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Good mugs cheap, but be fast!

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Trader Woody posted on 12/10/2002

I just saw these mugs going for $3 a pop on eBay. Even if they turn out to be repros, it's a pretty good deal.


Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-12-10 07:28 ]

SullTiki posted on 12/10/2002

Better hurry on 32 available!

Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2002

Down to 24 now! I can't see these hanging around for long. They seem to go for upward of $10 each, normally. Does anyone know much about them? The one I've got seems to be pretty ancient (lot's of crazing dull look to the glaze, etc), and it's face reminds somehow me of 30's ads. It differs slightly from the ones on offer as it's a brownish-yellow on the inside of the mug.

Obviously these aren't from the 30's, but what era are they from? Are any being made now? Any repros, or perhaps the seller has just got lucky with a crate of unused mugs?

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-12-10 16:05 ]

midnite posted on 12/11/2002

They look like a box of deadstock someone tripped over. I am seeing new mugs being made that are derivative of the old styles, but this one looks vintage.

I have a mug in this style marked "Trader Pang's" and it is not as defined nor detailed as these. They're good little mugs at $3 per...definitely worth it. I have seen, as you wrote, many of these go in the $10 range.

The seller could easily get more for them, but with 30+, that would take a long time. Did someone say "cool mugs for cooler prices"? Looky here:

Holiday Tiki Sale


TikiManiac posted on 12/11/2002

This really is a great auction...now only if every mug could be 3 dollars... :)

He's down to 10! Wow!

...and less than 2 hours later...6!

Ok, they are officially gone...

[ Edited by: TikiManiac on 2002-12-11 14:10 ]

[ Edited by: TikiManiac on 2002-12-11 14:46 ]

SullTiki posted on 12/11/2002

So how many of those were sold to TC members?

DawnTiki posted on 12/11/2002

I like his nose! I PICKED one up!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-12-11 15:00 ]

Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2002

I grabbed four of them to kick it off.....

Trader Woody

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/11/2002

Sabu bought two.

Doctor Z posted on 12/13/2002

The good Doctor snagged a pair...

BTW - aren't "Trader Pang's" the mugs they sell at Hilo Hattie's?

PolynesianPop posted on 12/13/2002

BTW - aren't "Trader Pang's" the mugs they sell at Hilo Hattie's?

Yup - Those are the ones. I love em. At only $3.95 each they're great for everyday use. This mug however, is not a Trader Pang's. Trader Pang's uses an alternate glaze with a lower grade (IMHO) and is less crisp in detail.

I acquired one of these (not the Trader Pang's) a few years back and mine has an OMC sticker on the bottom. These look like new-old stock that the seller luckily came across. Great deal at $3.00 each!

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-12-13 07:49 ]

TikiManiac posted on 12/23/2002

Did anyone get their mugs in the mail?

Doctor Z posted on 12/23/2002

Mine arrived safe and sound last week. It wasn't mentioned in the ad, but it turns out they are Orchids Of Hawaii R-5's (identical to an Orchids mug I have already that is not marked "R-5"). Pretty sure they were deadstock - no signs of wear, nice crazing - awesome deal for only $3.00 a pop!

DawnTiki posted on 12/23/2002

I got mine in the mail a couple of days ago too! Very happy, but I have a question. So crazing is a good thing? Is this something one finds desirable in a mug? I am not a purist when it comes to Tiki Mugs as some of you seem to be. Old or new, ceramic or plastic, if it appeals to me, I get it. The only rule I try to follow is price, I don't want to give money away, like the guy who got the 12.95 Tiki Farm Repo Suffering Bastard mug for 130.00 dollars from a crooked seller on ebay. Man that gave me some nightmares!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-12-22 22:16 ]

Trader Woody posted on 12/24/2002

Good to hear that these mugs are arriving at their new homes. I'll have to wait for mine to make the voyage across the Atlantic!

As for crazing, it can represent age, poor glazing technique, or it's sometimes done on purpose. I'm not sure if it ever adds to the value of a mug (probably the opposite is true), but some people kind of like the effect. Myself included (At least for older mugs).

Trader Woody

PolynesianPop posted on 12/24/2002

So crazing is a good thing? Is this something one finds desirable in a mug?

Trader Woody hit it right on the nose. Glazing is not necessarily a determining factor for age, nor is it a good or bad thing. Many ceramic pieces that come out of Japan today are crazed intentionally to add to the character of the piece. I've seen beautiful ceramic bowls that are flawless on the outside with a rich dark glaze that is intentionally crazed on the inside.

Old or new, ceramic or plastic, if it appeals to me, I get it.

