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Are you a southpaw?

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That's right, how many lefties do we have here?
Are you goofy hand? Gauche?

I'll start.

Tikiwahine is a lefty.
However, I bat right-handed. I'd still probably surf goofy footed.

Both my brother and I were lefties as children. Over time I found that things just seemed a little easier right handed. Slowly over the years I started using my right hand more and more, until most everything I do is right handed....
Then a week ago I'm at work leaning around a a door to speak to a kid holding myself staedy by holding on to the door frame where the hinges are attached with my right hand. A line of kids go through the door and start shoving and pushing....yep, door gets slammed across 4 fingers. Although all fingers were swollen and bleeding, only two fingers were broken. This has forced me back into using my left hand for everything. Seemed strange at first but now, I'm enjoying getting back in touch with my left-handedness..
BTW my bro. remained a true lefty...

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:58 ]

Supposedly, I am left handed, but Catholic school nuns saw to it that I would not learn to write effectively with the left. To this day, when I see a nun, I reflexively transfer any object in my left hand to my right.

For golf and tennis, I'm ambidextrous, which would be a double threat if I had any skill. For artwork, I paint and cut glass with the left hand dominant.

I seem to have no trouble lifting drinks with either hand.

My mom can write scriptive backwards and upside-down perfectly and simultaneously with both hands, so either it runs in the family, or she's a secret agent.

I am a Left Hander!!! And I think like a left hander!!! But, I play guitar right handed for one wierd reason or another!!! I think because I learned how to play by watching right handed guitar players. I am glad this posts exists because its a cold cruell right handers world out there........

My Mum and my Aunt are also lefties, my Aunt(who's now a nun) was forced to be right handed as a child, they'd tie her left hand behind her back! Now she's ambidextrous, and the coolest nun ever. (Loves to have a couple martinis when they let her 'out')

My Mum, who's younger than my Aunt, stayed left handed, and still is. She owns the quilt shop where I work, a very creative place!

Exotica, that's horrible, yet cool at the same time cuz you could go back to being a lefty if you wanted.

Tikichic, I have a blue or gray left pinky most of the time, and a bump on the right side of my middle finger, from pressing so hard when I write. It seems to be less pronounced now that I do so much typing.

I had this evil second grade teacher who always told the class that lefties had such beautiful writing, so when mine wasn't very good I was mocked in class. This is the same woman who used to say these things to me in front of the class: "Dummy Dummy where's your Mummy?" "Whip you with a wet noodle!" and "Pokey old Horse" I ran into her earlier this year and she recognized me, I still despise her.

Spermy, I just realized that I play the Ukulele right handed! Or at least I try to play the uke :wink:

Remember, only us Lefties are in their Right mind, the Righties are stuck with what's Left.

I write left-handed and eat right-handed.

I throw left-handed and bat right-handed. I bowl, play tennis and guitar right-handed.

I can paint or apply eye makeup with either hand.

If I were into snowboarding, I'd do goofy stance. I don't know about golf.

My dad is completely left-handed. My mom is completely right-handed.

As Yogi Berra would say, I'm amphibious!

I am left handed too...my right hand was
cut off in a chain saw accident.
Just kidding...but I am left handed.


Rightie,but I eat leftie.

I'm a lefty too ... Writing & Eating!
Not sure why, but I'm more comfortable playing sports right handed. I also wear my watch on the right arm which seems to be a lefty trait
When snowboarding, I'm goofey, which also describes how I look when flying down the mountain out of control (I guess my surfing would be the same - haven't tried it yet).

I'm right handed, and like my fellow right-handers from the Middle Ages, I believe the left hand is the "devil's" hand.

I do.

Kono posted on Thu, May 19, 2005 4:49 PM

For some unknown reason, I'm reading this thread and am reminded of the Macs are superior to PCs thread and I got to thinking...is there a correlation??

Right handed/Left handed? PC or Mac?

Me? Right handed and prefer the PC.

Don't mean to hijack but I am curious if there is a relationship.

I was just curious about who IS a lefty, cuz we have to adapt to our surroundings sometimes, and there aren't as many of us.

This isn't a what's better, what's not discussion like the mac thread, which was supposed to be more of a 'love in' anyhow.

I shouldn't talk, I've highjacked more than my share.

I like being left handed, had a customer proclaim my lefthandness yesterday, maybe that's what got me thinking.
I was looking at digital cameras this afternoon, and noticed that all the controls are on the right.

I hope there are lots of lefties in the future, so maybe they'll start making binders with the metal bits on the other side.

I read magazines back to front, it feels much more comfortable.

I know ther must be more out there!

Show yourselves! :)


When I was in first grade I broke my right arm (in NINE places!) and had to wear a series of casts for the better part of a year. Over that time, I learned to write/eat/bat/etc. left-handed and continued to do so exclusively until my right arm was fully healed. I was ambidextrous for most of gradeschool, but gradually lost just about all of the left-handed skill & coordination.

I still prefer to drive with just my left hand on the steering wheel, however!


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:57 ]

On 2005-05-19 19:58, tikichic wrote:
When I was a child and went with my parents to chinese restaurants, people would always stare at me because I was a little kid, eating with chopsticks, with my left hand. I never thought it was odd, I'm just a leftie. :)

Hmm, I know that in some countries people only eat with the right hand, because to do eat with the left would be dirty(it's used for other jobs) I would assume this would account for many people that are normally lefties being converted to right handed.

When I dated an East Indian fellow he thought it kind of gross that I used my left hand, but understood that in North America we do things differently.

Side story...a friend of his moved here from India. He was told to put deodorant under his arms(because that's what we do here) Apparently, the next time they saw the guy he had a stick of deodorant under each arm.


Lefty, for eating and writing. Righty, for everything else. I'm always puzzled as to why this subject comes up over and over everytime people see me eating. It's like I just did a magic trick for them. Does left-handedness really matter?

On 2005-05-20 15:26, Surf Seal wrote:
Does left-handedness really matter?

It certainly does in baseball! Right-handed hitters tend to get more hits off left-handed pitchers than left-handed hitters (and vice versa).

I'm a lefty as well... i do everything left-handed except that i bat right-handed. one of our daughters is a lefty as well, and she can do the script writing upside down and backwards also. pretty 'sinister' if you ask me... :)


Southpaw with pride!

You right handed motherfuckers will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes!

Sorry...had a few drinks.

Woo Hooo! Southpaw too!!!

Ink Smeerer and Starving Artist!

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