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Sake cocktails you can convert to a punch?

Pages: 1 7 replies

mrs. pineapple posted on 05/30/2005

ok, this isn't tiki, but it is drink related.

I'm hosting a bridal shower for a friend, and we're making sushi and other Japanese treats for food, and I was thinking it would be cool to make a light punch with sake. I've looked up some sake cocktail recipes and we're going to test them today (not me, I'll be supervising) But most of them are shaker drinks, which may not translate to a punch bowl concoction.

I'd make a rum punch, but it needs to 'go' with sushi, and not be super potent. The last thing I need is a bunch of trashed bridesmaids and elderly aunts at my house.

I was also thinking, maybe substituting a sake for champagne in a champagne punch, any thoughts on this?

Bartenders? drink experts?

Thanks -
mrs. pineapple

Tikiwahine posted on 05/30/2005

You could make a huge batch of bubble tea

The giant tapioca kind of freak me out, but it would definitely be a good combo. Sake bubble tea?

Here's some history

mrs. pineapple posted on 05/30/2005

hmmm, I was going to do some green tea, maybe a green tea and sake punch??

I always saw the bubble tea at chinese restaurants and thought is was coffee-like!

mrs. P

finkdaddy posted on 05/30/2005

Maybe this but in a larger amount? You could add some sweetened tea or juice to punch it up.


dangergirl299 posted on 05/31/2005

I don't know about a punch, but I am eager to try pinapple or mango-infused sake:


[ Edited by Humuhumu to fix link ]

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2005-05-31 12:49 ]

mrs. pineapple posted on 06/01/2005

Thanks everyone, it will be fun for mr. P-Bot to taste test whatever I decide to mix! The infused sake sounds good!

mrs. p

sushiman posted on 07/06/2007

4 years late ...but I would never mix anything with Nihonshu ( Japanese sake ) ...Best as is with sushi . You could have chilled it , though .

Capt'n Skully posted on 07/07/2007

Guess I'm way late, but I think infused sake is the way to go with modern drinks.. And bride's maids, and stuffy aunts.. :wink:

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