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Where do I find 60's photos of Sea world or Marine land Hawaiian punch sponsored restaurant??

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THOR's posted on 05/17/2005

I am dating myself here, but I have fond memories of this restaurant that was polynesian themed and I believe was sponsored by Hawaiian Punch.

My parents would take my sis and I to both Marine Land and Sea World here in California. My memories are jumbled as to which was which in my mind. I recall the pearl divers tank in Sea World that I loved to watch.

I have this very early fond memory of a hot day with the family and it was lunch time. We entered this Polynesian ..very open ceiling retaurant in one of the two parks. It was air conditioned and the decore was soo refreshing and tropical. I recall drinking a tall cold Hawaiin punch drink with crushed ice, a pineapple wedge and big paper umbrella.

Does anyone have old photos of this place or know more about it?? I would love to see it's image again.in some form. It was one of the kid things that hooked me on tiki's and Polynesian paradise.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/17/2005

THOR - I also have fond memories of going to both Sea World and Marineland many times as a kid. The closing of Marineland was a tragedy.

Here's an old thread about the Hawaiian Punch Village at Sea World:


Tangaroa posted on 05/17/2005

Hey Thor! Ironic that Wes Cook designed part of it, huh?

I miss the hell out of that crusty old barnicle.... Any word on Helen's "Cook Book" actually happening?

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/17/2005

I too have foundled memories of going to Marine land with father O'flanigan...

polynesian posh boy posted on 05/17/2005

My trip to SeaWorld in '76 converted my drinking habits from Kool-Aid to Hawaiian Punch. There was something exotic tasting in Hawaiian Punch back then. Can't taste the exoticness in Hawaiian punch today. Must of been that red dye they used.

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/17/2005

On 2005-05-17 12:25, polynesian posh boy wrote:
Can't taste the exoticness in Hawaiian punch today. Must of been that red dye they used.

Back in the day, Hawaiian Punch was owned by Pacific Hawaiian Products Co, in Kahului, HI and its contents were: Water, sugar, concentrated orange juice, pineapple juice, apricot, papaya, guava purees,passionfruit juice, citric acid, and U.S. certified color.

I have an old can of Hawaiian Punch on which they state "This is Rosy Red Hawaiian Punch, also enjoy Sunshine Yellow Hawaiin Punch".

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/17/2005

"This is Rosy Red Hawaiian Punch, also enjoy Sunshine Yellow Hawaiin Punch".

Doesn't it go in Rosy Red and out Sunshine Yellow?

Ok, so the Bong in me came out for a minute, sue me. I know you were thinking the same thing...

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/17/2005

On 2005-05-17 12:37, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

"This is Rosy Red Hawaiian Punch, also enjoy Sunshine Yellow Hawaiin Punch".

Doesn't it go in Rosy Red and out Sunshine Yellow?

Ok, so the Bong in me came out for a minute, sue me. I know you were thinking the same thing...

Damn Sugar, you're getting good!

(So it was you that took my mail order "Be a Bong Today" course wasn't it?)

DawnTiki posted on 05/17/2005

Ok, I'm going to apologize for this in advance since I didn't pass Bongs correspondence course, the final grade being based on feelings of guilt and shame for my bad slams/jokes/puns, my habitual need to go back and edit all of my posts and having extremely bad grammer :wink: SCD wrote:

Ok, so the Bong in me came out for a minute

Yes, but did he go in rosy red and come out sunshine yellow?

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-05-17 13:12 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/17/2005


You've been awarded an honorary Doctorate in Bongology, with all the horror and disrespect due to such a title.

Now, go forth and antagonize...

tiki mick posted on 05/17/2005

Are you starting trouble again, Crosby?

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