That's the mantra I try to follow. Rare or not, ceramic or plastic, crazed, smooth, straight or crooked - if it looks cool, then it's mine!

martiki posted on 12/31/2002

On 2002-12-24 04:24, Trader Woody wrote:
Good to hear that these mugs are arriving at their new homes. I'll have to wait for mine to make the voyage across the Atlantic!

Well, I ordered four of them, and they arrived last week. When I picked up the box at my mailbox, I immediately noticed a funny sound. A sound not unlike thousands of tiny broken pieces of ceramic. The kind of sound that makes your heart sink. Two of them survived intact. They were not well packaged- still inside their original box and the dividers didn't keep two of them from hitting each other. Since they were so cheap, I won't make any fuss, but be warned Woody, and I hope for the best for you.


Trader Woody posted on 01/03/2003

On 2002-12-30 16:40, martiki6 wrote:
When I picked up the box at my mailbox, I immediately noticed a funny sound. A sound not unlike thousands of tiny broken pieces of ceramic. The kind of sound that makes your heart sink

Oh dear...that probably means I'll be getting a box full of dust if they are travelling to the UK, surface....

Fingers crossed for calm winter seas, eh?

Trader Woody

Trader Woody posted on 01/29/2003

Well, my mugs finally arrived safe and sound, to my relief. It looks like the
seller had used up her supply of packing materials on my mugs - when I opened up the box, the packing materials virtually exploded all over the car interior.

I was in for a surprise, though....all four mugs were completely different from the ones advertised, apart from being green! I'm not too fussed, though as they are original Orchids of Hawaii deadstock,(later copied in crude form to make what Bosko terms a 'Trader Dutch' mug.) Not too bad for $3, though.

Trader Woody

Tiki-bot posted on 01/29/2003

At least you all got something. This seller hosed me by not sending me final pricing info after I mailed her 3 times. I posted negative feedback which she never rebutted. Much of her other negative feedback concerns poorly packed items also. A very shabby seller, imho.
Into the volcano with her!

Doctor Z posted on 01/30/2003

So... what's the deal here? Did everybody get mugs other than what was pictured in the ad? I mentioned earlier that I rec'd a pair of green Orchid's R-5's, but Sabu swears that is not what was in the ad. Did anybody else receive these, too? I checked the ad again and the text is pretty vague, and (of course) the picture of the offered mug(s) is gone. What was actually for sale? I mean it was a good deal anyhow, but I really have no idea what was pictured at this point...

Trader Woody posted on 01/30/2003

Yep, I got the Orchids R-5's too. I'm not too sure what the one pictured is called, though I've got one at home. It's green with a weird little face that reminds me of Michael Winner, director of lot's of movies starring Charles Bronson. If anyone has a photo....

As I bought them because it was a good chance to get 4 identical vintage mugs for drinking out of, I'm not overly fussed that they were the wrong ones. Perhaps if I'd really been after the one pictured, I'd be pretty pissed off.

NB. I also ordered 2 Fu Manchu mugs (Also Orchids), and they arrived as pictured.

Trader Woody

hula hula posted on 01/30/2003

I pick up 4 pinnapple mugs the other day, they were dead stock too, packed in the box they orginally came with, even had four paper umbrella's in the box , not bad for $4 each. The're also orchids of hawaii r-15


Turbogod posted on 01/30/2003

Ask and you shall receive woody.

DawnTiki posted on 01/30/2003

Sorry I can't find my digital camera, I had to use my web cam. My mug looks the same as the one that was pictured in the auction.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-01-30 13:45 ]

Trader Woody posted on 02/12/2003

I got a couple of these Fu Manchu mugs which arrived as promised. Orchids of Hawaii - not bad for $3.50, mint.


Currently 12 available.....

Trader Woody

DawnTiki posted on 02/12/2003

Down to 10 left.

Trader Woody posted on 02/12/2003

Just to clarify (after an e-mail asking me about the mugs), I'm not selling them. Just pointing out a rare chance to get oldish mugs cheap.

Trader Woody

Trader Woody posted on 02/15/2003

Just realised that all three mugs offered by the seller are found in Poly Pop's sig. We should have received the 2 mug along (some did) but may got the second to the right. The 'Manchu mugs are featured on the end left of Pops signature.

Trader Woody

Suburban Hipster posted on 02/21/2003

On 2003-02-12 14:55, DawnTiki wrote:
Down to 10 left.

I bought the ten. Eight of the ten survived the poor packaging, better than I expected based on the previous posts.

DawnTiki posted on 02/27/2003

Mine arrived today in perfect condition, super deal!

Pages: 1 30 replies