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www.tiki-mug.com...Update 5/15/05

Pages: 1 14 replies

Tiki Matt posted on 04/21/2005

5/15/05 Added a bunch of new pics to the website:



I started creating a website yesterday to show my collection of mugs. Though it isn't even 2% complete yet, I have the home page & the history page complete. This is going to be a content only site, so I aint pitchin' wares. Please check it out and let me know what you think so far...constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. Check it out at http://www.tiki-mug.com

As a side note: All the text on the history page is out of my head, I did not reference anything except my brain. If it is dangerously close to any printed word out there, or completely wrong, please send me a PM and I'll change it. Hell, maybe you could help and give some advise.

Tiki Mugs, Vintage, Tiki Bars, Carved Tiki Poles, Apparel and more!
Everything Tiki at: http://www.bartiki.com

[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-05-15 19:12 ]

aikiman44 posted on 04/21/2005

Wow! This looks like a great start of something. Good luck.

hewey posted on 04/21/2005

Cant wait till she is fully up and running. So far looks really good.

Maybe a links page? I always find them useful for further surfing.

DawnTiki posted on 04/21/2005

It looks great TikiMatt! I can't wait to see it finished. Hurry uuuuuup! :wink:

Tiki Matt posted on 04/22/2005

Thanks all - As I put stuff on the site, I'll post here. I added a bunch of pics to the glazed page(my digital camera really sucks, so excuse the crappy quality). I also added a links page, but nothing up yet there. I don't want to link to commerce sites, so if you have a tiki-related site, let's trade links...

You can check them out here: http://www.tiki-mug.com/glazed

Tiki Mugs, Vintage, Tiki Bars, Carved Tiki Poles, Apparel and more!
Everything Tiki at: http://www.bartiki.com

[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-04-21 19:35 ]

Unkle John posted on 04/22/2005

Hey Matt! The site looks SWAG!!!

I'd like to link exchange with you when you get ready. (my link is below if you want to check my layout and style.. nothing as fancy as yours)

johntiki posted on 04/22/2005

Hey Matt - I've got a Hawaiian Room Sungod mug that I'd be willing to part with for the Islander mug in your logo! Let me know!


The site looks great - can't wait to see the rest of the collection!

Tiki Matt posted on 04/22/2005

Thanks John & John.

Johntiki - You know what you can do with that Sun God mug...You aint gettin' my Bumatay. Hey, the Pub Tiki must have gotten lost in the mail...hope you insured it ;]

Uncle J - You have the honor of being the first link on my site. You can grab one of my banners here: http://www.tiki-mug.com/links

Thanks again guys...

Unkle John posted on 04/22/2005

cool! I'm going there now to get the banner!

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 04/23/2005

Very cool site and informative. The mug that is 5th down from the top(under the AKU AKU lidded mug)I believe that mug is from overseas(BigBro, adult supervision please on this)Germany, All most all my collection of mugs are packed away from a recent move, and I have one of those, with the info on a card in the mug..Once again very nice site

Captain Morgan posted on 04/23/2005

This website is by far my favorite to come along in a very long time! I immediately placed it in my favorites file, and can't wait to see it finished!

Tiki Matt posted on 04/25/2005

Thanks Hot Rod & Cap'n.....I've updated the "Glazed" page & will be moving on to the other pages. What's pictured (and will continue to be pictured) is what I have out and available without digging thru boxes. Check out the updates here: http://www.tiki-mug.com/glazed. Thanks for lookin'!

Tiki Matt posted on 05/16/2005

5/15/05 Added a bunch of new pics to the website:



Hot Rod Tiki posted on 05/16/2005

Tiki Matt, This is so cool. are you showing only your mugs? If you need others let me know and maybe I can help.

Tiki Matt posted on 05/16/2005

On 2005-05-15 20:53, Hot Rod Tiki wrote:
Tiki Matt, This is so cool. are you showing only your mugs? If you need others let me know and maybe I can help.

Hey HRT,
Glad you like it. I'm starting with the mugs, then I'll be adding more (salt & peppers, coco joes, carvings, etc.). If you have pics, post them here - I'll Photoshop em' and throw them on the website (and give you credit of course).

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