bunch of Los Angeles area TCers about showing up at the Beverly Hills branch on the 10th. Dr Z suggested that Saturday the 7th might be a better date for more people. What do you all think?

PolynesianPop posted on 12/04/2002

I can probably swing by TV Beverly Hills on Saturday. What time are we looking at?

PolynesianPop posted on 12/04/2002

I just had a thought. I'm going to be at the Emerville TV on the 10th doing trivia contests with our SF Centralites. If we get a good turnout, maybe we can do the same thing in BH! Maybe someone can donate a prize (or two) - I already have the questions put together (more or less). What do you guys think?

floratina posted on 12/04/2002

Here is the other thread on this topic.


floratina posted on 12/05/2002

Los Angeles TCers, tuesday the 10th it is for the gathering at the Beverly Hills Trader Vics. Meet at 7:30 or whenever you can get there.

Luckydesigns posted on 12/06/2002

I'll be there at noon.

thebaxdog posted on 12/06/2002

And please make sure you lift a mug and say just a short toast to the Baxdog, for his 43rd birthday is the day before Vic,s and he will not be able to make the scene on Tues.
U all have fun now ya-hear.

cynfulcynner posted on 12/06/2002

We've warned people here many times that the parking lot at the Emeryville Trader Vic's is valet only, but you could avoid this by parking in one of the marina lots down the street.

Apparently this is no longer the case. The neighboring parking lots are now only for the marina and they have prominent "No Trader Vic's Parking" signs.

I think with those $1 Mai Tais on Tuesday we can afford to tip the valets. 8)


midnite posted on 12/06/2002

So...only a few short days until Vic's centennial. All sytems go for Emeryville? Me and Mr. Midnite are planning on BART/cab from MacArthur Station. Number one, $1 Mai-Tai's make driving out of the question. Number two, we do not own an automobile, which really makes number one sorta moot anyhow.

We got a sack of Sacagawea coins for the Mai-Tais!

:drink: :drink: :drink:


martiki posted on 12/09/2002


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Here is the latest and greatest news:

Had a good talk with Claudette and we're all set up! I told her about the size of our party, and she agreed to open up a bigger area for us- the Outrigger Room. I'm pretty sure it's a dining area (not a private room like the Puka room or Captain Cook) that is normally closed on weeknights. As long as demand isn't too high, the area is all ours. We have two tables of ten, which should give us plenty of space. I've also taken the liberty of pre-ordering several orders of Cosmo Tidbits and Cheese Bings which will be waiting for us on arrival at 7:00 PM. It's gonna be huge. Here's the list as it stands:

Michelle's still un-named husband (Ray!) :)

That's 17, plus I believe Otto will be joining us, perhaps with Doe and V3, which would bring us to 20. So- if there are any cancellations please let me know ASAP by posting or sending me an email. There should be plenty of space in that room though.

I think the Limo bus was too expensive for folks, so we're on our own. I expect most people will be using public transport, so that means cabs. If we all start to converge on MacArthur BART as Midnite suggested close to 6:30, we can share some cabs over to the restaurant. I don't know what the cab supply is like at that station. I thought about taking one from downtown SF, but I don't know about the cost on that. Thoughts?

On to other matters:

Bruce- can you bring the party hats you mentioned? Quick trip to a Party America-type store for hats and print out some pix of Vic to glue to the front. They might even make Happy 100th hats. Let us know. I'll try to get some decor as well.

I'm also going to bring a CD with some exotica tunes. Does anyone have a CD boombox they can bring? We'll see if management is OK with it.

Mike- Good news! They have given us the go-ahead to bring the Kava Bowl- and they'll fill it up for us (well, probably not for free). So if you're still comfortable bringing it, it's a go. Does anyone know what the recipe for this was? I doubt the bartenders do.

Adrian- Thanks for the quiz stuff. Sounds great.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Time to start the party rivalry: Emeryville rules! BH and Chicago suck! We'll kick your asses! :)


[ Edited by: martiki6 on 2002-12-09 11:49 ]

mrtikibar posted on 12/09/2002

Have a great time. My little semi-tiki group from Portland will be there a few days after the fact. Maybe someone could scrawl a bit of tiki-graffiti in Vic's bathroom for us. Nah, TC doesn't stoop to that type of thing. I will definitely lift one for all you (and the trader) on the 10th.

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-12-08 19:52 ]

midnite posted on 12/09/2002

"Michelle's still un-named husband "

Hello Martin,
That would be Ray...the Tiki brains of he operation. We are thinking of getting to MacArthur BART around that time (6:30 PM), it is hoped. Maybe a sign like the limo drivers use at the airport, "Vic party". I am concerned about accessing a taxi around that area...so anyone that can grab a cab...pile in!

