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Can you help identify this?

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SoccerTiki posted on 05/10/2005

I picked up this bowl at a garage sale and I'm not sure the age/make/history.. Does anyone recognize it? Thanks in advance!


(It's the last 3 pictures-I couldn't edit out the others!)

TikiPhil posted on 05/10/2005

A post on Tikiroom.net says its a Scorpion bowl from the Islander, Stockton, Calif.


the drunken hat posted on 05/10/2005

if it were from the islander it would be marked that way on the bottom like this one.

i think it was made by omc but not 100% on that because i've never seen one with the label.

stunrut posted on 05/16/2005

Tiki at BigLots? Yup!

I have found a large selection of tiki and luau items at my local BigLots store.

Check it out!

boutiki posted on 05/16/2005

On 2005-05-10 10:59, the drunken hat wrote:
i think it was made by omc but not 100% on that because i've never seen one with the label.

Yeah, it's an design made by OMC, it was used at the Islander and also at Trader Dick's (maybe other places, 'cause you see them unmarked much of the time). Check out page 79 of Tiki Quest.

It's a nice piece, among my favorites of the scorpion bowls.


the drunken hat posted on 05/16/2005

thanks for the info bou. this is one on my favs as well. especially since we are the islander-whores and all. but i have to say that the trader dick's bowl i have looks quite a bit different from the islander bowl. only the shape of the tikis are the same. it is fully glazed and white on the interior. is mine just a newer version perhaps?

boutiki posted on 05/16/2005

Drunken Hat, I have not seen that version with the white interior. I know that Trader Dick's still has their drink-ware custom made, I suppose it could be newer. I've also seen Trader Dick's menus that show the all-over coco-brown glazed bowl.

From your picture, it looks like the one with the white interior is a tad larger, or is that just foreshortening in the photo? Also, how do the two compare in terms of quality? The coco-brown bowls I have are pretty well made with a fair amount of heft to them (though the glaze and detail on the tikis does vary) . Interesting.


the drunken hat posted on 05/16/2005


they are the same size. i think it is the angle of the photo which gives the false impression. as for the quality , the islander bowl has much thicker walls and a more even glaze. however the tikis on the dick's bowl are way more sharp. but i guess if it is a later run it could be a newer mold.

also do you know when dick's moved from downtown to inside the nugget in sparks? this bowl is marked from trader dick's john asquaga's nugget. asquaga bought the place from dick graves but i have no idea when. i have a post card that is postmarked in 1961 that shows dick's in its original location downtown.

maybe bamboo ben can help with this since his uncle outfitted the place.

boutiki posted on 05/16/2005

On 2005-05-16 10:54, the drunken hat wrote:
do you know when dick's moved from downtown to inside the nugget in sparks?

You know, I don't know when they moved into the current location. I'm not sure why, but I was always under the impression that Trader Dick's moved a very short distance... like across the street. I've been to Trader Dick's several times in the past 7 years, but I have to admit that I'm fairly ignorant about much of the history of the Nugget (or other Reno landmarks for that matter). The Trader Dick's postcard I have is the exterior shot on page 139 of Tiki Quest (I think it's in the Book of Tiki as well) and the back says it is in Sparks, "three miles from Reno".

I know there are collectors in the Reno area who would know a great deal about the history of Trader Dick's and the Nugget and would have examples of different generations of the mugs and bowls used there. Maybe they could enlighten us a bit.

Based on your description of the two-tone bowl, maybe it was actually an earlier piece. I think it's safe to say that it's less common than the fully glazed coco-brown version.


WooHooWahine posted on 05/24/2005

Soccer Tiki gone Surfer Tiki. When in Yucca surf the Yucca Tree. Woo Hoo :)

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