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Vintage Men's & Women's Watches For Sale ~ CHEAP

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Unkle John posted on 05/25/2005

I have 8 vintage watches up for sale to you guys and gals. 6 men's 2 women's.
These watches are in non-working but repairable condition. I am not a watchsmith, so I can only tell you that they do not wind up or power up if it has a battery installed. Here is a list of the watches as they appear in the pictures:

A. LeGant QS
B. Waltham (with a jeweled face and second hand face)
C. Waltham 17 Jewel
D. Exseikora electra 360

E. Juvenia
F. Orion
G. Timex
H. Timex

I am selling these watches for $20 each. Why? Well to be honest, I need money to pay for my mortgage and I am short this month, very short. No I didn't buy that Impala, it's being saved for me for a later purchase. And no these watches are not stolen. I aquired them when I bought this house. I do have more watches and crystals, tools and parts for sale. Like I said I do have more watches, but these are the most "modern" looking watches. The others I have are older or in a condition only for parts. If you want that stuff, email me.
I wanted to offer these watches to you all because you are like my 'ohana. And after some TLC and repair I know these watches will look swag on you all. If you want one of these, PM me. I am set up through paypal, so I can send them off to you asap. I expect shipping to be about a buck. I can also add more pics or send you them if you want more detail. Some of the watches have scratches on the faces and one (the Exseikora) needs a new wind up assembly (I love this watch..I wish I could keep it). So if any of you are interested, PM me, please indicate which watch by it's letter. It will be fist come, first served. I'll post here if anyone takes any of them. My wahine and I thank you all.

Unkle John posted on 05/25/2005

As of now the Orion watch "F" is on hold for someone, untill otherwise noted.

I rethought about the price. Honestly like I said I know these watches need work. Some more than others (I would assume, I cannot tell, i am not an expert) but if you want to make me a decent offer for them, I won't turn you down. I just want you hip guys and gals to have these watches.

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