Not sure about cost for a cab from downtown. Perhaps I look into that.

Looks like a great get-together is in store.


TikiHula posted on 12/09/2002

This all sounds very cool Martin- thanks for all your work!
I'll pull up in front of the MacArthur station at 6:30 and I can give three people a ride to TV's. I have a green Acura with the TIKI RUM plate.
I'll bring the Kava Bowl and, as long as it doesn't leave the table, we can drink a couple of drinks out of it!
I don't have my TV's Bartender's Guide handy- does anyone know if the Kava drink recipe is in there?? If so please post it or email it to me. Thanks!

midnite posted on 12/09/2002

Re:"I thought about taking one from downtown SF, but I don't know about the cost on that. Thoughts? "

According to Yellow, Embarcadero 4 to Anchor Dr : approximately $20 fare. I say it's a good idea if people can share the cab, given the cost of a cab just from BART station plus BART fare, it's a deal. We have 2 for a cab from SF downtown to TV's...

We can meet 2 more someplace downtown...around 6:20-6:30?

Anyone interested, Martin...anyone?

Let us know, here or oldsport@concentric.net

midnite (Michelle & Ray)

EDIT: would be a good idea to include the correct email address, DOH! And I haven't had any $1 Mai-Tais yet.

[ Edited by: midnite_tiki on 2002-12-09 15:46 ]

TikiHula posted on 12/09/2002

If you guys are sharing a cab from SF then maybe I don't need to show up at BART??

If anyone would like a ride from MacArthur BART to TV's let me know and I'll be there to pick you up- otherwise I'm headed straight to Vic's.

ps- Happy Birthday Baxdog!!

mahalo and 135 to you all!

[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2002-12-09 15:53 ]

mrsmiley posted on 12/10/2002

On to other matters:

Bruce- can you bring the party hats you mentioned? Quick trip to a
Party America-type store for hats and print out some pix of Vic to glue to
the front. They might even make Happy 100th hats. Let us know. I'll
try to get some decor as well-------------
mr smiley won't have a chance to hit a party store tonight-and my printer barely works--sorry

TikiHula posted on 12/10/2002

Thanks to Al of Alnshely I have the Kava Bowl drink recipe for tomorrow night....thanks Al!!

mig posted on 12/10/2002

As seen in another thread in this topic-- miss Frenchy is looking for a ride from SF to TV's. (Just one-way... the return trip is covered, by me.) Anybody around here who can help? She lives off 19th ave...


martiki posted on 12/10/2002

OK- As for the cab rides, everyone who is cabbing from SF, meet in front of The Hyatt Embarcadero at 6:20. There is usually a line of taxis just north of the registration area. They line up on Drumm street, between California and Sacramento- not on Market. Cathey- we'll see you there. We'll stuff as many as we can in, but can't guarantee that we'll all split one. We should try to find a minivan cab. I think that will work fine.

Mike- don't worry about meeting people at BART. Thanks Al for the recipe. Where did you find it?

Bruce- don't worry about the hats- no big deal. I'll see if I have time to do something.

Anyone have a small CD boombox?

See everyone tomorrow!


martiki posted on 12/10/2002

Looks like Otto, Doe, and V3 are in (along with TikiMel), so the tables are full. Let me know if you were planning to come and haven't said so yet.


Tiki-bot posted on 12/10/2002

On 2002-12-09 23:23, martiki6 wrote:

Anyone have a small CD boombox?

I can bring mine if you still need one. Let me know. We're planning to arrive around 7 (cabbing it over from G's place in E-ville).

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/86d78b27bb5e74e3fc870cbea777d871?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
midnite posted on 12/10/2002

The portable CD players sounds (ha ha) like a good idea. I shall bring my "Sounds of Taboo Cove" cd. :lol: We'll be at the Hyatt Embarcadero @ 6:20pm. A mini-van type cab would be excellent. We are five, six?

Anything else we need? I was thinking of my digital camera, but we want pictures, right? So I won't. We just saw Otto on Food Network last night too...what a co-inc-idence.

$1 Mai-Tais here we come! Happy Centennial to Vic as well... :drink: !!!


M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9648dee823689576e404c9f72c22c89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
mrsmiley posted on 12/11/2002

In case she hadn't said so, Tikivixen will not be making dinner in Eneryville.

M Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/88/6230c5e39f651.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=1ee59fea71ff76bf1a53d1aafa5a3402
martiki posted on 12/11/2002

Yes Rich, Please bring the CD player. Thanks mucho!

See y'all at Vic's, unless I see y'all at the Hyatt.

I'll be wearing an aloha shirt under a suit. Hey, this is fancy stuff. I expect everyone to be wearing their finest.


I have been driving all over Vacaville with my boss today and am soooooo ready for a Mai Tai.

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