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eBay: Update 5/16/05 More new lamp on ebay

Pages: 1 15 replies

keigs20 posted on 01/02/2005

A new lamp on ebay. With glowing eyes.

[ Edited by: keigs20 on 2005-05-16 21:19 ]

keigs20 posted on 03/15/2005


hala bullhiki posted on 03/15/2005

oh my f'n god!!....if i wasnt a broke ass social worker, id buy it now, right the hell now.....again, great work kiegs.......one day i hope to own one of your wonderful works.....

Trader Tiki posted on 03/15/2005

Simply irresistible

docwoods posted on 03/15/2005

Thank you...thank you very much! Terrific lamp.

keigs20 posted on 03/22/2005

thanks for all the addaboys. Thought I would bump it up only has 1 hour left!!!

Tiki Dude posted on 03/22/2005

Congratulations on the auction! You have to love those last second bidders! Wasn’t the original Buy-it-now” price lower then the closing price?

Tiki-bot posted on 03/22/2005

I watched the end of this, too. Haven't seen sniping like that in a while. I guess it's not uncommon, but I'm glad it went for more than it was at til the last seconds. I would have been all over it myself if I had a dime to my name.

Trader Tiki posted on 03/22/2005

On 2005-03-21 18:32, Tiki-bot wrote:
I watched the end of this, too. Haven't seen sniping like that in a while.

And guess who got shot!?

Blast, I wasn't even paying attention at the end... 'til an e-mail interrupted my Civ2 game and told me it was already too late...

keigs20 posted on 03/22/2005

thanks Tiki dude and bot. Sniping makes the end of an auction fun to watch but sure made the other 5 days boring. It sold for close to the buy it now. Tiki monkey sorry you got sniped.

[ Edited by: keigs20 on 2005-04-02 19:28 ]

keigs20 posted on 04/03/2005


tikitony posted on 04/04/2005

aWesOme! I really like the squaty table lamp's proportions, very very cool. The tall lamp is so crazy, I can't believe my eyes! Both are tOps! Are you gonna sneek to Oasis again this year?

keigs20 posted on 04/05/2005

Thanks Tony, I dont think I am going to make it to Oasis this year but you never know, I might get bored and drive down there steal some tickets and crash someones hotel room.

keigs20 posted on 04/07/2005

[ Edited by: keigs20 on 2005-05-16 21:20 ]

keigs20 posted on 05/17/2005
Monkeyman posted on 05/17/2005

congrats on the closing bids. Shit. I need to stop messing with furniture and ottomans and move on to lamps.

Figuring out what people really want is hit and miss.

Nice work Keigs

Pages: 1 15 replies