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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Tiki Rhythms

Pages: 1 4 replies

elvira posted on 12/13/2002

I do not know whether the TIKI RHYTHMS cd has been mentioned on this site. (I'm new to this web site). It can be purchased at Pottery Barn, and contains standards, as well as new material. I've been playing it so much that I'm afraid it's going to melt.

samoa posted on 12/13/2002

Hi elvira :) Know what you mean by playing it till its broke. good thing it is not on a cassette tape. :)

[ Edited by: samoa on 2002-12-13 08:05 ]

stentiki posted on 05/21/2005

I know this CD has been mentioned before but this is what my search yielded.

Anyhoo, I love this CD and discovered today that it has a scratch that I cannot repair. I know it's out of print and tough to come by. Would anyone out there be willing to make this available via I-Tunes are some other electronic media (cd burn, etc.?)


Rum Balls posted on 05/22/2005

Sten Tiki, check your PM.:drink:

stentiki posted on 05/22/2005

Hey Rum Balls,

Mahalo for your quick reply and generosity. :) I just PM'ed you back.

Pages: 1 4 replies